The U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu settle down the US flag yesterday morning, and the storms of the China -US Interchange Consulate General were temporarily concluded.The most severe diplomatic crisis since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States has increased the risk of decoupled between the two countries, and the observers call directly, and the participation of Chinese people eating melon has given this crazy international political incident.The first layer of absurdity.

Chengdu's maximum temperature yesterday reached 37 degrees Celsius. Under the hot weather of barbecue, the locals arrived at the scene to witness the enthusiasm of the closed hall.Under the scorching sun, citizens wore sun hats and umbrellas, and looked at the US Consulate General in the United States, and took pictures of mobile phones and videos with great interest.

In order to retaliate against the United States, China suddenly demanded to close the Consulate General in Houston, China announced on the 24th of this month that the establishment and operation of the US Consulate General in Chengdu requested that it would stop all business and activities.After the countermeasures of the teeth were released, the consulate became an Internet celebrity punch place.

The first is that the Chinese official media CCTV rushed to the scene quickly, raised a camera at the outer consulate, opened a multi -angle network broadcast, and focused on the consulate to close the front movement of the front.

Although in the camera most of the time, I can only see the closed door and the rushing passers -by, but this seemingly art -like live broadcast screen has attracted a lot of attention on the Internet. At one time, more than 20 million netizens watched online clouds.

As of yesterday evening, the live broadcast of CCTV News has more than 460,000 comments.The comment area is like the paradise of netizens carnival. Netizens seem to want to worsen between Sino -US relations. They all want to celebrate a good way. In the backside applause, it is filled with the pride and pleasure of raising his eyebrows.

Some netizens teased that it was better to transform the building of this consulate into a hot pot restaurant. Even the name of the hot pot restaurant thought about it.The certification Weibo of the Communist Youth League left a message below that 5G is willful, and everything is broadcast. It secretly shows a Chinese 5G technology muscle.Others said that the fire truck outside the Chengdu Consulate General has been in place, waiting for American diplomats to burn documents like the Chinese Consulate General in the Houston Consulate General.

The online onlookers are very lively, and people who watch offline are also endless.Just the past weekend, some local people waved the Chinese flag to take pictures in front of the consulate, and some people did anti -American live broadcasts and sang patriotic songs. They were just persuaded by the security guard to show their singing throats.The onlookers also brought an overflow effect. The snack bars and beverage shops near the consulate are much stronger than usual.

There are also firecrackers on the road outside the consulate, letting China Global Television News (CGTN) put a big oolong.At that time, a reporter of CGTN, who was broadcast nearby, told the audience not to panic in the sound of firecrackers. Some residents had a wedding. After this video, a new wave of onlookers were caused on the Internet.

The United States is the first shot of the first shot in this closed museum storm.Suddenly requesting to close the Chinese consulate in Houston is a very unusual step in diplomacy.Some Chinese international relations scholars have pointed out that this sanction generally requires serious actions for the other party, but in addition to the verbal word of China in the United States, there is no obvious evidence to prove the accusations of the Chinese Consulate General in Houston.Therefore, to some extent, the United States requires that China to close the consulate is an insulting sanctions.

This hostile situation, coupled with the long -lasting game of China and the United States in all aspects such as trade, technology, and media, catalyzed the resentment of the Chinese folk.In the closed museum's storm, most Chinese people supported hard counterattacks, which revealed the true emotions of the people. Chengdu citizens went to the enthusiasm in the consulate, and it was understandable that the historic moment of taking pictures.However, there are no shortage of people who are not too big in this round of carnival. They have published strong nationalist views, commented on war wolf -style publicity, and even vividly advocated that China and the United States are interrupted and shouted., Non -judgment, no responsibility to eat melon -eating mentality.

The Chinese media plays a role in the development of melon mentality.The closure of the US Consulate General in Chengdu has its news value, and the media has a high degree of attention to it.However, whether official media is necessary to conduct live broadcast on -site.Is this to make the people in China collectively witnessed Sino -US relations?Or do you want to show the hard gas image and mobilize folk emotions after the first round of diplomatic games?Or should we provide a platform for netizens to provide collective babies, or is it a space to celebrate the collective carnival?

The Sino -US free trade war began to be evil, and the relationship between the two countries was getting worse. It was unexpected that it was unexpected that the relationship between the relationship between the two countries was getting worse.From the perspective of Chinese officials' choice of closure of consular affairs relatively little, the US Consulate General in Chengdu, China ’s countermeasures highlighted their peers, and also avoided excessively fierce confrontation, revealing that the official still hopes to control differences.

Sino -US confrontation is expected to be long -lasting, and the construction of folk psychological defense is important, but if you accidentally explode nationalist emotions, the official efforts made by the officials may be unhappy.Turn around.