Source: Hong Kong 01

After Thailand banned the Future Party in February, the opposition movement originally hoped to organize demonstrations. However, due to the epidemic and government's clustering order, most of the mourning activities of the Red Shirt Army suppressed the tenth anniversary of the suppression of the Red Shirts a few months ago.forward.Recently, when the epidemic slowed down, the domestic demonstration was sprung up like rain.Among them, the Thai State Legislative Government University, which had slaughtered the student incident in 1976. There were thousands of students' rally, and the slogans of Democratic and Vanity appeared. They opposed the military politics and proposed the three major demands of Budu, another election, and re -control of constitutional constitution.

The new generation of Thailand, which has emerged in the new chapter of the democratic movement, was widely known as Hong Kong people in the China -Thailand Wars caused by the NMSL.It is active in the online world, enthusiastically discuss current politics, and its democratic beliefs are extremely solid.Its struggle mode is also extremely rubbed into the trend of young people and popular culture. For example, the milk tea alliance composed of netizens with Hong Kong and Taiwan earlier, and many students in a demonstration are dressed as Harry Potter, claiming that Thailand is in Thailand.A group of Death Institutes control are time to fight by all wizards and democratic Muggles.In a demonstration, there were also students raised three fingers to imitate the resistance in the hungry game.

Wow Jilongkong's goal

These very immature students wearing school uniforms came forward to fight against the military government, representing the appearance of the new one -wave democratic movement after the red shirt army dominated by rural farmers was defeated.From the time of the reconstruction of the military government in the school, it must sing the patriotic songs from the school uniform, hair length, every morning in the school uniform, the children's Day to study at the military camp, the gift of the king of Thailand, etc.The rigorous rules of rule, to oppose the opposition and academic leaders who are constantly evaporated on earth, gradually point their finger to the Bayu Army government, and even rarely break the previous Thai politics taboos, publicly criticize the Thai king wow Jiralonki dictatorship autocracyEssence

In the rally of France and Zheng University, students came to the stage to read the Siam Revolution Declaration of Thai monarchy in 1932, and said that even though the country is the constitutional democracy of the monarch today, the people still live in the monarchy.The Thai Student Union put forward ten claims to limit the power of Thai king's power and abolition of the maximum of 15 years of prison. However, it is said that the move is not to abolish the royal family, but to defend the constitutional system of the Thai monarch.The conservatives regarded it as the world, and rebuked students to publicize the authority of the King of Thailand, and organized a demonstration to ask the military government to suppress students.The military government warned students to surpass the red line of the discussion royal family, and they would face strong suppression of power.

In fact, since the successor of Kaiziralon in 2016, all kinds of acts have made the people at home and abroad start.For example, his life is romantic, and he has married his wife four times. The private life is extremely unpredictable. Many years ago, there was a fragment of a segment of the former princess in the luxury swimming pool party and the naked princess.It did not converge after its landing. For example, after a beauty colonel was called the princess in 2019, it was the first time since the royal family established the constitution in 1932, but it was less than a few months later.Wang was not loyal and forgotten.And it revised the royal property law in 2017 to allow it to fully control the royal assets, and to take the two troops from the Bayu Government to listen to their personal dispatches, they were questioned as overweight.

The Wajiralonki, who was born by the army, was very close to the military, and also lost the transcendent position of the first king Popon to act as a arbitration between the folk and the military.The solemn image established by Miton for many years has disappeared.When Thailand was raged and social livelihood was withered, Wakaralon Gong disappeared. For a long time with the harem Belle in the Harem Belle, Jiuchi Gine Forest in Germany, which makes the people stronger dissatisfaction.Popular labels.

The Thai royal family has always been authoritative, but in just a few years, the lofty status of Proton's four seas has fallen thousands of feet.Today, Wakaralon Gong is centrifugal, and the student movement has not challenged the king's rights, or the watershed of the situation.Will the Thai people accept the claim of the student's sword referring to the kingship?Can this movement be expanded from students to all levels of society?However, if the Red Shirt Army, who has always supported his faith and opposed to Bayu joined the cheering, it would cause Thailand to fall into the original political struggle.Thailand wants to get out of the alley. Whether it is from the voice of the student movement or the opposition, the Bayu government cannot listen to it and seek political reconciliation.When the younger generation of Thailand appears political awakening, is the power of power awakened again?