Author: Su Yonglin

Source: China Times

The Hong Kong Police National Security Department was established shortly after the establishment of the founder of the Apple Daily, Li Zhiying, and his son, and his son, together with one media cadre, and seven, and searched the One Media Headquarters and the Li Zhiying Office.This operation was the largest opposition member arrested by the police after the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect.

Some analysts stated that the arrest operation was a response and countermeasure to the United States that the United States announced the sanction of 11 mainland and Hong Kong officials last week, and predicts that this will stimulate the scope of the United States to expand its sanctions.This statement makes sense, but it is not completely appropriate.From the point of view, the United States chose to announce the sanctions list on Friday. China immediately arrested Li Zhiying, an important indicator of important indicators on Monday.

However, if the Hong Kong National Security Law was officially effective on the evening of June 30, observing a series of actions of the Hong Kong police, especially the Guoan Department, can be seen to be deployed or interested in it.The national security premiere of Hong Kong occurred on July 1. On the same day, the 23 -year -old restaurant waiter Tang Yingjie brought Hong Kong Duqi and drove a locomotive to collide with a police officer, and was arrested for inciting split countries and terrorist activities.This case is not an active investigation of the police. To some extent, it is a passive law enforcement, and the object of law enforcement is not public figures or politicians.

The actual action of index significance is that the Hong Kong police on the evening of July 29 with the crime of organizing, planning, implementing and participating in the division of the country and inciting, assisting, instigating and funding others to split the country.Four people including Hong Kong independence organizations, Han Hanlin.Police information shows that the four were found to establish a Hong Kong independence organization on the Internet. The meaning of their words violated the principle of non -traceability and still engaged in Hong Kong independence activities after the National Security Law came into effect.

Similarly, seven media cadres such as Li Zhiying and other media were also the result of the active investigation of the police.Police said that seven people involved the crime of collusion with foreign or overseas forces to endanger national security and conspiracy fraud.At the same time, the Hong Kong police also issued a wanted order to Li Zhiying assistant Mark Simon with the background of the United States Republican Party.Two major messages are conveyed in the above action:

First, of the four crimes listed in the Hong Kong National Security Law, the reasons for the current action of the Hong Kong police have included three crimes, and the crimes of the state power have not been quoted.It is reminiscent of the preliminary election of the Legislative Council held by the Hong Kong Opposition Camp in early July. It was characterized by the Beijing agency in Hong Kong to subvert the state power, and Dai Yaoting, the preliminary planner, was quickly fired by the University of Hong Kong.Therefore, does the Hong Kong police national security department be cut in the next selection and investigated the first crime of subverting the state power?

Second, according to Hong Kong media reports, after the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect, Mark Simon has not returned to Hong Kong and chose to handle Taiwan and the United States to deal with affairs. It can be seen that it is fully prepared.The Police Police emphasized that Li Zhiying and others touched and colluded with foreign countries and abroad, and issued a wanted order to Simon, which can be interpreted as pointed to the US political forces, but also implicitly to provide Simon's venue for Simon.In the future, as China and the United States continue to compete around the issues of Hong Kong, will Taiwan's political parties, institutions, organizations, or individuals be involved in the national security case of the Hong Kong police?From the current situation, it is not impossible.