Recently, the US media rumored that the Trump administration is discussing that all members of the Communist Party of China and their families travel to the United States will be deported.Pompeo claimed that the biggest challenge of Trump's second term was the Communist Party of China, which echoed the air through the media.

Trump said in an interview on May 14 that if he cut off relationships with China, the United States could save US $ 500 billion.Shanghai reported that Trump accepted an interview with Fox TV and Mornings With Maria with Maria on the same day.When it comes to what means to deal with China, the host Maria Middot; Battiemm suggested to Trump that the United States can restrict the visa issued by Chinese students to prevent Chinese students from studying computer technology in the United States.But Trump said: We can do a lot of things, and we can cut off the entire relationship.He didn't explain more and continued: What would happen if we did this?We will save $ 500 billion.

At the close time, Trump's various extreme remarks can always set off a great concern and evaluation of the global public opinion community, including Chinese media, including Chinese media.Hu Xijin, who is unable to hold his breath, can always post and even criticize the first time.

I have to praise Trump's ability to disperse public opinion, but it also regrets some of the bloody people in China. You are too easy to mobilize and be too easy to use.

The author has published a post on June 15th Trump's far -reaching damage to the world in the last five months Call: Trump may use any way when he is desperate.Before Trump stepped down, he would punch him around in the past few months. What he wanted was to attract attention to preaching his influence on the world to the American people. The more concerned about him, the more he was mobilized by him.

All the crazy words and deeds he do now are thinking about how to help re -election.

Imagine that in November 4 months later, Trump is very likely to fail in re -election and become a cloth suit. At that time, Trump was full of his mind, how could it be unspoken by the personal and family's own interests?Today, the people of the United States, and many countries and people all over the world, suffer pain, tearing, panic, anxiety, restlessness, and damage because of such a businessman who is about to protect their own interests 4 months later, and the great American peopleCan you do what the people of the world to prevent the next five months, because someone seeks personal re -election and punch the election for the far -reaching damage of the United States and the world?

The current Trump is very likely to step down in 4 months.China News Service, July 20. According to the Chinese website of the United States, on the 19th local time, a new public opinion survey jointly released by the Washington Post and the US Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) shows that the support rate of the US DemocratLeading US President Trump 15 percentage points.According to polls, 55%of registered voters said they would vote for Biden, while 40%of voters said they supported Trump.The results of the survey show that Biden's support rate is gradually rising. In the similar public opinion survey released by Biden in March, Bayeng led Trump for two percentage points, and in May led 10 percentage points.In this poll, only 39%of Americans said they agreed with Trump's work, and 57%of Americans did not support it.In March, Trump's work support rate reached 48%.

It is reported that the decline in Trump's support seems to be related to Americans' views on handling the crisis of the new crown epidemic.Public opinion investigations found that only 38%of the respondents in favor of Trump's handling of the new crown epidemic, while 60%of the respondents did not agree.Prior to the release of the Washington Post and the Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), several other national public opinion surveys released this week also showed that Biden had about 10 percentage points of Trump.Recently, the public opinion survey in the battlefield also showed that Biden was leading Trump.

According to the US Congress Mountain News on the 9th, a poll conducted from July 3rd to 4th showed that Biden's support led first Trump 4 percentage points.According to the investigation of Fox News in late June, Trump fell 12%.

On July 8th, the New York Times brought another bad news to Trump's election: In 2016, some voters who did not vote for Trump and Hillary, because of being very disappointed with Trump, became moreThe more willing to support Biden.According to the New York Times's polls in six key swing states, Bayeng received 56%of the support in the group, and Trump was only 25%.

Look at the room for Bolton's new book: White House Memoirs.Bolton believes that during his tenure, it is difficult for him to determine that any major decision made by Trump is not based on re -election.Bolton believes that in Trump's mind, personal political interests are mixed with US national interests.Trump not only in trade issues, but also mixed individuals and countries in the field of national security.During the term of office of the White House, it is difficult for me to determine that any major decision made by Trump is not based on re -election.From the prevention and control of the epidemic and the control of domestic riots, Trump's decision -making is to be conducive to re -election to make final judgment decisions.

The current relationship between the two countries between China and the United States is severe. Don't worry too much about it. There are temporary influencing factors such as their epidemics and elections.

In order to re -election, Trump has affected the control of the epidemic and has a significant responsibility.In recent months, Trump has shifted his responsibility to transfer contradictions to condense the vividness of the internal vitality, and the most important way he adopted was to shake the pot to China.U.S. President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo, in order to shirk the resistance of the anti -epidemic tissue, restrain the people's dissatisfaction, and personally threw China to conceal China's misleading theory of Chinese liability theory of Chinese compensation theory.Without conclusive evidence, it slandered China to conceal the epidemic, mislead the West, and the stigma virus name, inciting public opinion to make rumor attacks, and attempted to lead the scourge to China.The above these naturally exacerbate Sino -US relations.

The U.S. government does not conduct nucleic acid tests from the beginning of concealment of the epidemic, or keep shaking the pot during the epidemic and regionalization of the epidemic;wait.All this is to pave the way for Trump to protect the face of the United States and dilute the epidemic.

