On August 5th, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency, saying that the US Secretary of State Pompeo said that the previous US government's contact policy failed to explain the Chinese position.Wang Yi said that the so -called U.S.'s theory of the failure of China's contact policy to regain the Cold War thinking has completely denied the achievements of the Chinese and American exchanges for decades. It is not only the ignorance of the historical process, but also the disrespect for the people of China and the United States.Of course, this approach to spreading political viruses will be questioned and criticized by the United States and the international community.

The author wants to ask: Pompeo said that the previous government's contact policy in China failed. What did it fail?

What is the purpose of previous US government in China?

What is the purpose of contacting China in Pompeo's mouth?

I think history might tell us that the purpose of the past government and Pompeo's desires is inconsistent.In this way, he said that the previous US government was wrong, which was drawn from the purpose of his own purposes into the purpose of his predecessor, which is obviously ridiculous.

If you really fail to contact China, what does it fail?Without the purpose, there is no failure?If there is a purpose, which purpose of the setting at the time was not achieved?Is this the purpose of determining this purpose in itself?

More importantly, interacting with China with purpose, this is the motivation problem in itself.

If Pompeo's theory of contact failure is based on the derivation of China and defeating China as the purpose of contacting China, if there is a failure of failure, it is actually a good thing if you fail, because you cannot build your happiness in the 1.4 billion people in China.Is the pain on the hot water?If there is no such purpose in contacting China in his mouth, how can it fail?

On February 21, 1972, US President Nixon's interest in Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai welcomed the banquet. The purpose of contact with China was not what Pompeo wanted.Listen specifically:

Mr. Prime Minister and all the VIP tonight: Here I represent all American guests to express their gratitude to this unparalleled entertainment. This enthusiastic entertainment makes the Chinese people famous in the world.As you say in your greetings, the Chinese people are a great nation, and the American people are also a great nation.If the two of us are enemies, the future of the world we lives together is indeed very dim.But if we can find something in common in cooperation, then the opportunity of world peace will increase unpredictable.

We have to go to the common goal on different roads. The goal is to build a world structure of peace and justice. In such a world, all countries can stand equally. In each country, regardless of size, there is a decision to determine its own government.The right to be interfered and controlled by the outside world.The world is watching, the world is listening.The world is waiting for everything we want to do.What is the world, from a personal point of view, I think it is my eldest daughter of today's birthday.As I treat her, I think that all children in the world, Asia, Africa, Europe, America, most of them were born since the establishment of the People's Republic of China.

What will we leave for our children, they are destined to die because of the hatred of the old world, or they are destined to live because we build a new world's dream,

We have no reason to be an enemy.No one of us does not want to invade each other's territory; we don't want to control each other, we don't want to stretch out our hands to control the world.

The above is the exception of the Nixon dinner speech. I think the speech of Nixon is really necessary to make the United States now curb Chinese politicians to listen well.

As the Foreign Minister Wang Yi said yesterday, more than 40 years ago, the reason why the leaders of China and the United States could realize the handshake that across the Pacific Ocean was that both sides adhered to the principles of mutual respect and common deposits, and shelved with each other's ideology.difference.For more than 40 years, after the joint efforts of two generations, Sino -US relations have become one of the bilateral relations with the deepest bilateral relations in the world, the most widely cooperative field, and the largest common interests in the world.These are the facts that cannot be denied and cannot be denied.Today, more than 40 years later, China and the United States are still completely different in many aspects such as social systems, but this different past, today, and the future should not affect the continued peaceful coexistence and win -win cooperation between the two countries.It is not necessary for both parties to change each other, but they should respect the independent choices made by the other people.The huge development achievements in China have proved that the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is not only suitable for China, but also benefiting the world.China will continue to develop and make new and greater contributions to human beings in accordance with the wishes of the Chinese people.Anyone trying to stop or change this process is not only self -impatient, but also to find troubles.

The exchanges between the country and the country are essentially the relationship between people.You can do such a metaphor: There are two large households in the Earth Village, one of the surnames, and one surname.In more than 4,000 years ago, the big names of the Chinese surname were the largest households in the village in more than 4,000 years ago, but at that time, the landscapes were separated and the traffic was inconvenient. The people in the village were not too much due to geographical relationships.In the past 200 years, the names of the US names have been entrepreneurially entrepreneurial in the wasteland. 70 years ago, the village was in a bad German Yingri and other people in the village to be reduced to a second -rate family.Tiger fighting, the war of the war to harvest the war at the end of the war was about to end.

