Bloomberg reported that at the White House crown lectures held on Thursday (23rd) in the evening of Thursday (23rd), it once again blocked the economy in the United States and implemented epidemic prevention blockade to resist crown disease.Trump said: Compared with my original trade agreement, this trade agreement has a much less significance to me.

According to reports, more and more voters do not agree with the way he dealt with crown disease, and Trump has always tried to blame China in China.It is reported that Trump has adopted a series of actions to punish Beijing on viruses and Hong Kong and Xinjiang issues.Even so, people familiar with the matter revealed that Trump has instructed the staff that he did not want to upgrade further with Beijing's tensions, and temporarily excluded the possibility of additional sanctions on other high -level Chinese officials.

This week, the United States suddenly ordered China's closure of Houston Consulate General within 72 hours.This is the largest tension between the two countries in the past decades.The U.S. State Department said that it was ordered to close it to protect American intellectual property and private information of Americans, but it did not provide more details.China has vowed to retaliate.

Trump has instructed that he did not want to upgrade his tensions with Beijing, which is a very important signal.Chinese decision -making agencies should attach great importance to this signal.

The author believes that from Trump's desire to further upgrade the tension between China and the United States, you can judge that it is not necessarily the original intention of closing the Chinese Consulate General in Houston in Houston.It is very likely that the staff recommended by the staff to Trump's planning from the perspective of re -election.

The consideration of Trump's individual staff planning this matter is due to the high probability of thinking: the current domestic contradictions such as the American people focusing on epidemic conditions are too deep, which is extremely detrimental to Trump's re -election. We must find major events or major tensions.American people pay attention to the attention of domestic contradictions, so that domestic epidemic and riots such as Trump's election are no longer conducive to Trump's election.

Trump is the least confident now, and he does feel that the re -election may be really hanging.At the time of being desperate, various methods proposed by the staff, he may adopt a trial to see, and will focus on the effects of these tested trials. If these moves are not good or obvious.Will stop the use of these tricks immediately, and consider trying other tricks.

From Trump's recently no longer attacked the Chinese epidemic concealment theory, virus origin of China, and the Chinese responsibility theory of American epidemic, Trump has believed that these tricks are useless.So he stopped using it.It is estimated that Trump also deeply understands that the various information of the world is highly developed by the media and the authenticity of information and speech.Snow.The epidemic is facing out of control. The possibility of attacking China for the most important thing to fight for re -election is the opposite. Its matter without the responsibility of transferring the responsibility of the transfer will only be the power and irresponsibility of the government for the people in the United States.

On July 13, US Secretary of State Pompeo issued an official statement involving the South China Sea, and the probability is also an election operation.This argument has previously said that the United States has also said that after the election, it can also be said that it is here to pick up things at this time. It is estimated that the relevant countries in the South China Sea can basically understand the intention of the American election operation.What is very rare is that the relevant countries of the South China Sea are generally considered to have long -term strategic height and long -term thinking. It is difficult to be incited by the short -term encouragement of short -term encouraging short -term elections before the US election.

Trump, who is very important for the Nobel Peace Prize, is not very enthusiastic about the turmoil of the world. He is essentially a kind businessman, and is essentially a president who loves world peace.Just because there are some eagles around him, some staff members, for the sake of their own re -election, using some tricks that may seem not so friendly, but these tricks are also trying, trying to see what good re -election effect will be.He is not a consideration to push Sino -US relations to the abyss. At this point, China's decision -making level must pay attention to, to distinguish a small group of eagle in the United States, and to distinguish the elections of some staff planning.At this stage, he is very unconfident to the re -election. Everything that may be a bit crazy now is thinking about how to help re -election.

If China wants to help Trump to achieve re -election, he can cooperate with his election operating theater show to the United States.

If China does not matter who is elected president, from the perspective of maintaining a friendly relationship between China and the United States, you can look at the recent various things in a relatively relaxed attitude. After four months, you can consider the strategy of response according to the results of the election.Don't dance with Trump.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin confirmed on the 22nd that the United States suddenly asked the Chinese side to close the Consulate General in Houston on July 21.He pointed out that this is a unilateral political provocation initiated by the United States to China, seriously violated the basic criteria of international law and international relations, seriously violated the relevant regulations of the Sino -US Consular Treaty, and deliberately destroyed Sino -US relations. It was very unreasonable.On July 22, local time, US President Trump further threatened that he did not rule out that he had ordered that more Chinese diplomatic institutions in the United States had been ordered. This possibility has always existed.On the same day, the U.S. Department of Council also stated that China was requested to close the Consulate General in Houston to protect the US intellectual property and information security and adhere to the fairness and peers of the relationship between the two countries.In response, Wang Wenbin responded on the 23rd that the United States claimed that the Chinese diplomatic agencies in the United States were completely malicious slanderous, and demanding that the Consulate General of the Houston Consulate General was even more friendly to China and the United States.

Now guessing that China is going to close the embassies of Chengdu, Wuhan, or Hong Kong as a revenge or something. The author predicts that there may be no guessing.

The biggest possibility is that China's consulate will not close recently. After the US election, the Chinese consulate in Houston should also run normally.

China should attach importance to and seize the willingness to further upgrade the tension with Beijing.China should distinguish Trump and the United States, and distinguish between recent behavior and long -term Sino -US exchanges.

If China is more conducive to Trump's re -election, it may make Trump, who feels like he is very likely to be kicked off at this time, is full of gratitude and gratitude.For example, consider sending large medical teams to the United States to assist in the United States to help treat new crown patients in the United States. Considering the use of safe vaccines that have proven safely in China to conduct a possible third phase of trial in the United States, or when China is currently encountering floods, addBuy Trump's key to support the food soybeans of agricultural states.These will be conducive to the relationship between the two countries, and it will help Trump's friendly behavior. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs may take the initiative to propose at the press conference that these things can be proposed brightly.You can never help you from the different voices, which is not surprising.

When you suffer, see sincere.China can express the sincerity of China and the friendship between China and the United States.It is currently the time when the US president and the American people suffer.

Before the epidemic, Trump was recognized by the United States. The election re -election was not dangerous, and it maintained a good Sino -US relations in general. Now, he is more of an ordinary ordinary survival for re -election and ordinary ordinary people.Personal, not a powerful American president.

China and the United States should not be a very small eagle ace, a few of the short -term elections of the staff, led their nose.This is not the result of the clever and wisdom of our Chinese and American peoples that should be presented and used by others.

Trump does not want to be intensely upgraded with China, and China should also promote it.May four months later, China and the United States are calm, whether Trump is still being president hellip; hellip;

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher, International Financial Forum IFF Special Researcher