Respect is the most important principle and premise of China's diplomacy.

When we can often see the exchanges between China and the United States, the most interactive premise mentioned is that China and the United States must respect each other. Various occasions often emphasize the development of Sino -US relations and mutual respect is a necessary prerequisite.

The first of the five principles that Chinese diplomacy has always adhered to the five principles of peace coexistence is to talk about respect.This principle is the national diplomatic program proposed by China. Zhou Enlai, then Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China, proposed in December 1953 when meeting the Indian delegation, that is, respecting each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, not infringing each other, not interfered with each other in the internal affairs, Equality, mutual benefit, and coexist peacefully.These five principles are the foundation and complete manifestations of China's pursuit of independent and independent and peaceful foreign policies. They have been accepted by most countries in the world and have become important guidelines for regulating international relations.

The Chinese attach great importance to respect.Basically take this one directly as a one -vote veto item.From the perspective of Chinese people, if there is no respect, others are free of talks.Confucius said: Rites, respect for people.In other words, respect and respect for others is the most essential and core connotation of etiquette.Respecting each other between the country is not only another basic criterion for modern international law and international relations, but also another important basic principle of modern international etiquette.This principle is reflected in international exchanges, that is, sovereignty countries must respect each other and do not interfere with each other; respect each other's national character and personality; respect each other's social system and cultural traditions, and customs and habits.

However, China's 5000 -year traditional culture has made great attention and concepts, which is very different from the United States, which has only been founded in the United States.American civilization is mainly the inheritance of British civilization.

The respect of the United States is more linked to interests.

Adam Middot; Smith is one of the British Enlightenment thinkers, the founder of classical economics.In his opinion, personal interests are the starting point of people engaged in economic activities; people who are engaged in economic activities from the purpose of self -interest are economic people.He believes that the division of labor and exchange of human beings is out of the need for self -interest.

The true representative of the early American personalist thought was Franklin, and he put forward the self -help person's view in his works.Americans agree with individualism.The individual concept of Americans is rooted in the philosophical tradition represented by the 17th -century British philosopher Locke.Locke discussed that the individual of creatures is the basic unit of nature.Locke proceed from the natural state of human beings, and preserved all individuals to survive and struggle for self -interest.Society is a community composed of such a group of people in a voluntary contract. The purpose is to maintain the personal interests of the individual of the community.Locke pointed out in government theory: Human beings are born with freedom, equality, and independence. If they do not have their consent, they cannot put anyone outside of this state and make the political power of another person.Anyone who abandons its natural freedom and is subject to various restrictions on civil society is to form a community jointly with other people to conspire their comfortable, safe and peaceful life in order to enjoy their property steadilyAnd there are greater guarantees to prevent the violations of anyone other than the community.

Obviously, Locke emphasized the personal power, the individual formed a community, and the purpose was for personal interests.

Tocoke, published in 1835 (On the Book of Democracy in the United States, he used the term personalism for the first time in the book.The social system originated in the interaction between individuals. Tockerville elaborated on individualism in democratic countries and distinguished individualism and self -interest. He said: Inpidualism is a new conceptCreated a new word. Our ancestors only know about self -interest. Sympatheticism is a kind of extreme love for ourselves. It makes people only care about themselves and love ourselves.And the emotional emotions, it isolated each citizen with its compatriots, and alienate with relatives and friends. Therefore, when each citizen establishes his own small society, they will develop on their own regardless of the big society.It is concluded that: self -ism is an ancient habit that is the same as the world. Individualism is the product of democraticism and develops with the expansion of identity.

The country is composed of people.The United States is composed of Americans.It can be seen that the essence of Americans is individualism and interestism.

This interestism really constitutes the driving force of national behavior.No advantage, no behavior.

This is very different from the status quo of respect for each other in China, even if there is no benefit, and the status quo that will respect each other.Our Chinese people often respect for the relationship between people.

But in the American civilization, more, there is no profit, why do I respect you.Without profit, you can't produce your behavior.Without profit, you can do more do not respect you.

This kind of cultural differences in China and the United States must be clear about the Chinese people. If this is not clear, it will allow us to take a lot of detours with the United States.

Recently, when I saw a story of Long Yongtu, he mentioned that when he led the United States to negotiate China to join the World Trade Organization at that time, he never invited Americans to dinner.Because he knows, it is useless to invite Americans to dinner.The Chinese are happy to eat and drink each other, and things become, but the Americans are not like this. It ’s useless to eat, drink, drink, and feels useful. They only recognize interests.

From the years of China and the United States, it can be clearly seen that it shows that the United States is good, and the United States will not gain the respect of the United States to China.Show the United States, but can only show that we have no maliciousness to the United States, don't want to be enemies, and leave a room for interaction.

How to make the United States respect China, the core must rely on interests.

From the perspective of the United States, respect is what is beneficial.Respect is not polite.

It can be clearly seen from a speeches in Trump that his head -of -headed national interaction concept is completely priority.

On April 27, 2016, the US Republican presidential candidate Donald Middot; Trump gave a speech in Washington, the title was: China respects the power and we have lost respect.

