Source: Voice of Germany

There are Major General of the Navy, Zhang Zhaoying, who was once the deputy director of the military logistics and military science and technology equipment teaching and research department of the National Liberation Army National Liberation Army National Defense University.The text and video reviews of risk#, the main point of view is that Sino -US relations have changed sharply, and the threat of war in the next four months will increase.

The military problem commentator frequently appeared in CCTV said that within one month, the two American carrier battle groups shuttled back and forth in India and the South China Sea. The United States also co -conjuncted with Japan, Australia, and India to the South China Sea.He said that after Trump came to power, he launched an unprecedented trade war against China. Next is the scientific and technological war, diplomatic warfare, and public opinion war.The Taiwan Strait opened.In the next four months, as Trump's election is getting worse and worse, in order to divert domestic attention, relying on anti -China to fight for votes, the possibility of risk risk is increasing, and the threat of war is increasing.If you have no preparation, we must lose the fantasy to prepare for the war and curb the best way to curb the war is to prepare for the war!

By July 30, Zhang Zhaozhong's Weibo had been reposted more than 39,000 times to receive more than 123,000 likes.Netizens have commented on this Weibo, some are worried, some who support to enter the preparation state, and some pray for world peace. Some people question why whether it is the United States or Taiwan.Can get more votes.

Xia Ming, a Chinese political scholar in the United States, also warned the possibility of hot war between China and the United States recently.After the United States announced the closure of the Chinese consulate in Hugheson, Xia Ming said in an interview with Voice of Germany: China and the United States have entered the Cold War era, and the possibility of hitting a hot battle is very high, especially in the next 6 months.From the perspective of China, the Chinese government may take adventure in Taiwan, India and other places with no time to take care of the opportunity to take care of them.From the perspective of the United States, Trump's political life is basically here. In order to have a line of vitality or trying to leave a political heritage during his term, he has a motivation.He also said that the place where Trump may adventure I think is the South China Sea. In the South China Sea, it is very likely to use soldiers and military bases for Chinese artificial islands and military bases.

Since June, the South China Sea confrontation, which has delayed several months due to the new crown epidemic, has indeed reappeared, and the situation in the Taiwan Strait is also uneasy.

At the end of June, China announced a five -day military exercise from July 1st to July 5th.Chinese official media said that the Xisha Army's performance was to show the island's combat capability.The Pentagon of the United States immediately expressed concerns about the Chinese military exercise, referring to the military exercise Quot; further destroying the area of the region Quot; is not conducive to alleviating tension and maintaining regional stability.On July 4th, the United States Independence Day, the Nimitz (CVN-68) aircraft carrier and its team group and the base were located in the Ronaldot; the Riden formation of the Riden is entered the South China Sea.Hai's first double aircraft carrier exercise.Earlier, the impact of the epidemic, the Nimitz and the Reagan aircraft carrier formation did not patrol in the Pacific Ocean for three months. It was not until June 8 that he left his home port and entered the Western Pacific.The U.S. Navy said that the Nimitz and Liden are in the South China Sea. Freedom sailing Quot; exercise, the main purpose is to establish a quot; freely open Indo -Pacific area quot; to curb the increasing influence of the Communist Party.

What really made Beijing feels the situation is a statement issued by US Secretary of State Pompeo on July 13.In the statement, Pompeo changed the United States to solve the policy of the South China Sea through the United Nations arbitration and peacefully resolved the South China Sea.Pompeo said that the world will not allow Beijing to treat the South China Sea as its marine empire. The United States and Southeast Asian allies stand together and protect their sovereignty over marine resources.

