Early dual festive Wang Wei Wen

Several Chinese college students were punished by the school for making mistakes this week.Light punishment is particularly criticized.

Middot, a student of Zhejiang University, a famous school in China; Bartel was intended to rape the drunk female classmates in February last year.According to the provisions of the Chinese Criminal Law, rape women can be imprisoned for more than three years and less than 10 years.

However, the Hangzhou Court determined that Nurter was terminated by the crime in April this year. There was a case of the first case. He was sentenced to one and a half years in prison and one and a half years in probation, which means that he does not need to serve in prison.

Three months later, the Student Work Department of the Communist Party of Zhejiang University issued documents on July 17, deciding to give Nild to school for inspection and punishment, and fell lightly on him.However, the document immediately caused public opinion on the Internet on Monday (20th).Some netizens ironic said that from now on, you will share the supreme glorious title with rapist.

Netizens also criticized Zhejiang University for punishment too lightly, questioning why the school did not directly expel criminates of rape.

After sorting out the Chinese media, it was found that if Nurut, who criminal criminal crimes, studied at other universities such as Tsinghua University and Fudan University, it will inevitably be expelled from school.

Some comments also pointed out that the graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony had been held half a month before Zhejiang University, but the school was dragged until last week to announce the decision of punishment.

According to the rules of Zhejiang University, if students are sentenced to crime and suspended, they should give a sanction from exporting students or staying in the school.However, the fierce public opinion response highlight the severe degree of punishment of Zhejiang University with the severity of the nature of the students involved.

As for why Zhejiang University ’s strategy, it is based on the spirit of influencing education to give Nild's new opportunities, while protecting the right to educate, or other hidden feelings, it is unknown for the time being.

Some netizens flipped out the suspected internal documents of Zhejiang University, showing that the school believed that Nurrt was the first offenders, and had a strong regret. He read that he was from the poor areas of ethnic minorities and was a graduate.Xinjiang Kazakhs dealt with lightly.

Many girls refer to Nurut as habitual criminals

After the exposure of Zhejiang University's punishment, many girls have spoken the Internet one after another, accusing Nild's habitual criminals, and there was no similar thing before.Nurter was also exploded in the circle of friends, and released tourism dynamics, and was considered to have no regrets.

The Chinese commentator Hu Saimeng called for the regulations to treat everyone.He asked: Today, we can open a side of ethnic minorities and poor students; tomorrow, can we treat the wealthy children and rich men?

Zhejiang University's tolerance for the crime of rape was tolerant, and it was imposed on a heavy penalty for other universities this week, forming a strong contrast.

On July 19, the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported that it was reported by netizens at the end of last month to publish a refined day (identifying and beautifying Japanese speech or behavior) at the end of last month, including the release of photos of the Japanese army occupying Nanjing, claiming that Nanjing was Japan in Japan.The imperial army, Ji Ziyue, who has repeatedly pushed the words of the school, published improper remarks involving the Nanjing Massacre on the overseas social platform, harming national interests and honors, and seriously harmed national feelings.

The Weihai Campus of Harbin University of Technology also announced the day before yesterday that Yang Mou, a senior student of the School of Computer Science and Technology of the School, found Huang Moumou in the two exams.

Zhejiang University promised to investigate immediately and never tolerate

Chinese education expert Xiong Bingqi wrote that cheating students were fired and rape students were not comparable, but they questioned that the crime was not expelled, but what does it involved in the crime does not be fired?What is the basis for seriousness and tolerance?Is there a certain interest relationship behind this?

Xiong Bingqi also believes that the punishment of different scale needs to be investigated to give a reasonable explanation.

Facing the fierce public opinion bombardment, Zhejiang University promised to immediately launch a follow -up investigation the day before yesterday.

In all fairness, from a legal perspective, the universities have the right to discrete the free discretion of the students who make mistakes in accordance with their own school rules, which is understandable.However, the school must also incorporate the signal released by the punishment decision into consideration, because this will affect the behavior of students and the interpretation of their school positions.

The school also has obligations to explain the society on the controversial decision and increase the transparency, so as not to be trapped in the eyes that can be avoided.The reputation of Zhejiang University was obviously damaged this time, which made public opinion believe that the cost of Nullt's crime was too low, and at the same time, it may continue to affect the safety of girls in Zhejiang University.

After this public opinion storm, whether Chinese universities will have more consistent punishment standards for criminal criminal students need to be observed in follow -up.