The lecture criticized the Obama administration's foreign policy was a disaster and summarized the five major shortcomings of US foreign policy after the Cold War.The following is the lecture festival:

Hellip; hellip; Today, the direction I want to outline will bring us the principle of eternal.My foreign policy will always put the American people and the United States first.This will be the basis for me to make every decision.The government I lead, the United States is the main and eternal theme.For the future, we must first review the past.History will always remember our actions.Unfortunately, after the Cold War ended, our foreign policy was seriously deviated from the direction.We failed to formulate new policies in the new century.In fact, over time, our foreign policy is becoming more and more useless.Stupid and ignorance replace the original reason, which brings one foreign policy disaster after another.We have repeatedly made mistakes, from Iraq, Egypt, Libya to Syria.All of this began in a dangerous idea, that is, we can promote democracy in these countries, even if these countries have never experienced democracy or are not interested in democracy.We tear up their own government agencies, and then I was very surprised by the institutions we shaped.As a result, civil warfare in the interference area, religious fanaticism, thousands of Americans lost their lives, and trillions of dollars in water drifting.The vacuum state of anarchy was just used by Islamic State.Iran was also in a hurry to get rid of emptiness and obtain improper profit.I want to point out the five shortcomings in foreign policy.First, our resources are excessive.Second, our allies do not bear fair share.Third, our allies began to think that they could not rely on us.Our current president does not like allies, but nodded with the enemy.Fourth, our enemies no longer respect us.North Korea is getting more and more arrogant.Our president has allowed China to continue to attack US employment and wealth, refuse to implement trade rules on China, and refuseActive balance of China to curb North Korea.In the last point, the United States no longer understands our foreign policy.

The speech also mentioned that China respects the power and allows them to take advantage of the economy, and we have lost their respect.hellip; hellip; we must let the United States be respected again, we must make the United States stronger hellip; hellip;

It can be seen from this speech: Trump's understanding of respect.In his mind, he believes that China only respects a strong country.Then this side reflects that his subconsciousness is that only by a strong country can he respect.This kind of consciousness often understands others with this idea.

In 2020 this year, the global raging of the epidemic is that the Trump administration, which has been in the domestic crisis and re -election, has opened a state machine to suppress Huawei, tighten Chinese companies to list in the United States, clamor on the U.S., cool down, cold war.Many behaviors such as WeChat have emerged endlessly.

The above -mentioned American suppression of China naturally has the factors of election operations and epidemics.But essentially, there is also a lack of respect for national respect for China.The lack of respect is fundamentally because the United States believes that our interests to the United States no longer have too strong power to stimulate their respect for China.

This is also the core cause and fundamental reason for many people in the United States to be overturned or even the Cold War.Because, they believe that China is now seeking more in the United States, and the United States is relatively small in China.The judgment of this benefit directly suppressed the United States' respect for China.

Therefore, the current lack of respect for China is the result of the judgment of interests.

At the same time, the United States' suppression of China shows the lack of respect for China, and the changes in interest judgment in the root.

In summary, we can draw this conclusion: In order to fundamentally improve Sino -US relations, to fundamentally stop the United States' initiative to destroy Sino -US relations, to allow the United StatesRespect China, the core must rely on interests!

It is not enough to show that it is not enough. It shows that China has no maliciousness and does not want to be an enemy.It is not allowed to make the United States directly respect, and the United States cannot give up the behavior of disrespect.

So how to rely on interests?

The author believes that China can consider two directions.

The first is to increase the interests of the United States and China, and let the interaction between the United States and China have more Loco.

The second is to reduce or even crack down on the benefits of the United States and China, so that the evil deeds of the United States to China are not any benefits, and the second is to lose greater benefits.

First look at the increase in the interests of the United States and China.Economic and trade exchanges, international cooperation, and helping each other in the country can increase the interests of the United States and China in all aspects.China's own economic volume will be accelerated and stronger in the future.Increasing the work of the interaction between the United States and China, I think it can be used to make wisdom and hard work to find a way to become bigger and stronger.

Look at the reduction of the interests of the United States and China.For example, in the United States to suppress Huawei and WeChat, China can reduce the loss of the interests of Chinese companies in various ways.Account.This WeChat incident actually provided China with a very good way to fight against the United States in the future.Chinese people can have no apples, but they must have WeChat.Then WeChat can actually become a way to sanction the United States in China in the future.A questionnaire initiated on Weibo requires users to make choices between iPhone and WeChat. So far, more than 1.2 million people have participated in the reply.The results show that if WeChat does not support WeChat, 95%of Chinese iPhone users will give up Apple mobile phones and use other brands of smartphones.Chinese consumers believe that without WeChat, iPhone will become expensive electronic garbage.After Trump issued an administrative order, iPhone fans across China are now re -considering their dependence on iPhone.Trump's ban will force many Chinese users to turn from iPhone to other brands because WeChat is very important for Chinese users.If you no longer support WeChat, iPhone will become useless for most Chinese users.On August 11, Apple, Ford Motor, Wal -Mart, Walter Disney, Procter & Gamble, Intel, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Goldman Sachs Group, Morgan Stanley, UPS Express, Merck and CargiLarge multinational companies took the initiative to dissuade the US government to explain the problem.

Increasing the interests of the United States and China requires more common interests between the two countries.Reducing or even cracking down on the interests of the United States and China, this requires China's reasonable and timely response behavior to attacking the opponent's behavior.

As a result of the increase in benefits and the benefits of evil, these two aspects need to be used at the same time in China to achieve better results.

To make the United States more respecting China, the core is to rely on interests, and it requires more China to play the two cards.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher, Special Researcher of IFF International Financial Forum Research Institute