Since then, this big household has become arrogant. He feels that he is the boss who looks down on people, and bullies people everywhere, suppressing people, and associating with people. There are various interests to fight with people.of.

Recently, it has been contradictory with the surnames. Someone clamorized to deny that the former person's contact with the big names of the middle family named the Cold War.But the village is so big, and you don't look down at each other. You said that every day is tired enough to be cold enough. Is it interesting?If you are richer than other families, you are afraid that people will be oily, so you dare not contact people?This pattern is too narrow.Are you afraid that you are poor or needed?

The world is so big that there is competition between the country and the country, but what can the enemy everywhere be harvested?The country is so large, and each country is so weak, and the weak links are suppressed by competitors, which is extremely normal.It can also promote industrial development.On August 5, the State Council of China issued a number of policies for the high -quality development of the integrated circuit industry and the software industry in the new period. Domestic chips have been exempted from corporate income tax, and a series of heavy policy support is strongly supported by listing financing.This policy is probably not possible if Huawei is broken and suppressed.Therefore, many people are saying that the suppression of the United States is more useful than many usual red -headed documents to promote the industry. This is indeed a fact.In recent years, the domestic shortcomings of Chinese technology have been greatly sorted out in China and all of the fields of the card neck are promoted by the United States. As a result, the promotion of these fields should be remembered for the United States.

There is a good thing for competition between great powers, nor is it that China will only be before becoming the world's number one. It is that China has been recognized as the world's number one internationally, and the United States, which becomes second in the world, will continue to curb and compete in China for a long time.The ranking of the second boss will be the next decades or even a century.The ranking of the world's world boss will also be said in a century.The containment and competition of each other is to remind each other at any time to remind each other that where you have weaknesses to help you feel a sense of crisis, help you improve, and help you move forward.The world will be peaceful, and the competition between China and the United States will be greatly beneficial to China and the United States to develop healthily.For a long time in China and the United States, the second score of the world's boss is not important, and it is not clear. There is no clear definition, and the world cannot be defined. It can only pass by the trend.

The boss of fighting for GDP between the country is actually not significant.GDP is essentially a pile of people who eat and drink Lasa. It is essentially satisfied with life. In essence, everyone's expenses for eating, drinking, drinking, and sleeping and playing are multiplied by the total population of the country.

The United States to China is about to become the worldThe concern of the largest GDP economy in the world also did not want to understand.Americans have a higher standard of life. Sleeping villas, driving luxury cars, flying planes, eating big meals, wearing famous brands, playing high -end technology products, low living standards for Chinese people, living buildings, driving cars, taking high -speed rail, eating full of food, eating full, Putting on the ground stalls, playing less is work and labor.It ’s 24 hours a day, and for decades for a lifetime. China’ s GDP wants to surpass the United States. The most fundamental way is to improve the standard of life of citizens. If it is raised to the same standard as Americans ’average living standards, then China’ s GDP is four times more.The United States, but the United States, which is four times, is still eating and drinking Lazara. The huge volume does not mean the level of personal standards.It does not represent the national technology level.The height of national science and technology is essentially not to play much for eating and drinking Lazar.In the 1960s and 1970s, the poor meals of Chinese people had to eat. The development of decades has solved the food and clothing that has stepped into a well -off. The point where everyone's living standards increase to the base of 1.4 billion, it seems so impressive.However, China's well -off is nothing more than living, there are step -by -steps, and there is nothing worried about clothing, clothing, housing, and transportation.China's 600 million population income is only 1,000 yuan per month. If these 1,000 yuan becomes 10,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan, the GDP driven by the 600 million population base increases, will the United States become urgentEye?Doesn't the income of American residents exceed this level earlier?Therefore, pain is your incorrect mentality, and your trouble is that your thoughts are too narrow.Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that the trouble of finding the trouble is actually the same.

The world structure of previous American governments is far from Pompeo's flow ratio.The two large households of Earth Village looked up and looked down. Is it better to be an enemy than to be friends?It may be that someone else has some judgments from the Cold War with the Soviet Union. It is believed that it may have the same effect as China from getting out of contact and even the Cold War of China.But what he didn't want to understand is that the Soviet Union is a consortium composed of many countries. It is essentially the essence of China and the 30 provinces in China and the United States.At the same time, the low economy of the Soviet Union is the wealth created by too little population and more focused on military weapons (the Soviet Union is about 280 million, and Russia is about 140 million).The population of China is nearly four times that of the United States. If it really wants the Cold War, the population of more than 300 million in the United States has a population of 1.4 billion, and it is more likely that sanctions will be sanctioned by themselves.

