China Review Society Review

Indian Foreign Minister recently stated at a seminar organized by the Indian Industry Federation that if China and India can reach a certain balance, then the period when China and India have disagreed with the rising period in the international political field and the period of re -emergence of the international political field.Not far away.

This is an important speech delivered by Indian Foreign Minister on the development of relations between China and India in a special historical period.Indian Foreign Minister said that China -India is neighboring and is the only two countries in the world with a population of more than 1 billion.China is the second largest economy in the world, and India is about to become the third largest economy in the world. We are seeing the rise of the two countries in handy but not the same, which highlights the importance of reaching a certain balance or understanding between the two sides.As an Indian Foreign Minister, it is not difficult to understand such a speech.

It is undeniable that the relationship between China and India is in a difficult period.Due to the conflict between the border, there is a trend of populism and extreme nationalism in India. The Indian government has taken comprehensive sanctions on China, which not only limits China's trade and investment in India, but also has a wave of anti -China in Indian society.This is extremely unfavorable for the improvement of the relationship between China and India.The Indian government tries to consolidate its governing status with the help of domestic populism and extreme nationalism in India.Therefore, it is very dangerous to use anti -China mood in India in China not only did not curb it, but instead use it.

China has always maintained restraint in dealing with the issues of China -India relations.On the one hand, this is because both China and India are the world's large population country, and they are also developing countries. The primary task facing is to develop the country's economy; on the other hand, because China and India are neighbors who cannot move away, and they are alsoCountries with nuclear weapons.China urgently hopes that India will change the policy towards China, actively handle the contradictions between China and India, and ensure that China's and Indian relations will not worsen further.

Indian Foreign Minister believes that China is an outstanding example of Indian learning.As an Indian diplomat, such a statement is valuable.However, China must fully aware that the political system of India is completely different from China, and the Indian government does not have absolute authority in dealing with the relationship between China and India.The Indian military is the third type of forces of the Indian domestic ruling party and outside the wild party. In order to maximize the benefit of the Indian military, the conflict may be continuously provoked, because only this can have more in dealing with domestic affairs.The right to speak can obtain more benefits in India.

The Indian army is now attacked on all sides and has a tense relationship with neighboring countries.This is what the Indian government is unwilling to see.Creating a good surrounding environment is essential to accelerate the pace of economic development by the Indian ruling party.However, the Indian ruling party is unable to control the Indian military, while the Indian military may provoke conflicts at any time and affect the economic development policy of the Indian ruling party.

China is in a very difficult situation in dealing with Indian relations.The Indian Central Government cannot solve the problems of the Indian military. As an important political force in India, the Indian military affects the Indian government's policies to China.China cannot make the Indian military acknowledge failure through the way of war, and of course, it cannot achieve the so -called balance by transcending the national interests.China can only hope that the political situation in India will change, because only in this way can China -India relations gradually return to normal.

China ’s handling of Sino -India relations must seek the possibility of cooperating with India through diplomatic channels, and require India to treat investors from Chinese companies and Chinese in fairness; on the other hand, they must be prepared for re -balance.