U.S. President Trump said in social media that due to the election held by states in each state on November 3, mailing votes will be used, which will make the American election the most inaccurate and fraud in history, and it will become national shameEssenceHe then asked if he could be after the election until the people could vote correctly and safely.This remark immediately attracted a national rebound. Because the president of the United States Constitution had no right to post the election, the Trump's post -election theory was regarded as blatantly ignored the US constitution and delayed the election because he was afraid of defeat.The two parties and members of the Congress and the opposite parties also immediately opposed it, saying that the aftermath election was not among the options.

According to federal law, the US Election Day is scheduled to be on the first Tuesday of November, and this year is November 3.To change the date of voting, the president has no power, but the two houses of the Congress need to revise federal law through the amendment of the Congress.At present, the House of Representatives is controlled by Democrats, which means that there is a small chance of becoming a matter.And even after voting, according to Article 2 of the US Constitution, the term of office of the president and vice president is four years, that is, Trump's term will still expire on January 20, 2021.If Trump really wants to extend his term, he can only propose constitutional amendments. This must also have three support for the two hospitals of the Congress. The threshold is extremely high. It will also shake the country.Tan.

Article 2 of the US Constitution also states that the states should appoint the election persons. If the states really cannot hold an election, the state parliament can delegate the election person, and on Monday after the second Wednesday of December (ie, December 14, 2020, 2020 (December 14, 2020) Voted to select Zheng and Vice President and Vice President, and ordered the vote at the parliament at 1 pm on January 6.If any party cannot obtain more than half of the electoral votes, the President will be selected by the House of Representatives, and the Senate will select Vice President.In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when the two -party system had not matured, the presidential approach was also selected by Congress, but the last time it had occurred in 1836.Although the State Council still has the right to directly appoint the electoor, it has been in South Carolina, which was in 1860.

Trump's unable to escort elections

No matter where, the United States' constitution or law has no room for Trump's after -election.Even when the new president cannot be selected in the United States on January 20 next year, according to the current inheritance law, Perlis, the current Speaker of the House of Representatives, will be appointed as the president. Trump has to hand over power anyway.In fact, with the character that Trump wins such a winning, Bayeng team has already calculated that once Trump was defeated and refused to give up, he would not give up the president.Walk.

From the US Constitution carefully designed by the founding sage Madison, the US President's permissions can be seen. From legislation to judicial, from the central government to the local area, all power organs are intertwined and balanced with each other.Do a big words.This also explains why since the founding of the United States in 1776, even after the war, civil war, and natural disasters, the US democratic elections have not been postponed for more than 240 years.As a result, Trump's remarks were refuted by the Republican leaders of the House of Representatives.And Trump's ignorance or disregard of the US democratic republican system also shows its danger and threat to the US system.

Of course, Trump's basic common sense of the US political system may not be as ignorant as the outside world imagined.When Trump's post -election theory was bombarded by the whole people, the latest US economic data showed that its total national production value plummeted by 32.9%in the second quarter, the largest decline in more than 70 years, and the death of the new type of coronary virus in China, and the death of the new coronary virus in ChinaThe number also exceeded 150,000.In the face of extremely bad data, Trump's throwing politics shocking bombs seemed to have shifted the attention of public opinion and successfully took the wind.One day Trump changed his mouth and said that he did not want to take the election, but was worried that he could cause the election fraud that might cause the voting vote. This was not a down -step order for his November election.