Author: Huang Shi'an

Fear of China, fear of China, and hatred has become the main theme of the DPP campaign in recent years.It has also successfully reversed the wave of Korean flow brought by the Jiu -in -1 election, so that the DPP will have the opportunity to win a comprehensive governance again in stunning.However, the reason why Tsai Ing -wen can manipulates anti -China emotions on the one hand is related to the ideology that the DPP has always emphasized, and on the other hand, it benefits from the political dividends generated under the confrontation between the US and China.The best internal publicity in the history of Taiwan and the United States.

However, with the continuous spread of the new crown epidemic, the Taiwan Central Popular Epidemic Command Center is dealing with the control of the children and the human rights and human rights issues of the children of Taiwan and the children of Lu Bai's marriage, but they have stiff cards into political operations.In the warming up, the contrast between Biden and Trump's relationship in the United States and China and the election of elections have made the DPP's long -term best internal propaganda effects in the history of Taiwan and the United States.There is a tendency to reverse.

The latest polls from Wangwangzhong showed that nearly 60%of the people believe that the current cross -strait should be strengthened. Among them, 72%of the young ethnic groups under 30 years of age strengthen the exchanges.%Means that identification is also higher than 39%that claims to reduce exchanges.This reason is nothing more than because of the impact of the epidemic, and the bitter fruits on both sides of the strait have changed from far from the sky to near the eyes, or even personal experience.

Many young people may have been seriously affected by government decisions in this new crown epidemic because of cross -strait business, schooling, and even marrying.Because of excluding the economic depression caused by the epidemic, it is restricted to return to Taiwan, and gradually opens up with a toothpaste.The government uses the political reasons for packaging sugar and clothing to restrict the reunion of the people, so that young people must be forced to separate from their wives and children because of irrational political factors.

In addition, the polls also show that nearly 70%of the people think that the United States supports Taiwan to support Taiwan to counter the interests of mainland China and protect the interests of the United States. Only 14%of the people believe that it is to protect the people of Taiwan.The best internal publicity in the history of relations has entered the end of the crossbow.The people did not take the Taiwan -US relations with the protection of the people of Taiwan.Because anti -Chinese mainland is the main axis of Trump's campaign, 70 % of the people know that no matter how good Taiwan and the United States relations are, it is impossible to surpass US interests.In other words, as long as there is more important US interests than the Taiwan -US relations, Taiwan -US relations may also change day by day.

Relative to the outbreak of the epidemic, the Taiwan government's differential treatment of land and other foreigners has only a few people's attention and sympathy. However, as the epidemic develops, more and more people have felt the inconvenience caused by interruption of cross -strait interruptions.Today, even the Green Committee has also joined the sentiment to assist Xiaoming's return to Taiwan, which shows that the current policy is far from the public opinion.If the Democratic Progressive Party has not seen the impact of the impact of the epidemic on cross -strait people's emotions, Tsai Ing -wen once again faces the challenges of Lai Qingde, which is only a matter of time.

(The author is the director of the Office of the State Council of the Taiwan Legislative Council)