Source: United Daily

Xiaoming, under the age of six, can finally return to Taiwan. The epidemic commander Chen Shizhong squeezed toothpaste and promised to make as much as possible to return to Taiwan before the start of the new semester.Regarding the issue of land, Minister of Education Pan Wenzhong also answered in a real question, hoping to make good use of the most golden time of the summer vacation to allow them to return to Taiwan to continue their studies; then, the chairman of the land committee Chen Mingtong said empty last week that they would let them let them let them let them make them.Come back to study, please rest assured, do you have the opportunity to fulfill before the start of school in September?

Lu Sheng has returned to Taiwan for 202 days.When the old students of global overseas can come to Taiwan to quarantine, they can eliminate Lu Sheng alone.With political screening; the Cai government not only uses honest lies to face democracy, human rights and progressive value, but also abducts the young generation and the future of Taiwan with hatred and ideology.

In the past two hundred days, the policy of returning to Taiwan has been repeatedly repeated, but Lu Sheng was always excluded first. When the foreign fresh graduates returned to Taiwan in July, including the current Lu Sheng.However, as the global epidemic flip, the U.S. -Europe outbreak is far from mainland China.

Last week, the Ministry of Education announced that it would be open to Taiwan to return to Taiwan, but immediately excluded Lu Sheng and admitted that it was because of some considerations on both sides of the strait to understand the political considerations pointing to the MAC, and it was no longer a reason for epidemic prevention.The MAC accused each other with the Ministry of Education, and also accused the mainland of setting up political obstacles.However, from the endorsement of the Dafang Certificate of the Land and the Chancent Certificate, the school's documents must not appear national text, to the low willingness to return to Taiwan after graduating, and each statement of the MAC is refuted; it turns out that there is only Taiwan's obstacles, no land obstacles from the land side's obstructionEssenceLu Sheng came to Taiwan to study, and the Tsai government blatantly demonstrated an honest lie.

It seems that as long as the cross -strait is involved, the ministries will be at a loss, only to know that politics is correct.In February, the MAC opened Xiaoming to return to Taiwan, turned four times within two days, and was finally withdrawn by the epidemic command center. This time, due to the confusion of cross -ministerial operations, Jiuyi's manuscript was determined that Xiao Xiaoming under the age of six could return to Taiwan.The Ministry of Education was open to Taiwan to return to Taiwan, and was forced to rotate and eliminate Lu Sheng in three minutes. Chen Mingtong also accused the Ministry of Education of regardless of the epidemic.In addition to the political levels such as the courtyard and the Guoan, politics correctly disordered the decision -making of the ministry, hindering the communication of the ministry, allowing Taiwan's epidemic prevention policies and quarantine standards to swing between scientific epidemic prevention and political screening.The dual -epidemic prevention has long been demolished the altar of Chen Shizhong.

The Tsai government has a dual standard for preventing epidemic prevention because of the dual human rights.The legitimate rights and interests from the return of Taiwanese businessmen to the return home and Xiaoming to Lu Sheng's learning were sacrificed for no reason.The indifference of the Cai government is clear; Ironically, after Chen Ju, who is known as the human rights fighter, entered the Lord Supervision Institute, just wanted to conduct the power of the president, to chaos the inter -court negotiation, and reached out to enter the DPP.In a field of judicial independence, why not say a word about the joint infringement of human rights in various ministries?

What's more serious, the Cai government is creating the hostileness of cross -strait folks, especially the young generation.The Tsai government is a American chess piece, but the US Secretary of State Pompeo promotes the New Cold War, at least trying to distinguish the Chinese Communist regime and the people of the mainland.The Tsai government resisted, but the mainland did not distinguish between the party and the government and the people. However, punishing Lu Sheng and the enemy of the people of the mainland, would it help Taiwan's security?Even the DPP former legislators Lin Zhuoshui pointed out that in terms of humanitarian principles, values, images, or long -term strategies, Guoan decision -making should be adjusted.Good, open other countries without opening the mainland, do you need this?

Taiwan's discrimination policy and hostile atmosphere have long caused Lu Sheng's disappointment and dissatisfaction; however, the Lu Sheng group reminded each other to resolve negative emotions, avoid disappointment of hatred, hopes to support each other, and strive to return to Taiwan to learn rights and interests.Young generations on both sides of the strait are the answers of cross -strait relations in the future. Young people on both sides of the strait have learned interaction, friendly exchanges, and understanding each other in the democratic society and free campuses in Taiwan.The Tsai government, a political isolation of the Cai government, has abducted the entire younger generation with hatred and ideology, and has also been abducted in the future of Taiwan; however, do you need it?