When a country declines, there is always a scene where politics has been fainted by officials.The last emperor of China's dynasties leaders are such a group of officials.Thinking about killing others and wanting to use others as the enemy, in fact, he didn't understand or even moved to extremeization.This kind of person is indeed a great harm in the world.Fortunately, there are still many sober people in the American elite, and the United States still has many awake elites.Pompeo's current is ridiculed and despised by many people in the United States, in Western allies, and even global politicians.On July 29, the Washington Post issued a topic entitled that there was no Cold War mdash; mdash; if so, we could not win a article.U.S. Foreign Policy website July 29th article, original topic: Why did China have no hook on Pompeo.US Secretary of State Pompeo delivered a speech last Thursday, trying to adjust US -China relations into a pure confrontation relationship.Pompeo's speech was despised by experts, and many American commentators could not be able to score.Thomas Middot, a senior researcher at the Brucks Society; Leat criticized the Pompeo and the Trump administration lack logic.

The flow of Pompeo has been called the Gang of Four Anti -China in the United States.Stephen, former chief Asian economist at Morgan Stanley Group.On August 5, 2020, Roki wrote an article on the United States CNN (CNN) on August 5th, which directly reprimanded the American anti -China Gang of China and the United States.The article mentioned the gang of the four people: in the past more than a month, in a series of fierce words that remind people of the atmosphere of the red molecular hat (Red-Baiting) in the 1950s, the senior officials of the four Trump administrations were senior officials.A long -designed long -term theory of China has been published one after another.

Obrain, the first national security affairs assistant, described China as a threat of ideology.FBI Director Christopher Middot; Thunder came down to talk about spy.Minister of Justice William Middot; Balt is mainly responsible for the economy.After that, the Secretary of State Pompeo ended: He gave a speech with a full firepower in the California Nixon Library on July 23, and set a disturbing resting symbol for President Nixon's 1972 historical visit to China.

The article said that in the new low atmosphere of the American public's views on China, the four gangs made full effort.But unfortunately, their arguments cannot stand on the whole. They are composed of conspiracy theory and lack of factual analysis.This involves three key areas: economic, new crown epidemic dumping pot, and positioning of US -China relations.The article mentioned that the four officials were originally a lawyer, and they lacked the background of expressing opinions in this regard and lack of practical experience.Of course, this is politics.Even so, the disconnection they showed was still shocking.The gang of four may understand the law, but the achievements of their basic knowledge are completely inaccurate.

The article refers to the gang of the four people to depict a picture of the one -sided relationship, and insists that China's needs for the United States far exceed our needs for them.From an economic point of view, this is a big mistake.Of course, those American consumers with limited income need to maintain daily lives in low -priced goods in China; the U.S. Treasury still needs China as the largest foreign buyer with the largest federal debt of the federal debt; when the domestic economic growth is weak, American companies also need China to need China.The third largest export market in the United States.As they are anxious to demonize China, the argument of the Gang of Four is more about unwise domestic politics.According to Politico, a similar method was recommended to the Republican Senator candidates in a document called the new crown problem in April.The basic assumptions are simple: when the new crown epidemic rays the United States, don't defend Trump, but attack China.As the United States slipped with the new crown epidemic and the defense of Trump was falling apart, the Gang of the Four was performing a similar strategy.

At the end of the article, the four gangs of China were arrested and public trial.In the United States, we have different ways of mdash; mdash; election.

The author finally wants to say a summary:

In contact with one -fifth of the Chinese people, it is because everyone lives in such a small earth.

If the contact contact with the purpose and this purpose is to brainwashes, derives, stifle, and defeat these five -fifths of the Earth people, then you will win 1.4 billion enemies for yourself.

At the same time, the gang of four people who respect this thinking will also be despised by the mainstream and pattern of the United States, and will also be won by the US elections.

Without the purpose of contact, there will be no failure, Pompeo!

Call on the United States more rational and visionary people to make your sober voice, don't be silent, because silence will promote the arrogance of the evil crowd, because your silence will also indirectly guide your motherland in the direction of the motherland, and your family will be indirectly guided your family., Your children, your grandchildren pushed to a more turbulent and uneasy world.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher, Special Researcher of IFF International Financial Forum Research Institute