Xu Jin: When it comes to competition in large powers, it is impossible to turn around Kenan's curb theory and promote the formation of the Cold War; but he emphasizes more political curbs, but the situation has developed to military containment and even comprehensively curb.

When it comes to competition cases, many people will think of the United States and the Soviet Union for the first time.The theory of curbing theory, as an important theoretical basis for the United States to the Soviet Union, is worth reviewing and research.However, the proposed of this theory at that time was not from senior Soviet experts, or the head of the government, but a young man in his early 30s.

He is George Bull; Kenan, it can be said that he is an important figure that affects the Cold War thought.His ideological role in the field of diplomacy has so far surpassed.

Kenan Qi people

There is too much dazzling target signing on George Bull; Kenan's person.The author of the long telegram, the father of the theory of the Cold War, the wise elder in the diplomatic community, the dual winner of the Pulitzer Award and the national book award, the historian he is sought after by the public hello;

What is even more enviable is that this life span is still long and has been living for a century.Kenan was born in 1904 and died in 2005, spanning the entire 20th century.In the 101 years, Kenan Shengsheng saw his predictions become reality, his theory from the edge to mainstream, and then from mainstream to edge.

Come back to see Kenan's famous work, that is, to curb theory.Some people commented that this theory has become a trial of the Soviet policy of several generations of Cold War decision makers and analysts in the United States.Behind this, there are Kenan's personal factors, and sometimes the situation.

Regarding the competition in the United States and the Soviet Union, for young people in the United States today, I am afraid it is difficult to imagine MDash; MDASH; the United States, once a powerful opponent like the Soviet Union.The Soviet Union's military, politics, technology, and even economy gave the United States a lot of oppression.In 1956, the Soviet leader Khrushchev declared to the United States that we would bury you, and no one thought it was a joke.

It can be said that the confrontation between the two lasted for many years and determined the history of the twentieth century.However, in the Second World War, these two countries have worked together to fight the Nazis. How can the former allies become rivals?With the end of the Second World War, most people outside the world are still immersed in an optimistic peaceful mood.The wrestling between the United States and the Soviet Union began, and the powerful allies in the United States were becoming the biggest enemy at the moment.However, at that time, the US Soviet Union had just stepped out of the hard war. In fact, in all aspects, they could not afford another hot battle.

The appearance of Kenan opened the strategic idea of the Cold War.On February 22, 1946, the ninth month of the victory of the Second World War European War, on the same day, George Bull; Kenan sent a long telegram from the United States from Moscow to the United States with a number of words of 5540 words.His identity at the time was an agency of the US Embassy in the Soviet Union.In July 1947, Kenan was anonymously published an article in foreign affairs as Mr. X, which was similar to the long telegram.He proposed to curb policies, pointing out that the Soviet Union lacked a sense of security and difficulty in compromising. Therefore, cooperation with the United States is unlikely, and the Soviet Union is a threat of the United States. Therefore, he should adopt the containment policy to cope with the expansion of the Soviet Union.

He pointed out that the Soviet Union's expansionism is also an enthusiastic political force. It believes that there will be no permanent peace with the United States.From the perspective of the Soviet Union, if the power of the Soviet Union is to be preserved, it is necessary to destroy American society, abandon the traditional American methods, and destroy the US international authority.So how should the United States respond?The United States can only destroy it or transform it in order to survive.

The conclusion is that the United States and the Soviet authorities are unlikely to cooperate.However, there is no need to resort to war.The so -called curb strategy is the policy of curbing the expansion of the Soviet Union, which will weaken the Soviet regime and even collapse.

Judging from Kenan's diary, as early as 1946, Kenan gradually established his own point of view.First of all, the difference between land security and the world of rule cannot be distinguished.Therefore, the US Soviet Union must face competition. There are only two possibilities that can alleviate the pressure of the Soviet Union: First, weaken the potential of the Soviet Union for a period of time, leading to internal conflicts.And, but this process will be very slow and will never end.Starting from the interests of the United States, Kenan believes that the most important thing that can do is to formulate a constructive plan for Western Europe and give new hope for Western Europeans who are tired and confused.

Diplomatic imagination

Kenan's long telegram and articles are not only cold, but also very contagious, pushing the Soviet Union's threats on the United States to a higher discussion popularity.In the past two years, Kenan ushered in the pinnacle of his career. His view was discussed by the Truman government inside and outside the government. Mdash; mdash; also seen from the diary that when a person's scenery, his diary was relatively small. In 1947, his diary was the least.He was Director of State George Bull; Marshall appointed the new policy planning office of the State Council, and also participated in important plans for the Marshall Plan series.Deputy Secretary of State Edison commented: You can no longer find the second Kenan.

