Author: Zhang Yazhong

Source: China Times

The US Minister of Health, Azar, visited Taiwan, and the DPP government highly promoted that this was the highest -level US cabinet officials since 1979.It is true, but what is the disk behind?

On the surface, the US trip is to discuss issues such as epidemic prevention measures and global health. However, at the moment of the tactical layout of mainland China in the United States, this trip is also based on the partnership of the United States and Taiwan.It is proved to the United States and China to prove that Taiwan is a part of the United States to block the mainland.

Looking back at the process of visiting US officials in 2000 and 2014, the United States was conservative and cautious. At that time, the United States still regarded the emphasis on exchanges with the mainland than to curb. The US -Taiwan relations could not affect the strategic thinking of US -China relations, but their subordinates.After Trump came to power, the essence of US -China relations changed, curbing the emphasis on exchanges, and the role of Taiwan changed.

Under the leadership of the Trump team, the United States currently fights the mainland's combination of trade, technology, network, South China Sea, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other issues.Taiwan is undoubtedly the most sensitive nerves in Beijing. Therefore, for the United States, playing Taiwan is a tool with low cost and high effect. In addition to the five -eye alliance is the old class of the United States, it is most willing to cooperate with the United States in East Asia.It is the DPP government in Taiwan.

Since taking office in 2016, Tsai Ing -wen has adopted the strategy of hostile and alienation in the mainland, so he has all the security of Taiwan on the United States.Since the DPP government has turned his face with Beijing, it must be more highly high from the United States. In order to attract the DPP government, the United States has also passed the Taiwan Travel Law, the Taiwan Guarantee Law, and the Taipei Act.Entering the party government.The DPP government also regards the US as a diplomatic achievement, so as to be affirmed by the public.

To deal with mainland China is the common position of the Trump Eagle and the DPP government, but the main relationship between the United States and Taiwan is very clear that the United States is a strategic setter and Taiwan is the follower of the United States.It's a chess piece.

In March of this year, Meitai's high -profile signing of the joint statement of epidemic prevention partnerships, claiming that the focus of the cooperation between the two parties includes six major items including the R & D reagent research and development, vaccine research and production, and drug research and production.The United States retains 300,000 raw materials for Taiwan.But after one month, the public understands that the raw materials of the protective clothing still cost money.The United States has never promised Taiwan to give priority to obtaining vaccines in cooperation with both parties or authorized production.The political nature of this joint statement is far greater than substantial.

The US Minister of Health's visit to Taiwan is also politically greater than substantial.The United States originally hoped that this trip could anger Beijing to continue to intensify the conflict of the United States and China.However, in the past few days, Beijing's strategic position has been adjusted. From August 4th Ambassador Cui Tiankai, August 5th, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, and Yang Jiechi, director of the Office of the CPC Central Committee of the CPC Central CommitteeIt can be seen that Beijing has now moved from peer retaliation to refusing to decompose, maintaining cooperation, and abandoning zero sum. Before the US election on November 3, try to face American stimulus as much as possible.

Azar's visit to Taiwan is a step for the United States strategy to curb mainland China. Taiwan is a chess piece. At present, Beijing is not in a hurry to dance with this step.However, on the other hand, the DPP government has taken the danger signs of Han Feizi's warning to reinforcement.The DPP government handed over its destiny to the United States in the distance, but it was the enemy of the neighboring strong. Among the three sides of the United States, China, and Taiwan, it was the most wise and destined party.