Ming Pao News Agency

The U.S. election has entered the stage of dense drums. Democratic Party Biden made a speech today (August 21) and accepted nominations to challenge the Republican Trump.Century epidemic rays in the United States, and the economic prospects are all over. The Democratic Party has taken away Trump in order to take away Trump. The degree of solidarity is far better than four years ago. Biden won the White House this time.The personal weaknesses and Trump's populist operations have made the oldest campaign in this American history full of suspense. No one dares to exclude the historical re -element of Truman in 1948.Monthly prepares geopolitical hedging, and beware of the victory of victory and provoking international conflicts.Containing China is the consensus between the two parties of democracy. Trump and Biden are only in the former pursuing unilateralism. The latter advocates multilateralism.Other aspects are soft to China.

Biden wants to be a renewal Roseford Trump for a copy of Truman

The US election competes for long -distance running. The National Congress of the Boltan Party officially nominated the presidential candidate. The sign of the election campaign has entered the last straight path.The 77 -year -old Biden was nearly half a century from politics. As early as 1972, she was elected senators. This time was the third election.The opponent Trump, over seventy years. Of course, this longest election campaign is not vitality, but who is the most capable of leading the United States to overcome the difficulties of the century.

The U.S. epidemic is serious, and the number of diagnosis and deaths accounted for a quarter of the global cases. The vaccine has become the largest or even ended hope to control the epidemic.Biden Hong Kong time will give a speech at the conference this morning. Its confidence describes the current situation of the United States. Like Roosevelt facing the Great Depression and World War in the 1930s and 40s, Bayeng's speech will emphasize that the country needs unity and strong leadership in the country., Copy the crisis in front of you.Bayon's goal is of course hoping that voters believe that he can save the United States like Roosevelt.

Trump urges the states to restart the economy. Data show that American economic activities have recovered, and US stocks have risen to a record high. However, this kind of recovery based on rescue market rescue is still unknown whether it can continue to resist.The U.S. unemployment rate is more than 10 %, and the situation is relatively good than the financial tsunami. Millions of people face long -term unemployment and depend on borrowing at any time.Looking back at the history of the election, the candidate has the advantage. Since 1916, only three presidents in the United States have failed to be re -elected. The annual economic decline is the largest common point.Biden challenged Trump under such a situation, possessing time and place, people and aspects, Biden also better than Hillary four years ago.Hillary was regarded as a departure elite and did not receive the support of the left -wing progressive faction.Biden is also a traditional elite of the Democratic Party. This time, he actively beckoned to the progressive group. This week, the Democratic Party conference showed unity to defeat Trump's determination.

Many Americans intend to mail voting. Most of the Democratic Party support. Trump tried everything. Although the Democratic Party was worried, Bayeng's personal weaknesses may be an important factor in the overall situation.Biden lacks personal charm, only relying on the Anything But Trump, I am not Trump, and may not be able to effectively strive to leave the ticket.In contrast, Trump is good at populist operations and is good at inciting conservative white emotions. In the eyes of its supporters, the American epidemic rays, and it is wrong in China instead of Trump's incompetence.Trump was often full of lies, and Biden's problem was to talk about it. Earlier, he talked about 120 million people in the United States.After the preliminary election is qualified, the election of Biden is relatively low -key. Although the reason is related to the epidemic, many people believe that the Biden team actually chooses to wait for Trump to make mistakes. As the campaign enters the countdown stage, Biden can no longer use this anymore.Protonous strategy.

Police investigations have shown that Trump's people have rebounded as economic data and the stock market improved, and Bayeng's leading leader narrowed.Recently, the White House and the Democratic House of Representatives have fallen into a deadlock on the silver bomb rescue plan, and some Republicans even believe that this is beneficial to Trump.Historically, there are few US presidents who have successfully re -elected under the slip of the economy. In 1948, the Truman miracle was re -elected as the only exception in the past century. One of Truman was a trump of the trump of victory, that is, the Republican House of Representatives did not treat the economy.After Truman was elected at that time, the results of the headlines of the newspapers' headlines were taunting the results of the headlines of the newspaper, which became a historic classic photo. The car can be learned in the front.On the month, I don't know what means of Trump's use of Valley people. It does not rule out that he will deal with Iran or Venezuela, detonate geopolitical conflicts, and investors should hedge risks.

Biden advocates multilateral China -US struggle bureau difficulties

Of course, in addition to Iran and Venezuela, Trump may also take more provocative actions for China to seek valley tickets.Earlier Biden criticized Trump's policy on China and mentioned that the trade war imposed tariffs on Chinese goods. The actual buried was American consumers and enterprises, suggesting that the tariff measures would be considered after coming to power.Weak is a person in Beijing. However, aside from the operation of the two parties, it is just a look at the Democratic Party's recent policy program. After the Democratic Party cannot see the Democratic Party's entry into the White House, the United States has changed the generous needle to curb China.The manufacturing plan is actually the same as Trump's protectionist claims.The biggest difference between Biden's policy and Trump is that Biden focused on multilateralism, while Trump blindly pursued domineering unilateralism.Without a trade war, it is likely that it is likely to re -promote the cross -Pacific partnership trade agreement (TPP) to curb China's scientific and technological development will not relax, and the operation of human rights and Hong Kong issues will not decrease.The overall situation of the Sino -US struggle will not change because of the White House owner.