Source: Global Times

Author: Liu Ge

The three heroines of the Chinese hit TV series, one who is married and has a child, a married no child, and an unmarried.A recent investment bank report defines the economy of the younger sister as a new consumer force.According to this research on the style of follow -up, unmarried Wang Manni is the most typical younger sister and is the target customer of the younger sister's economy.

Large cities work, economic independence, high income, and no family burden. These are almost used to define the young lady.In fact, this group has always been the leader of fashion consumption, but in recent years, this group has indeed expanded significantly. First, young women who have continuously poured out of campus, more and more work in first -tier and second -tier cities; second, women's single and postponed delayThe willingness of marriage age and childbearing age is getting stronger and the tolerance of this willingness to this kind of will.

Compared to the consumption habits of buying a big -name bags for a few months, the young ladies and sisters would rather have a big -name bag for a few months. Today, the young ladies are more willing to spend money on their own experience, and spend money to show others, and and and.The degree of comparison is slightly reduced.On the whole, the consumption experience of young women is more self and richer in the consumption field, which is a change.

But it is interesting that in the film advertisement of the TV series, it is the world of Gu Jia, the protagonist No. 2.Several advertisements inserted from beginning to end are the nursery rhymes who played the female No. 2 Gu Jia, and they could not see the female No. 1 Jiang Shuying and the female No. 3 Mao Xiaotong.Not because of nursery rhymes, they have a greater reputation, but their roles determine their own business value.The width of the image of a big sister with a baby is of course higher than the younger sister.

Some people wrote that the young women who were nicknamed the younger sister were rapidly becoming the driving force for China's consumption, driving the prosperity of various industries such as cosmetics, sports and leisure products to food, beverages and home appliances.However, these facts are not enough to support the surprise that the so -called young lady's economic phenomenon is suddenly discovered. In fact, it is the topic of pan -entertainment caused by explosive TV programs. It is not particularly significant for corporate operations.

China still has an average monthly income of 600 million people less than 1,000 yuan (RMB, the same below). This year, the prime minister proposed by the Prime Minister of the two sessions is actually very ordinary statistical figures surprised the media and the public. This actually reflects the media and the so -called mainstream society and merchants.The awareness of Chinese consumer groups is greatly deviated.In addition to these 600 million people, the average monthly income of more than 600 million people is between 1,000 yuan (S $ 197) -5,000 yuan, and the average monthly income of less than 5,000 yuan is less than 200 million.

So far, the total population of less than 200 million people is far greater than the consumption power of more than 1.2 billion people in terms of total.In addition to the small number of rich people, this mainstream consumer group is composed of civil servants, professional and technical personnel, white -collar workers in large cities, small and medium -sized cities and small rural owners.The construction of the most mainstream consumer goods brands in China, the design of the business model, and the establishment of the operation method of operation is basically based on this so -called mainstream consumer group, and the younger sister's economy still belongs to this category.

The so -called non -mainstream markets, from products to commercial circulation, are divided by highly decentralized, regional, and inferior enterprises.In small and medium -sized cities and villagers, consumers still often buy cheap but cost -effective cottage products and services.However, in recent years, a significant change is that this wider group with a per capita monthly income of 1,000 yuan-5,000 yuan has been growing rapidly.In some Internet companies' research market documents, this group is called the sinking market, but in my opinion, this is not a sinking market, but it is likely to form with the original 200 million consumer groups in a short time.Real mainstream consumer market.

In the process of industrialization and urbanization of developed economies in the past, the rapid expansion of the mainstream consumer population generally occurred during the end of industrialization and the later stage of industrialization consumption became the main force of economic development.In the United States, this time occurred between the 1940s and the 1970s, between Japan from the 1960s and 1980s.Accompanied by this, the last wave of urbanization in the entire society, the urban population transitioned from about 60%to more than 80%, which basically completed the urbanization.

In the United States, from McDonald's to KFC, from Wal -Mart to Horizon, from Gap to Nike, they were born at this stage of development.These brands are in China, even if they are still at the mid -to -high price end, they are the daily consumption of the public when they are born and now.

There is also a very interesting phenomenon. The place of their birth is not the so -called first and second -tier cities, but the suburbs and even thousands of people.The town gene represents cheapness. After the integration of cheapness with modern logistics, informatization and modern management, the real and low -cost mass consumer market will be formed.

Therefore, for Chinese companies, whether it is a mainstream market for 800 million to 1.4 billion people, or a market that is positioned in 200 million people, it is actually a must -choose topic.From the perspective of the brand, one is to go up, taking a road that rely on the brand to obtain a high premium. This road is extremely difficult to succeed, and it is easy to be squeezed down the mountain.In addition, it is a way to rely on the brand to obtain a higher market share. At least now, this road is much more gentle.