Xu Jin: How Chinese people look at China and how to look at China in the world always have different degrees of differences.Regarding China and the West, Kissinger's thinking is always worthy of attention.

It is said that the 21st century is the world of China. As the second China economy, China is currently in a pivotal status.How Chinese people look at China and how to look at China in the world always have different degrees of differences.

At this time, through the observations of foreigners, look at us, regardless of whether it is accurate or not, always get some information and perspectives that we don't consciously.

Talking about Sino -US relations, the former US Secretary of State, Henry Bull, who could not go around China -US,; Kissinger, I have also talked about his views many times in the public account Xu Jin.Kissinger wrote a lot of books, but in China, it was published when he was 88 years old. This is the first time that he tried to systematically explain his opinions on China in the form of monographs, and from the perspective of politicians and scholars.Interpret Chinese history, Chinese culture, and Sino -US relations.

When Henry Bull; Kissinger speaks, especially when talking about Chinese issues, the world will always hear.Almost fifty years ago, his secret interview eventually promoted the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.

This is a history of shocking the world, so Kissinger talks about China and has enough qualifications.At least in the United States today, many people think that no one is more familiar with Chinese affairs than him.At the moment, how should the two most important powers in global power get along and what changes should the United States make?It can be said that although his book was published in English, it was actually written to the Chinese.

Kissinger visited China more than 50 times, and he has been regarded as an old friend of the Chinese people.He has dealt with several generations of Chinese leaders and has in -depth exchanges.It can be said that at the peak of his political career, many of them are closely related to China.Therefore, China can also be regarded as a memory made by Kissinger for his most outstanding diplomatic achievements in his life, or it is also a response to the outside world for many years.

Kissinger was born in Germany in 1923 because of Jewish identity and moved to the United States in 1938.After graduating from Harvard in 1950, in the late 1960s, he served as a national security consultant and Secretary of State of the Nixon government.In this post, he secretly visited China and Zhou Enlai twice in July and October 1971 to guide China and the United States.Later, the Watergate incident broke out, and President Nixon Shimo.In addition to the surpassing scandal, Kissinger continued to serve as Secretary of State in the Ford government.In January 1973, Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize because of the end of the Vietnam War. When his reputation was the highest, he even proposed that he would run for the president.

On China's book, the intention of the intention is not small. Kissinger's position in this book is not so much a diplomat, it is better to say civilized observer.A society or country often believes that he will spend forever and cherishes the legend of his origin.One of the characteristics of Chinese civilization is that it does not seem to have a starting point.Chinese civilization does not appear in history as an eternal natural phenomenon as a traditional national country.It can be seen that his keenness of China has aware of civilization awareness earlier than China.

He began to talk about the uniqueness of Chinese history and culture. He has spent 5,000 years of splendid culture.Not only discussed historic figures such as Sun Wu, Prince Gong, and Li Hongzhang, it was natural. He also recorded and observed with his own feelings and observed it. He recorded some leaders and commented on Mao Zedong and others.

However, the main points in the book are still the changes in the 1970s of the 1970s, that is, the leading of reconciliation and quasi -alliance. After all, this is the most outsiders who Kissinger and his most speech.This period of history is also the most familiar to Chinese readers. Kissinger's discussion will naturally provide different historical texts. Its historical and academic significance will not be said.

Kissinger made a metaphor for the differences in Chinese and Western culture.The oldest chess circulating in China is Go. Winning outsiders rarely see them at once, while the West is a chess. The purpose is to kill the opponent and make the other party have no way.He asserted that if international chess is a decisive battle, Go is a long -lasting battle.The goal of chess players is to win a lot.

Kissinger emphasized that both China and the United States believe that they represent unique values.Both countries have regarded themselves as unique exceptions: the overallism of the United States is preaching and evangelism, and believes that the United States is obliged to spread its values to every corner of the world.China's exceptionalism is cultural. China does not try to change the beliefs of other countries and does not implement the current system of its country overseas.But it is the inheritor of the Central Empire, which divides them into different levels of tribute countries according to the degree of relatives of other countries and Chinese culture and political forms.In other words, this is a cultural universal view.

Looking back at history, more than forty years later, Sino -US relations are still the big topics that the world expects Kissinger to say, especially the subtle moment of Sino -US relations.Kissinger reviewed the history of the evolution of the relationship between China and the United States since 1971, especially Deng Xiaoping's efforts to expand Sino -US relations in the 1980s. What is his conclusion?This balance between the needs of the United States and China shows why sometimes ambiguous is indispensable for diplomacy.Normalization has been maintained for 40 years by a series of ambiguous ambitions, but it is not possible.Promoting the relationship between the two countries to continue to move forward requires the distant knowledge of both parties.