On July 17, the two American aircraft carrier battle group held double aircraft carrier exercises in the South China Sea again.The Seventh Fleet in the United States claims that LSquo; Reagan RSQUO; No. aircraft carrier strike group is the only cutting -edge strike group in the navy. Two aircraft carrier battle groups can form the world's most effective and maneuverability combat forces.The country's common defense agreement provides support to promote peace and prosperity in the entire Indo -Pacific region.On July 19th, the American Liden carrier strike group and the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force, and the Australian Navy held a joint military exercise in the South China Sea and the West Pacific.The Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group conducted joint exercises with the Indian Navy in the sea in the Indian Navy in the Indian Ocean's Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Faced with the changes in the US South China Sea policy and military deterrence, China is unwilling to show weakness.Except for strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition, according to the news announced by Ren Guoqiang, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense on July 30, China's H-6G and H-6J remote bomber recently participated in high-intensity exercises over the South China Sea.The exercise includes night take -off and landing and simulation remote attacks.However, Ren Guoqiang also said that the exercise was part of the conventional action of the Chinese army to strengthen combat reserve.

Some analysts believe that the US military's demonstration in the South China Shi Exhibition is designed to show that the United States has not trapped in the epidemic, and there are many and flexible methods that can be trapped by the epidemic.

In terms of the Taiwan Strait, with the frequent air defense identification zone in Taiwan since June, the U.S. military has also increased the frequency of appearing in the Taiwan Strait.Lin Yingyou, assistant professor of the Institute of Strategy and International Affairs of Taiwan Zhongzheng University, pointed out in an interview with Voice of Germany that Taiwan has become a test site for China and the United States.Compress Taiwan's strategic response space.However, the United States obviously has always paid close attention to China's every move.The U.S. maritime patrol aircraft increased the frequency of appearing in the Taiwan Strait. The U.S. tanker also flew over Taiwan many times, and even confronted the PLA military aircraft in the air.In addition, the US warships have passed the Taiwan Strait 7 times this year, and the last one was on June 4th.

The actions of China and the United States in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait show that both sides have maintained a considerable alertness and maintaining a situation of mutual military deterrence.

Compared with China and the United States, the Chinese think tank seems to be more worried about the United States' further decoupling with China.Jin Canrong, deputy dean of the School of International Relations of Renmin University of China, recently commented that China should be psychologically prepared for further deterioration of Sino -US relations.On July 26, he posted a short video on his personal Weibo named Political Commissar Chanrong, saying that in fact, there was a bad signal. President Trump came out to say that he was preparing to turn off more Chinese diplomatic institutions.Maybe we have to prepare for psychological preparations, that is, Sino -US relations may not be as reasonable as we envision. It has many irrational factors.Therefore, you may be prepared for the deterioration of the relationship.Even I think that some media people are starting to say that some kind of military friction between China and the United States may erupt, although we are unwilling.We are definitely unwilling to have military frictions and unwilling to have a new cold war.He avoided not talking about the fundamental contradictions in the ideology and values of China and the United States, but pointed his spearheads to some people in the United States: because the other party had a group of people, who lived in a high position, and even the people in the key position were purely.Therefore, from the perspective of realism, we are probably the best result now from the perspective of realism, and from the high degree of maintaining national interests, we are trying to strive for the best results, but we must prepare the worst situation.

After the closing incident, there have been signs recently showing that Chinese officials have also intended to reduce the contradictions by reducing the attack on a few US politicians, and the fundamental conflict of Sino -US fundamental conflicts into a special phenomenon of the American election.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin named on July 28 that Pompeo has recently made remarks on discredit and attacking China on the South China Sea issue.We can't help but ask, do some politicians in the United States are trying to provoke incidents in the South China Sea?Chinese ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming told the press on July 30 that it was not China that became indeed.Instead, the other end of the Pacific wants to launch a new cold war in China, so we must respond.We don't have any Cold Warinterest.We are not interested in any war.

He said that we know that this year is the year of election, implying that the United States has used China as a scapegoat.Liu Xiaoming also said that we have always told the United States that China is not your enemy.China is your friend and your partner.When asked if Sino -US relations had deteriorated to the point where it could not be repaired, Liu Xiaoming said: I don't think we have passed the critical point that cannot be turned back.