The first -level trade section agreement evaluation meeting was held on the 15th of this month.In the reality of deteriorating Sino -US relations, people are understandable for excessive sensitivity to Sino -US relations.

Sino -US relations originally became a booster for the re -election of the Trump election because of the tension to ease.

However, the epidemic has changed Sino -US relations and the world.It is better to discredit China for China, or to gather allies for accountability to China, highlighting the grievances of the United States for China.Trump believes that China has broken its re -election.

When the good prevention and control of China ’s epidemic spread with the spread of the American epidemic, and formed a sharp contrast, Trump became a joke in the United States and the world.The fight between Trump and the mainstream media in the United States also exposed the ignorance of the businessman's president.The death of Black Freud has evolved into street riots that spread throughout the country, and also made Trump left.

Trump's 2020 election has become a political gambling.His anti -China team also opened a comprehensive confrontation against China. The scientific and technological war increased, and Huawei overlay Huawei's 5G technology and equipment to make Huawei fall into trouble; crack down on Tiktok and WeChat.Hong Kong and Xinjiang affairs, and sanctioned relevant officials in China and Hong Kong to cancel the status of a special tariff area in Hong Kong.wait.

More importantly, US Secretary of State Feng Peio issued a declaration of the Cold War in China in late July, the main purpose was the failure of the United States' contact with China.Because Pompeo was published at the entrance of the Nesheson Library, it highlighted that the Trump administration was going to end the contact policy of China that year, which also meant to start a new cold war against China.

As the Trump administration's hardcore anti -China, Pompeo's Cold War against China gradually became systematic.The first is to rebuild the anti -China Alliance in the United States, and the other is to cut the Communist Party and the Chinese people.Trump's anti -China is more direct and rude. He calls the epidemic or a Chinese epidemic, and believes that the damage caused by the epidemic is much higher than that of the Sino -US trade agreement.However, Trump's anti -China is opportunism and short -term utilitarian behavior.Pompeo's anti -China is more strategic. It must not only end the contact policy of Sino -US relations in the past 40 years, but also start a new Cold War in Sino -US relations.

In any case, the free fall of Sino -US relations is a fact.For the two parties and the people of the United States, the election is the national drama that Americans pay attention to.As the November election approaches, Trump is in deep anxiety, and he is increasingly confident in himself. His elections are only anti -China.

The latest remarks are that Americans have to learn Chinese if Biden wins.The extreme anti -China emotions that he instilled in the United States is no longer a simple campaign language, and it implies the uneasiness of his political prospects and his fear of China.Trump was not afraid of Bynden, and he has always called him dozen, but his attitude towards China is quite complicated.

If there is no epidemic, China is a noble person. Trump can prove the correct U.S. priority policy as a foreign and economic achievements through the first phase of trade agreements to China.Moreover, the US stock market will continue to Trump market, let alone let Trump's appearance in the media, the public, and the world in front of the world because of the outbreak prevention and control.The epidemic strikes, and China has changed from noble people to enemies.

In this situation, anti -China has no limit and bottom line, becoming Trump's choice.Pompeo and other strategic anti -Chinese people took the time to allow Sino -US relations to fall freely, and even issued a declaration of anti -China Cold War.

Trump only thought of his second term, but Pompeo wanted to start the historical status of the Cold War against China.However, the consequences of the zero -sum game of the Cold War of China and the United States are the historical responsibilities that Trump cannot get rid of.

The United States' systemic pressure on China has both proper countermeasures, but it is more restrained.On the one hand, in the face of the comprehensive plugging of the United States to China, China avoided falling into the Trump trap, which fell into the United States anti -China, and did not dance with the drums of the United States.This is not only the position of China, but also the suggestion of American think tanks to China.

Faced with Pompeo, if the freedom world does not change communism China, Communist China will change us. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi believes that Sino -US relations have established a clear framework and emphasize: clarify the bottom line to avoid confrontation; smooth channels, frank dialogue;Refuse to decume, maintain cooperation; give up zero sum, share responsibility.

The inertia of deterioration between Sino -US relations has become, and the free fall of relations between the two countries is difficult to stop.However, in the situation where the strength and weakness of the strategic strength of China and the United States is still sharp, China temporarily forbearance, not jade, and it is the right choice.

The lower attitude of China has also caused the anti -China Trump team to lose certain morality.Although anti -China has become the mainstream of the United States, all sectors of the United States, especially the economy, still have the existence of Chineseism.Therefore, the lower gesture of China will not only help slow down the freezing point of Sino -US relations, but also help the bottom of Sino -US relations.After all, the interests of the interests formed by China and the United States for the 40 years are still there, and the maintenance of the stop loss between the two parties is not too late.

Therefore, Sino -US relations are likely to bottom out.On the one hand, although Sino -US relations are difficult to return to the past, whether it is Trump's re -election or Biden, the anti -Chinese noise during the election period will be quiet.On the other hand, the United States anti -China has also forced China to change. In addition to improving its own industrial chain, it is also necessary to use the development field of vision to observe the past, reflect on the present and plan the future, continue to embrace the world, open in -depth, and build new consensus with developed markets such as the United States to build new consensus.And rules.

(The author is a senior researcher at the China Chahar Society, a guest researcher at the Chongyang Financial Research Institute of Renmin University of China)