This assertion is still established today, especially when China and the United States continue to face conflicts in the fields of interests and ideology.Kissinger believes that the issue of China and the United States should be attributed to that China and the United States actually require each other to do?He emphasized that Sino -US relations should not be a zero -harmonious game. He has always called on the proper label of Sino -US relations should be a joint evolution rather than a partnership.

Kissinger believes that this means that both parties must pay attention to what should be done in the country, carry out cooperation in possible fields, adjust the relationship, and reduce conflicts; either party does not fully agree with each other's goals, and it is not assumed that the interests are completely consistent, but the two parties are both sides.They are trying to find and develop mutual benefits.

Kissinger's proposal is still pragmatic, which is obviously beneficial to the people of the two countries and global well -being.Furthermore, in response to the pattern of competing with each other on both sides of the Pacific, he put forward the idea of the Sino -US community to the Pacific Community. This is a joint system including Japan, Indonesia, and Vietnam.Or the United States system.

Any international system is the basis of alliance and mutual trust.Kissinger's idea sounds similar to the United States in the popular vocabulary of the past few years, but it is less aggressive and more aggressive.

There is no doubt that the initial positioning of writing in China should be readers outside China.Perhaps, it is the book that has always been friendly and enthusiastic about the Chinese tone, and even caused some Western commentators: Kissinger's attitude towards Mao Zedong and even China is too friendly?In fact, this is one of the reasons for Kissinger's criticism of the Western political and academic circles.

This can quote a detail in the book as a footnote.At that time, Kissinger secretly worshiped Zhou Enlai to break the ice for Sino -US relations. In order to avoid the problem of differences between the two countries, Kissinger wanted to talk about the evolution of Sino -US relations only from the perspective of philosophy.Beautiful land.For us, this is another mysterious land.When he heard this, Zhou Enlai waved his hand and interrupted: You will find that it is not mysterious.After you are familiar with, it will not be as mysterious as the past.In fact, after more than 30 years of reform and opening up, China is no longer so mysterious, and gradually integrates into the world and gradually enters the normal national sequence.

However, compared to the status of China's second largest economy in the world, how China gets along with the world with a more open and confident attitude on the international stage and the diplomatic field.It is difficult to avoid.

And this will be an important step for the Chinese history and mysteriousness.Today, Kissinger’s writing means to us not only can absorb its suggestions in the diplomatic field, but also the enlightenment of domestic issues.hair.As the British writer George Bull; Owaer said, whoever controls the past, whoever controls the future; whoever controls the present will control the past.

Talking about China, we must talk about how Kissinger talks about the United States.Reading Kisinger, you must pay attention to him and do not agree with all the views of Americans.His diplomatic position is a realist position. This is actually incompatible with the idealist diplomatic tradition of Christianity in the United States.Kissinger knows this.He used to vomit the country with the most international relations in the 20th century and the most contradictory country in the United States.There is no more pragmatic than the United States in daily diplomatic activities, but there is no more idealist country than the United States in pursuing the moral beliefs of its historical heritage.

Kissinger pointed out in a large diplomacy that the United States has always been different since its founding, leading to the formation of two contradictory attitudes in diplomacy: First, the United States has made democracy and politics more perfect in China, making examples for other people, so as to make examples of other people, so asThis is the best way to prove the superiority of the US values; the second is that the values of the United States make Americans consider themselves obligation to promote these values to the world.The idea of the United States wandered between the past and the perfect future of nostalgia.

It can be said that American diplomacy has the spirit of isolation and missionaries at the same time, which reflects the basic beliefs of Americans: the United States has the best political system in the world. As long as other humans abandon traditional diplomacy and believe in democracy and international law like the United StatesGet peace and prosperity.

Kissinger said that due to historical and cultural differences, China and the United States sometimes draw different conclusions; he does not always agree with the Chinese point of view, but we need to understand these views, because China will be in the 21st centuryIn the world, it plays a significant role in MDASH; mdash; On the other hand, China may disagree with all Americans's views, but it should also understand Americans' views.

After all, Sino -US relations may be the most important bilateral relations in the world.

(This article only represents the author's personal point of view, one of the author's general general series. More visible public account Xu Jin's economic man (ID: econhomo) and Xu Jin Finance)

On China

Author: [Mei] Kissinger

Press: CITIC Publishing House