On July 15, a report from a number of scientific researchers from the Hefei Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences aroused widespread concern in society.It is reported that more than 90 scientific researchers of the Nuclear Energy Safety Technology Research Institute of Hefei Research Institute have abandoned the collective resignation with welfare houses.

The next day, a staff member of the Personnel Department of Hefei Research Institute told the media that more than 90 scientific researchers collectively resigned to the research institute in June. They were voluntarily resigned and belonged to normal personnel flow.

In this regard, the official website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences said that the Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences decided to establish a special working group on July 17. The working group had arrived at the Hefei Material Science Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on July 19 to conduct investigation.

On July 21, the official website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences released news that the General Office of the State Council led the establishment of a special working group to investigate Hefei.In order to implement the spirit of the important instructions of the central leadership comrades, Liu He, Vice Premier of the State Council, listened to the report on the relevant situation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and asked the General Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other units to set up a special working group.In -depth investigations of employees' departure incident.

Why do you leave collectively?

There are many scientific research institutes under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Hefei Material Science Research Institute (referred to as Hefei Research Institute), which is located in the Science Island of Shushan District, Hefei City, is one of them.The Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology (referred to as nuclear) is a research institution under the Hefei Research Institute.

According to the data, at the end of 2019, Liu Jianguo became the new dean of the Hefei Research Institute.The current director of the Nuclear Institute is Wu Yican. He was elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in November last year.

According to the official website of the Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology of the Academy of Material Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, more than 500 employees in the institute, including national candidates for ten million talent engineering, chief experts of National 973 Program, Academician of the International Nuclear Institute (INEA)More than 20 people, 80%of scientific researchers have doctoral degrees.

More than 90 scientific researchers have left the job collectively. Was it the loss of talents questioned by the outside world, or the normal personnel of the internal claim, is it internal reform or another hidden love?

Earlier media reports said that the fuse of the collective resignation incident was caused by Hefei Research Institute forced to replace the security of the Nuclear Institute.When the security guards were replaced on June 15, the personnel of the Hefei Research Institute conflict with the staff of the Nuclear Institute.

A user of a suspected employee of the Nuclear Institute wrote on Zhihu: The hospital is not forbidden to ban the door under any early communication, and there are many security patrols.Colleagues were frightened.

It is worth noting that on June 17th, the Nuclear Institute held a mid -2020 work progress meeting.Director Wu Yican mentioned at the meeting that the Institute of Nuclear Safety, as a member of the Hefei Material Research Institute, will continue to support the various reforms under the new situation of the Institute.

He also asked all scientific researchers to continue the scientific and rational period during the epidemic, not making rumors, rumors, and rumors, and encouraged all the people to do nothing, continue to do his job on the front line of scientific research, and make outstanding results.

Is it normal for collective leaving?

More than 90 scientific researchers' departure made the outside world confused.According to the previous media statement, many scientific researchers in the nuclear institutes are the universities of the University of Science and Technology, with an average age of 31 years.Why do they leave and where will they work after leaving?

On July 22, China News Weekly learned more information from the core.A staff member of the Nuclear Institute stated that interviews need to be approved by superiors.The Hefei Research Institute publicly called without answering.

The staff of a certain research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences told China News Weekly that in a large system, we also pay close attention to this matter.It is not unusual to flow between enterprises and research institutes, but it is rare for large -scale resignation to resign.

He said that as far as we are concerned, the (talents) flowing out each year generally account for 5%to 10%of the total.Flowing is generally 3%to 5%.But this collective concentrated resignation is still rare.

As far as I personally observe, the young people who have just come in are not as vigorous as five years ago, and basically in a trend of going down.The main force of work is basically come in ten years ago.The metabolism of talents is not as good as before.The staff member analyzed.

A professor who was unwilling to be named in Beijing told China News Weekly that it was normal for people to leave in universities, scientific research institutes, and other people, but it should be abnormal at more than 90 people.Why these people resign, there may be other problems in it.

He said that the Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences is not the same as universities. They are mostly project systems, and most of them have flow.At present, the information is not sufficient enough, and more reports need to be reported in more detailed investigations.

Professor Cao Heping of Peking University told China News Weekly that he had two judgments on the matter: one is that the nuclear is being restructured, and some positions and types of jobs need to be eliminated, and some talents are hired from the outside.But some problems have not been resolved, so it broke out.

Second, nuclear energy technology has military and civilian use, and the application scenarios of related technologies are also very wide.Many researchers do not pay high in salary in the institute, so if you set up a joint company outside and in the institute to recruit technicians, all those who have the ability will leave.

Why does the State Council alarm?

More than 90 scientific researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have received widespread attention.A professor of the Central Party School told China News Weekly that the reason for this is multi -faceted.Special time, special location, special fields, special people, special systems, special backgrounds this year.He said.

He explained that the Chinese Academy of Sciences was an important force of national scientific research and was regarded as the national team.If you have any problems, you must pay great attention.The time background is more sensitive, which will make people feel that there is an impression of talent.

The professor added that the resignation unit is a nuclear office, which is very sensitive about the national nuclear field.That's why it will be paid attention to.The State Council's investigation can be understood.

Cao Heping also said that the incident has formed a major public opinion incident.The State Council ’s investigation team can also see the attention of the incident, which is also a response to society.

It is understood that a year ago, Liu He went to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to investigate.According to the website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, on June 21, 2019, Liu He, vice premier of the State Council, went to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to investigate and guide the work and listen to the work report of the Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Liu He pointed out that the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made significant contributions to the country from basic research to application research in many areas, and has gradually gained some leading positions in international competition, and its achievements are fully affirmed.The Chinese Academy of Sciences should further play a comprehensive advantage, strengthen key core technology research, deepen the reform of institutional mechanisms, strengthen the construction of chemical style, and strengthen international scientific and technological cooperation with developed countries.

Liu He emphasized that it is necessary to closely combine the theme education and solid scientific research, oppose formalism, bureaucracy, carry forward the fine tradition and scientific spirit, adhere to the problem -oriented, advocate a solid, focused, and low -key work style, work hard to produce laborOut of iconic results and achieved technological breakthroughs in key areas.