The United States' policies for China have experienced unprecedented profound changes since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 1979.National Security Consultant Robert Middot; Obrain, the Director of the Federal Investigation Bureau Christopot; Thunder and Attorney General William Middot; Balt and Secretary of State Middot; Pompeo, between June 24th and July 23rdThe speech on the Chinese issue has been a certain manifestation of a huge change.

According to Pompeo, this series of speeches explains the huge relationships accumulated in China and the United States for decades from different levels, and the hegemony intention of the Communist Party of China and the response of the United States today.A series of speeches of up to 2 hours and 15 minutes, about 15,000 English vocabulary, provided some important information for us to observe the U.S. policy of the United States' policy on China and the prospects of Sino -US relations.This article briefly summarizes this from the following 10 aspects.

Show the coordination of the United States' strategy to China

Former US National Security Consultant John Middot; Bolton's memoirs recently revealed to the world that Trump ’s chaos’ s chaos is even unbearable.This should also be a symptom of political and social issues in the United States today.Even so, the United States still has a professional civil servant system, as well as experts and think tank support systems in other countries, and think tank support systems, therefore, the United States has strong initiative and coordination with China policy.Pompeo's leading and coordination of the above -mentioned series of speeches is an example.

In a series of speeches, Obrain mainly talks about the ideological and global ambitions of the Communist Party of China; Lei Ze focuses on China ’s spy behavior of the United States; Barr emphasizes that China tries to change the United States through economy and other means; Pompeo in the finale of the finale;Remarks the threat of China and the necessity of the United States' new strategy to China.Regardless of the bias of the speech and the possible motivation for the general focus of the election, only Pompeo proposed and successfully coordinated several senior officials who have no for.In the meantime, the coordination and leadership of the United States' strategy to China should also be an important factor in observing and predicting Sino -US relations and future development.

Second, it contains misunderstandings and prejudices against China.In the speech, Lei quoted the two words of the Wall Street Journal reporter's previous mistakes: Huawei has entered a state of war. In order to survive, we need to rush and kill our road.As a federal director of investigation, Lei was not only questioned, but also passed on to the wrong translation.Ren Zhengfei's words to kill a bloody path are undoubtedly determined to express the difficulties, not to hostile with people and the war of blood flowing into a river.Related words are people who have experienced the experience of the martial arts, a common language habit and the era of the times.

As the only superpower in the world today, the United States' intelligence in China should be uncomfortable, but its cognition of China still has many misunderstandings and prejudices, and some are even ignorant.There are many exaggerated words and specious content in the series of speeches.These misunderstandings, prejudice and even ignorance are also an important foundation for the formation of the United States' policy to China.Of course, China may also have similar problems.The prejudice and misunderstandings between each other are one of the reasons for the deterioration of Sino -US relations.

Third, the United States regards China as a bigger threat than the Soviet Union.The Soviet Union had been regarded as the number one enemy by the United States in the past few decades after World War II, and the two sides once reached the edge of the nuclear war.Even in previous years, Russia was still threatened by the United States.But in the past two or three years, some reports from the US government have begun to regard China as the largest strategic opponent in the United States.This series of speeches reiterated this argument and further emphasized that China is the primary challenge of today's free world, and its threat to the United States is greater than a threat from the Soviet Union.

The series of speeches said that the Soviet Union was isolated from the free world at that time, and China was already in our territory; and China tried to overthrow the rules -based international order and let dictatorship in the world; this is a new challenge that the United States has never encountered.At the same time, the United States' response strategy is also different.Pompeo emphasized that the principle of dealing with the United States and the Soviet Union was trusted but verified, and now treating China must be distrust and verify.

Fourth, the United States uses the Communist Party of China as the main attack target.It is an important feature of a series of speeches to separate the Communist Party of China with the Chinese and Chinese people and the Chinese Communist Party as the main attack target.Lei said: When I said the threat from China, I was talking about the Chinese government and the Communist Party of China.Obrain emphasized that we have deep respect and admiration for the Chinese people.

Pompeo's speech is the future of Communist China and the free world of freedom. It also said that the United States must contact the Chinese people while resisting the Communist Party of China and give them strength. They are the vibrant and loved people.Because of this, the Communist Party of China has become a high -frequency vocabulary in a series of speeches.In the speech, the top leader of China also called the Communist Party of China, and was not called the President of China.

Emphasize the confrontation and confrontation of ideology

At the beginning of a series of speeches, the topic of the Oract speech was the ideological and global ambitions of the Communist Party of China.He emphasized that the United States had mistakenly thought that China would become more and more like the United States, which also led to the biggest failure of US foreign policy since the 1930s, and the reason behind it was that the United States did not pay attention to the ideology of the Communist Party of China.

He also said that ideological security is the frequent use of the CCP's leadership, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has also released relevant documents.The goal of the Communist Party of China is to create a community of human destiny, and resume the world according to its wishes.The Communist Party of China is getting out of the Chinese border to control people's thoughts and achieve results.Balta tried to clarify in cases that the Chinese Communist Party's compulsory unified action on ideology did not stop at the border of China.The series of speeches has repeatedly emphasized that the United States will fight back to China with allies and partners.

