Author: Ouyang Wu

Source: Ming Pao

The 21st meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress passed the decision on August 11th to solve the solution to the vacuum period of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Legislative Council.According to the decision, four members, including the four members of the DQ (who cannot run for the election) before, the 6th Legislative Council continued to perform its duties at no less than one year until the term of the seventh Legislative Council began.

On the issue of how to treat the decision, the internal differences in the camp are serious, and no consistent position has been formed so far.The fighting faction advocates the collective resignation of the current Pan -civilian parliamentarians to express the opposition to the opponent's delay decision; the internal democratic faction is tangled.Pie's stir -fry pressure is wrapped and lost room for survival.The four members who had previously ran for DQ were more advanced and retreating.

In fact, the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is simple, direct, and effective, showing that the central government will put the health and safety of citizens' lives and safety.From the perspective of Beijing, the starting point of handling the topic has always been a big place, simple, and there will be no details.The decision will not be aimed at the political considerations of individual political groups or individuals in Hong Kong.

For the pan -people, behind the troubles of together, it reflects its self -positioning problem.For a long time, under the current constitutional system of the SAR, its cognition or confusion about its own roles, or lacks the consistency of due.

Since 2014, the overall opposition to the camp has been differentiated on the line of fighting, forming the three major lines of the establishment, the streets, and the international line.However, the traditional Pan -people has been retreating, and the inherent gentle political position has been increasingly wrapped in the struggle, and the political route has become narrower and narrower.

In fact, as an important component of the political force of the SAR, Panmin should have played a more positive and constructive role.However, in the eyes of some people who lack political determination and radicals, high -degree autonomy gradually becomes a rejection and even anti -Chinese tools, and Hong Kong wants to turn Hong Kong into a base for external intervention.

It turns out that the deviation of the route is undoubtedly a self -discipline.After the implementation of the National Security Law and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, such myths and fantasies of Panmin should stop in time.Hong Kong's political ecology has undergone fundamental changes, and the cost of radical resistance will increase.Oppositioning the camp will now be regarded as a big thing to seize the 35+ seats in the Legislative Council, as if any other important matters are blind.Under the existing constitutional positioning, the Panmin and the entire opposition camp should also be recognized. The Legislative Council is still a legislative agency under the administrative leadership system of the SAR, with limited power and unrealistic political fantasies such as the sky.How to avoid the trap of subversive opposition and adapting to the role of loyal opposition under the existing constitutional order, is the biggest political reality.

In the past, Beijing's attitude towards Pan -people has always been good at good.Deng Xiaoping said in 1984 that people who managed Hong Kong managed from Hong Kong should have left, right and middle schools.In this way, the mood of people in all aspects will be more comfortable.In the eyes of Beijing, Hong Kong is a diversified society, and it is normal to have different opinions.Since the return, the central government's different governance institutions have been actively communicating with the people.In 2010, the Democratic Party has historically entered the China Union's negotiation and promoted the passage of the political reform plan in 2012.After Lin Zheng took office, he also had a lot of good actions to the Fanmin.

When the world moves, the composition of the Hong Kong opposition camp is becoming increasingly complicated. Among them, there are many people who are chaotic, counting the chaos, and the muddy water.The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress decided to make arrangements for Hong Kong on behalf of the country's highest authority.Fanmin should seize the opportunity.Together, it can promote the opportunity to embrace a new start of Hong Kong people and transform loyal opposition within the legal scope. Together, whether it is a victory for the individual, the Legislative Council, and the Hong Kong society?

Oppose the decision, which is opposed to one country, two systems and basic laws.As Mao Mengjing, Zheng Songtai and others said, how will they be elected in the future?Does it mean to abandon all the elections in Hong Kong?Pan people think of it.