Scholars' evaluation was from Kenan's long telegram. In the following years, US diplomacy has leap in the biggest strategic imagination.Combined with the curbing strategy, we have a comprehensive strategy: for example, the Marshall plan determines the fate of Europe, and the US National Security Council No. 68, which lays the foundation for the US Soviet Union competition.

Although Kenan proposed the theory of curbing and promoted the formation of the Cold War; however, it is worth noting that he emphasized more political curbs, but the situation has developed to military curbing and even comprehensive curbing.

He believes that the attitude of those American politicians who are high in the Soviet Union is the same, that is, they are Moscow's Light, and they cannot see their backgrounds and differences.Kenan believes that with the development of nationalism, the differences between these countries will be highlighted and intensified sooner or later.These thoughts were naturally edge under the trend of thought at that time.Kenan, in the summer of 1949, he felt that he was already a political clown. He always hoped to arouse the argument of everyone, so as to release some shocking views.The risk of being disgusted by himself still tried to attract attention among mediocre colleagues.Unfortunately, when the final decision is made, no one will seriously consider the opinions of this little person,

It can be said that starting from the theory of curbing theory, it has promoted the upgrade of the Cold War, which has made Kenan's reputation, but it is contrary to Kenan's original intention.In the 1950s, he farther away from the concept of power in power.In 1952, Kenan became the Ambassador to the Soviet Union, which was his long -awaited position.But soon, he was announced by the Soviet government as an unpopular person and was expelled back to China shortly after taking office.By 1953, Kenan left the State Council in the cold and cold, and was fired in a sense.

After Kenan's passive retirement, under the invitation of Princeton Higher Institute, he took the academic road.At that time, there were many academic stars, such as Einstein, Gothic, Obonheimer and other big coffees.Because Kenan did not have an academic background, colleagues doubted his ability at first.But he quickly proved himself and published twenty monographs in a row since then. This kind of diligence was a response to external pressure.

Kenan's Russian complex

Reading these history, what we do n’t have to sigh is that Kenan can propose to curb theory, but the right to interpretation and the right to use is no longer attributed to him. It is in power and the media.The Cold War changed from theory to reality mdash; mdash; this not only achieved his popularity, but also caused his edge position in the second half of his life to some extent.He once self -evaluated by himself that he had made a voice for Susi -American relations for thirty years, but these efforts were misunderstood and futile.

Perhaps such a encounter, because of the decline of all kinds of misunderstandings and expectations, Kenan often disappointed in American society.He said that the entire Americans' lives are entering a long, unacceptable anesthesia state.And he particularly hates the west coast, and every time he goes, he has a sense of strangeness and disgust. East people see that Wests are like Europeans look at Americans.From our east, the western people are rigid, arrogant, superficial, rude, and boring, which is exactly the same as Europeans' impression of Americans.

On the contrary, although Kenan hates the Soviet government, he has deep feelings for Russia.Interestingly, compared to Kenan's emotions in Russia in the diary, his emotions for the United States are much more complicated.He even said that he was sent to Siberia (if I was a Soviet citizen, I would be sent), it was much better than living on the dull Pike Street. My Russian complex was much more innocent and heavy than my American complex.many.

This is George Bull; Kenan, a sincere, deep but complicated and interesting character.To understand a person's point of view, you don't have to read his diary.But reading his diary often means that there can be a deeper conversation with him.If Kenan is used as a specimen of intellectuals, his inner world is also very meaningful.Kenan collected its own relevant information very rich, with 330 boxes, of which 12 boxes were occupied, and the number of pages exceeded 8000 pages.He believes that the diary is even more personal and more thoughtful than a letter mdash; mdash; introverted as Kainan, more often his interaction with the world is just an external projection with his own dialogue.

Even in today's diplomatic community, there are fewer and fewer characters like Kenan.Diplomacy has become increasingly lacking theory and thoughts, while more similar to force showing off and naked strength threats.

When it comes to the Cold War today, many people find it bad, but the significance of the Cold War is to avoid fire war.Looking back at history, a country like the United States and the Soviet Union from international interests to ideology is fully opposed. It can maintain curb policy or cold war. In the past, it was a pity. Today, it seems that there is a kind of restraint.(This article only represents the author's own point of view, and some of the previous book reviews. For more, you can see WeChat Xu Jin Economic Man (Econhomo), Xu Jin Finance (Jinfinance))

Kenan Diary

Author: George. Kenan