Source: China Times Society

The global competitiveness report released by Lausanne International Management College (IMD) in June (IMD), Taiwan's competitiveness ranked 11th in the world, and the government was vigorously promoted.However, the global financial center cities announced in July, Taipei City has fallen sharply from 34 last year to 75. The HKMA did not make any in -depth review except for the relationship between the evaluation agencies and the other side.Don't worry about worry.

The row of competitiveness is ups and downs, but the reference indicators of the governance do not need to worry about the short -term changes, but if it is a long -term trend, it must be alert.A country can actually happen quickly from prosperity to decline; it may be that potential physical fitness, sudden extreme factors and rapid rotation, more because of the deterioration of physical fitness first, and quickly presenting it after a certain key point.A series of incidents of social justice in Taiwan have recently broke out, exposing the evil quality relationship between money and power.

In the case of SOGO's operating rights, the current and retired legislators of the six courts and the opposition to collect 2 million yuan to 20 million yuan, respectively, pressure the Ministry of Economic Affairs to help the consortium to help the consortium to win SOGO's operating rights, of which the bribery reaches 2000 to 2000Su Zhenqing, who is 10,000 yuan, is the nephew of former Legislative Dean Su Jiaquan.Another voyage was hollowed out, and the public bank's database and the main seat were identified by the prosecutor's illegal lending to the voyage of Zhang Gangwei, causing the losses of the Treasury to prosecute.The green royal review escort green media grab the government marketing case. The media found out that the DPP has already gained a large number of national bids to herself through the internal review of the DPP.Candle procurement cases, abuse of privileges is also a kind of corruption.Cross -circulating corruption cases made Taiwan seem to be full of fishy and street wolf dogs, and became the Republic of Corruption.

In 2013, Taiwan published a translation of the country's failure. The author discussed the reasons for the success or failure of the success or failure of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign countries, and found that the key to the success or failure of a country was tolerance or squeezing in its system.The system includes the political and economic system. The tolerance and political system refers to the power of the state to promote policies and allocation of resources.The power to distribute social resources will provide fair laws to ensure labor rights and private property rights, which will induce individuals to focus on production, investment, and innovative research and development, promote the market to diversify and promote creative destruction, and the country continues to grow.If it is a squeezing system, it will resist changes to protect the interests of the ruling group, and finally cause failure.

There are many cases of failure in the country. The most famous in the 20th century belongs to Argentina, and the 21st century belongs to Venezuela.Both countries used to be quite wealthy. They used the leaders to use their own use and excessively emphasizing economic autonomy and labor benefits to crack down on foreign capital and confiscate foreign assets, which led to shrinking investment, economic recession, and vicious inflation and unemployment.

Observing the current Taiwan, economic policies can still be incomparable, but after the DPP has the five powers, it is increasingly deviating from the tolerance system -whether it is the government's employment or policy formation.I do n’t know respect, and it is not adopted; the national expertise does not use it, and the whole party or the faction peers are used; the external policy opinions are used to consider only the perspective of the party in the party, and the policy blind spots and errors are caused.What makes the people even more hate is that they deliberately create government positions, support their own selection or attached with public resources, and be taken as a country to eat copper and iron;Social opinion, diverse opinions disappeared.

All kinds of tolerance of politics and economy shrinks rapidly, and move closer to Nazi Germany before World War II in the 1930s.The imagination and partial listening brought by this non -inclusiveness shows the to the fullest in the issuance of the three -twice coupon, deliberately rejected the policy of issuing cash before, but made the civil servants turn around and the people complained.

The Cai government is increasingly deviated from the tolerance system, which is related to the huge cost of family political phenomena and the election. The DPP candidates are good at election and marketing. Propaganda requires huge funds.Pushing is also biased towards the consortium; the assistance level around the government officer and the assistant levels around the people's dynasty will take advantage of the influence.The huge consumption of the election will cause political participation in the wealth gap. Generally, young people who are born will lose opportunities to participate in politics. This is also the main cause of the political phenomenon of Taiwanese family in recent years.

If the DPP government can not fundamentally deal with these problems, the disadvantages continue to ferment, and the asset prices in the new crown era have soared, the salary class income has decreased, the gap between the rich and the poor has expanded, the deterioration of cross -strait relations, the increase in national defense expenditure, and the rise in liabilities. Taiwan will move towards