Right now, the discussion of the status quo and future of US -China relations is a very important thing.Not long ago, I met President Carter in Pryinus, Georgia, and he was still very concerned about the development of the relationship between the two countries. I hope to strengthen communication and cooperation between the United States and China to improve this important diplomatic relationship.

On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the normalization of US -China relations, President Carter wrote an article about how to repair US -China relations and prevent modern cold war from the Washington Post.In the United States, we heard the drums that entered the Cold War with China.Seeing Washington ordered the closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston, and Beijing was very disappointed with closing the US consulate in Chengdu in Chengdu.Such actions and responses may really derail bilateral relations.In the past 40 years, these bilateral relations have been a stabilizer to maintain peace and prosperity in the United States and China and the world.

We need to answer a key question that affects the sustainable development of relations between the two countries: why is there such a huge gap in the views of the two parties in the past 40 years?President Xi Jinping has repeatedly stated that we have a thousand reasons to make Sino -US relations well, and there is no reason to damage Sino -US relations. However, we now see that bilateral relations are rapidly deteriorating.

The Carter Center adheres to the discussion activities on the topic of US -China relations with relevant Chinese agencies, the purpose is to find out the main reason for this gap.President Carter wrote in the column of the Washington Post: Americans need to understand that as China does not have the right to interfere with the US internal affairs, we have no right to interfere with China's national governance and leaders' selection methods.It is true that even countries with close relationships will criticize each other from time to time, but this criticism should not be instructions or laws, but only a two -way dialogue.

However, I don't want to talk about the causes of problems in US -China relations too much.On the contrary, I want to discuss how to protect President Carter and Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping's legacy, so that US -China relations are beneficial to the development of the two countries and the world.On July 9 this year, Wang Yi, a Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, said at the China -US Think Tank Media Forum that both China and the United States should keep right and keep pace with the times and maintain the correct direction of Sino -US relations.Minister Wang Yi suggested to repair bilateral relations. China and the United States should sort out three lists: one is a list of cooperation fields, and the other is a list of constructive dialogue, and the third is the list of issues that need to be properly controlled.Carter Center and Nanjing University Huazhi Global Management Institute have organized a list of online discussions.

First of all, the easiest to determine is the list of issues that need to be controlled.The issue of Taiwan and the South China Sea is most likely to trigger the armed conflict between Beijing and Washington. Therefore, the United States and China must be upgraded to how to control and condemn and sincere consultations before these two issues are upgraded to war.

Secondly, in the dialogue list, a key area needs to be mentioned: human rights.Prior to this, the United States and China had a regular dialogue on human rights issues, and what they needed to do now is to restore these dialogues.Although Beijing said that the issue of Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong is China's internal affairs, but can also discuss with the United States, so that both parties can understand the core concerns of each other and achieve understanding.Improving transparency and willingness to share information on this issue will enhance each other's understanding and trust, which is essential for improving bilateral relations.

Finally, the biggest impact on bilateral relations may be the list of cooperation.Minister Wang Yi said that this list should clarify the matters that China and the United States need in bilateral fields and global affairs and can cooperate. The longer this list, the better.As President Carter pointed out in a letter to the President of the Chinese People's Friendship Association, the new crown epidemic was initially outbreak in China. The United States is now an epidemic in the epidemic. It is a tragedy for the two countries to cooperate on vaccine research and development.

Because, we all know how smooth the cooperation between the United States and China is in order to curb the Ebola epidemic in Liberia, Sierra Leine, and Guinea from 2014 to 2016, and the establishment of the African Disease Prevention and Control Center.If the two countries choose not to cooperate, any effort to reverse climate change is destined to fail.President Carter actively intervened in the early 1990s to achieve its efforts to achieve no nucleusization of the Korean Peninsula.Without China, this effort launched by President Carter will never succeed.China and the United States are the two most important engines in global economic growth.If the United States and China are decomposed in the fields of finance, technology, manufacturing, and trade, the world economy will be severely damaged, and China's huge poverty alleviation cause will be affected.

In addition, China can play a huge role in the peace processes of the United States and other international partners in the Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali and other African countries.China's influence on these countries is increasing day by day.

In December 2012, President Carter visited China and opened the Sino-US Relations Forum co-sponsored by the Carter Center-the Chinese People's Friendship Association. The theme of that meeting focused on how to establish a new type of great power between the two countries.We should continue to pay attention to this theme. The people of China and the United States can benefit a lot from this relationship, and trying to divide this relationship is not only wrong, but also impossible.

President Carter once said that (the United States and China) have enabled our two countries, the Asia -Pacific region, and even the world to gain unprecedented peace and prosperity.Many people who have devoted themselves to improving US -China relations believe that this progress does not know this, which not only reflects the ignorance of history, also shows the rigidity of ideology, but also reveals political blindness.In order to continue this contact, I hope that the governments of the United States and China and the people can further promote dialogue and strengthen exchanges. On the one hand, we can find ways to deal with some of the most urgent challenges in the world.

Source: Global Times

Author: Peggy Middot; Alexander

Translation: Zhang Jinfeng, Zhao Danning