The international space of Chinese technology companies such as Huawei may be further forced.The above four senior officials, except for Bar, mentioned Huawei many times in the speech and listed many of Huawei's crimes, including: Huawei accepts government subsidies, ordered Chinese intelligence and security agencies to steal Americans' privacyWait for various information, steal the intellectual property rights of American companies, intervene in justice, deceive the US government and business and financial institutions, and threaten US national security.

There is no doubt that the above accusations are not lacking in the crime of addition, but the series of speeches mentioned more than ten times to mention Huawei, and once again clearly show that Huawei has become an iconic object for the United States to suppress China.At the same time, several other Chinese companies were mentioned in the speech.It is conceivable that Chinese technology companies and Internet companies represented by Huawei and Tiktok will be further suppressed by the United States in the future.In fact, shortly after the speech, Pompeo announced on July 26 that visa restrictions on relevant personnel of Chinese technology companies such as Huawei; and a more serious situation may still be behind.

The series of speeches is the United States comprehensively suppressing China's mobilization, declarations, and charge.Pompeo chose to open the Sino -US exchanges, the Presidential Library of Noshn as the collection of the series of speeches, announced not only the end of the United States' contact with China in the nearly half century, but also the policy of comprehensive curbing and suppression of China in China.start.The choice of the location has a strong contrast and contrast with the latest policies of the United States, which also makes the content of the speech more attractive and spread.

Of course, the establishment of an external enemy under the impact of the epidemic is also helping Trump to transfer the dissatisfaction of domestic people.The series of speeches also rendered some content that can more provoke the emotions of the American people.For example, through malicious ways and channels, China tries to control the US government's policies, manipulates American public opinion, combat Americans 'confidence in democracy, steal the United States' information and technology, weaken American research institutions and companies, prevent the United States from the United States fromDevelopment, let Americans unemployed, and Chinese damage to the U.S. and worlds by the treatment of the epidemic.

The series of speeches emphasized that in order to protect the lifestyle of the United States economy and Americans, the allies of the United States and the free world are united to defeat China's new tyranny.Undoubtedly, a series of speeches is a mobilization order for the Trump administration to condense or transfer the attention of domestic people. It is a declaration book for Sino -US relations to fall into a trap.Suppress China's charge.

Eighth, the United States will have more active attacks.Pompeo summarizes the keywords of its entire speech as a promotion of change.He has repeatedly emphasized that unless China changes, the world will not be safe, and the United States must promote China to make changes in a more creative and stronger way, because what China has threatened our people and our prosperity.

Obrain said that the American passive and innocent days have not been returned on the issue of China.The series of speeches also vowed that in order to deal with China, the United States will use all means.In fact, in recent Sino -US relations, active measures have been taken, and the United States is mainly the United States.It is conceivable that in the future, the United States will have more active attacks in China.

Ninth, emphasize the timing of counterattack.The series of speeches emphasize that now is the time when the United States and the freedom world takes China, and now it is the perfect moment of counterattack; if it is not counterattack now, our descendants may be served by the Communist Party of China.Strike China is the task of the times, and I do n’t treat it from time to time.

Tenth, China's international environment will change significantly.Chinese leaders often said that Sino -US economic and trade relations are the cockpit stones of Sino -US relations.In the author's opinion, Sino -US relations are China's entire foreign relations.Now that there is a problem with Sino -US relations, we will find that there will be various problems in China and other countries, including problems that people have been unimaginable before.

The United States is the only superpower in the world today, but for many years, if it wants to fight, it will usually fight for the support and cooperation of other countries, especially traditional allies and stakeholders.This is not only decentralized costs and stronger strengths, but also a highlands trying to occupy morality.There are such traditions in the United States, and currently there is such ability.

In fact, there is also relevant information in the series of speeches.Pompeo said that he had seen the awakening of other countries, from Brussels to Sydney to Hanoi.As a major change in foreign policy, the Trump administration needs not only to promote and mobilize the American people, but also send clear signals to the allies and the world.Pompeo has called for the establishment of a new alliance against China in his speech.Undoubtedly, China's international environment will change significantly due to the deterioration of Sino -US relations.

In fact, the series of speeches and some incidents before and after showing that the United States is building a strong situation and publicity in public opinion, and puts more sanctions on China in terms of economy.Make more blockage.

There is no doubt that the series of speeches exudes a strong smell of the Cold War, but today China is not the original Soviet Union, and the United States is no longer the United States that year, and the world is not the world of that year.Therefore, in the future, it will be full of more uncertainty.This is the crisis of Sino -US relations, and it should also be the beginning of the world's pattern into a new stage.

(The author is a staff member of a central enterprise in China. He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Berkeley California and Harvard University)

The United States regards China as a bigger threat than the Soviet Union.The Soviet Union had been regarded as the number one enemy by the United States in the past few decades after World War II, and the two sides once reached the edge of the nuclear war.Even in previous years, Russia was still threatened by the United States.But in the past two or three years, some reports from the US government have begun to regard China as the largest strategic opponent in the United States.