Source: Reuters

US President Trump suggested on Thursday that the presidential election should be postponed on November 3, but the proposal was immediately opposed by parliamentarians and was refuted by legal experts.However, the incident implied that the election may be controversial, and it may take several weeks or even months to solve it.


Delay announcement results

According to the Constitution, only Congress has the right to change the election date, but because the US House of Representatives is controlled by the Democratic Party, there is basically no possibility.

However, because the epidemic is widely adopted, it may lead to severe delay in votes.Mailing voting in many states may only be delivered one after the election day, and officials must open envelope and verify the signature by themselves.Just this year, some primary elections have a high proportion of voting by mail, but the results are difficult to determine a few weeks after the election.

Democrats are worried that such a delay may make the election fraud.

A person who understands the situation of the Biden election team said that the members of Biden's team are preparing for the nightmare situation, that is, Trump announced its victory based on the results of the on -battlefield voting on the battlefield state on November 3.

But in the next few days, with the densely populated urban area mailing votes, Trump's advantage disappeared, that is, the blue shift (blue shift) that experts appeared-then Trump would declare that his opponent stolen awayHis election.

Legal challenge

Different stipulated laws on mailing voting and absent from voting-signature matching, postmark requirements, and submission period-any point may promote the Democratic or Republican party's votes to be charged with reasonable votes.

The dispute between the presidential candidate's nomination this year has also exposed the major challenges facing the submission of mailing votes on time.

For voters who are not unable to retrieve the votes in time for their own faults, they may actually be deprived of the right to vote.This may trigger legal challenges in the states where the two parties are elected.

The lawsuit filed by individual states may eventually move to the US Supreme Court, just like 2000.After the Supreme Court of Conservatives stopped re -counting, the Republican presidential candidate Bush (Bush) defeated the Democratic candidate Gore in Florida's 537 votes in Florida.

At present, the Supreme Court accounts for the most conservatives to be tolerant of voting restrictions.But legal scholars say that this does not necessarily mean that the Supreme Court will tend to Trump in disputes about the election results.

Presidential election group

Some experts say that it may be more worrying than the lawsuit is the possible controversy in the election group.

US presidents are not actually elected by most general votes.According to the US Constitution, 538 electorates, the election group, decided to win.

In fact, candidates who have won the general election of each state usually win the electoral votes of the state, and the electoral votes are allocated based on the population.The voting of the electoor will be carried out on December 14 this year.

Lawrence Douglas at Professor AMHERST College, will he leave in his new book?(Will He GO?) Mentioned such a hypothetical situation: the three -sway states, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, were very close, so that both sides claimed that they won in these states.

With the support of Trump, the legislature controlled by the Republican Party by the Republican Party submitted certification to the electoral group supporting Trump's election group. At the same time, the Democratic Party, the governor of the Democratic Party, also submitted certification to the voting of Biden.

In the history of the United States, occasionally, there will be disputes in the submission of certifications in each state. The most noticeable time was in 1876. At that time, the election dispute was several months. The last two parties officials reached a compromise plan to resolve it.According to this plan, the Democrats agreed to be president by Republican Heris as the exchange. Republicans agreed to withdraw from the US army left in the southern states after the civil war, which helped start the era of Jimkra race.

The Supreme Court recently ruled that states can punish those who have not voted for candidates who have not voted to the state.However, more than 10 states did not punish the punishment of the dishonesty election.

According to the Federal Election Law, Congress has the responsibility to resolve the dispute between the election group, rather than the resolution of the Supreme Court.But Douglas said that the law is a bit vague, and the divided parliament may not easily reach an agreement on a solution.

If you ask our constitutional legal system if it aims to resolve the election crisis, the answer is indeed no, Douglas said.

Use the army to escort Trump to leave the White House?

Some experts say they are most worried that if Trump refuses to admit failure, even if he declares Biden to win, it will cause lasting damage to democratic norms.

Peace transfer is a symbol of American democracy.Douglas said that the Supreme Court's ruling on the Bush/Gore's case did not end the election, and Gore decided to accept the ruling to end the election.

Biden had hinted that if Trump lost but refused to leave the White House, the military might need to escort him to leave the White House.No matter who sworn in the president on January 20, he will command the armed forces and security institutions such as Secret Services.

Trump's remarks may also make millions of supporters believe that the election has been manipulated, and after several months of protest against racial inequality, it may also lead to further social turmoil.

This is another example of the president's attempt to make the election process illegal before the election.Justin Levitt, a constitutional professor at the University of Loguramlymont, said in Trump's latest tweet that this is very unfavorable to stability.

Mark Brewer is a campaign lawyer who is helping to train the Democratic Party's legal volunteers in Michigan.He said that the best way to avoid a long -lasting legal war was to win with a great advantage.

Democrats must ensure that the results of this election are not too close, he said.