01 Viewpoint

The China -US Century has intensified wrestling, and it is said that China and the United States are triggered a new cold war.Internationally to political elites, to the general public, many people have subjectively put the current Sino -US big corner into the past framework due to the precedent of the United States and Soviet Cold War.However, at this time, the world has not only changed greatly in the past few decades. Today, China is not the Soviet Union. It is not possible to imagine the future of Chinese and American wrestling with this hard thinking of the Cold War.

Today's international situation is no longer the same as the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, and the environment decides cannot repeat a Cold War.China was not the Soviet Union that year. The degree of integration of China into the world was far from being able to compare the Soviet Union that year, and China has never wanted to export its own system.On the other hand, there were only two major superpowers in the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union. Europe has become broken due to World War II. The overall GDP of the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1970s was approaching 60 % of the world.But today, the GDP of China and the United States is only about 40 % of the world. There are still different points in the world that have their own interests and positions, forcing others to participate in a binary camp designed by China and the United States.Unrealistic.

Cui Tiankai: The New Cold War does not match interests

On Tuesday (4th), Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai participated in the Aspen Security Forum via video and said that the new Cold War did not conform to the interests of anyone.In fact, Cui Tiankai's statement was not alone. He himself has repeatedly stated in the United States that China does not want to fight a new cold war.State President Xi Jinping's opening speech at the Annual Meeting of the Investment Council at the end of last month then then pointed out that China has always supported multilateralism.In the interpretation of some people, this means that China has not yet had the power to fight against the United States, and it is also said that in order to avoid being talked about by the United States from being blocked by the United States, it is more correct.The essence of China -US wrestling is not the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.

In contrast, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's speech on July 23 was completely different.Pompeo's the future entitled by the communist China and the free world, referring to the failure of the contact policy between the United States and China in the past, calling on the allies and even the Chinese people to cooperate with the United States to block the CCP.Its content is not only the wrestling or Chinese threat theory, which is full of ideological concepts in the Cold War era, and even known as the new iron curtain declaration.This idea of attracting the binary of the camp reflects that the conservative elite of the United States shows that the conservative elite is trying to create a world similar to the US -Soviet Cold War.

In this political blueprint, whether the enemy of the Communist Party of China can eventually defeat may not be concerned by the United States.Its real ambition is to build a so -called free and totalitarian iron curtain so that the United States can find an excuse to continue to serve as the commander of the Western camp like the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.This idea is actually exactly the same as that of Trump's strategy of winning the US presidential election in 2016, mdash; mdash; there is no need to resolve the contradictions of different groups in the United States, but to consolidate their core supporters by expanding contradictions.At present, what is really concerned about the United States is not what the global international community, but how to form a camp to make itself a talker.

However, Pompeo's new iron curtain speech has been almost half a month, but no state said that he will participate in the iron curtain that the United States wants to build again, and has not seen the United Kingdom and Australia, which are paced by the United States.This shows that China's judgment on the new Cold War is the reality of the current world.When discussing the wrestling of the United States, many Western comments seemed to have identified the situation in China and the United States to go to the current situation of nearly Cold War, but in fact, a new cold war is only the expectations of the American conservatives, not reality.The United States adheres to the Cold War thinking and continues to coerces other countries to participate in its crusade of China with means. In the end, it will only be discussing.