Unfortunately, in terms of curbing the new crown epidemic, the number of deaths and infections in the United States is the world's number one.Trump is becoming more and more difficult to promote the content he wants to promote to the American people.The author believes that the various information of the world is highly developed by the media and the authenticity of information and speech. All the people in the United States have the ability to recognize and identify and identify. The people in the United States are not fools, and the eyes of ordinary people are clear.The epidemic is facing out of control. The possibility of attacking China for the most important thing to fight for re -election is the opposite. Its matter without the responsibility of transferring the responsibility of the transfer will only be the power and irresponsibility of the government for the people in the United States.

The author believes that with the end of the US election, there will be no other things to attack China to obtain the interests of election.Similarly, with the end of the epidemic, the epidemic response to the responsibility shakes the pot to blame the pan, which will accuse the relationship between China and the United States.Therefore, the current situation of the current two countries, which is mixed with temporary influencing factors such as the current epidemic and elections, has a serious deterioration of the current relationship between the two countries. Don't worry too much. After these things, Sino -US relations will be greatly eased.

Top Chinese citizens should not worry too much about the United States.The so -called blogging Huawei 5G in the UK, Hong Kong's factors should be the main cause.The British was qi to kill Huawei 5G, and to take care of Trump's persuasion.Since Huawei cannot enter the United States, it is not a matter of one more Britain.What's more, there are still ministers in the UK. When Trump steps down, it is also possible to continue using Huawei 5G.

Many people believe that the United States has blocked Huawei to decompose with Chinese technology, and the author does not agree with this view.

In June 2019, the White House in the United States has increasedIn terms of restrictions on Chinese scientists, the U.S. State Department will be shortened from five years to one year from five years to one year.On May 29, 2020, US President Trump issued a presidential statement to implement a visa ban for some graduates of science and engineering colleges in China, and the so -called Chinese students and scholars who are implicated with the Chinese military to enter American universities to study or engage in postdoctoral students.Research.This is another new move that the Trump administration restricts Chinese students in the United States.The National Security Strategic Report released by the United States in December 2017 stated that in order to prevent foreigners from stealing intellectual property rights, foreigners who will restrict the United States will study science, engineering, mathematics and technology (STEM).

So is the United States a systematic strategy for curbing China's scientific and technological development and progress?Do you not allow contact and not allow learning-decourse is the United States' curb strategy?

The author judges that the United States has the desire and actions of curbing China's scientific and technological development, but it may not have a real strategy, because it is difficult for the US government to determine what curbing strategy is better.And there is only one trick and one trick. Many moves are random, and more moves are blocked.

Recently, Bolton's new book publicly stated that the sanctions against Huawei were planned in one hand. He intends to increase the competition with Huawei's commercial level to a political level, so as to take further sanctions on Huawei. At the same time, he arrested Meng Meng MengThe late boat was also intentionally promoted.Bolton's statement directly proves that all sanctions and suppression of the United States on Huawei may not be a scientific and technological blockade of China from the strategic height of the national level system, but the United States is standing at the national security level to prevent the United States and the Western world even 5g by China and even the world.The system is controlled by the system, and the national information security will not be controlled by yourself.This is also the Secretary of State of the National Security Agency, the Secretary of State of the National Intelligence Agency, and the top five eye alliances to advocate the disability of Huawei 5G.In other words, the US sanctions on Huawei may be more protected by self -information security, and it may not be based on curbing Chinese scientific and technological progress as the starting point.5G has been successfully developed, and now it is just a larger use. Controlling use does not affect the level of 5G technology.Of course, the United States must also think that there are various ways, which is also a good thing to obstruct the progress of Chinese scientific and technological progress. After all, Huawei is the most leading company in China.However, those who participate in the decision in the United States must also be very clear. You can let China buy something before.Promote and improve its scientific level.This effect will be obviously promoted.The United States also knows that several large chip companies in the United States are the same design companies as Huawei Hisilicon. The design capabilities are no longer comparable. The manufacturing is to commission the foundries such as TSMC.The processing capacity of foundries is not the level of China and the United States.

In fact, the blocking of decoustals does not necessarily achieve the purpose that the United States wants, but it is extremely easy to be different, but it has become a promotion.

The US presidential election is elected every four years, and the presidential election lasts for more than one year, and it is less than three years without election.Do not worry about the full time of managing the country for the country's carelessness and carelessness, and the system strategic planning, formulation, introduction, organization, implementation, implementation, landing, tracking of the United States and China to determine the competition of major powers in the United States and ChinaCompetitive engineering is too hasty and short.What's more terrible is that with the re -election of the President, the system strategy of the competition and the huge national competition project of its great country is difficult to obtain continuous inheritance and implementation.A president has a president's idea, a political party has a political party's consideration, and a person and horse have the ability to have the ability and focus of attention.Therefore, the national strategic inheritance and national competition projects that are competitive in the Great Country are difficult to obtain the long -term high -definition of the system.

Therefore, the author believes that the United States' curbing of China has no systematic strategy, and it is not even fully determined which strategy to curb.Blocking and decoupling are the current appearance. It is not a high consensus and high recognition strategy for the national decision -making level.

So: The United States blocked 5G in Huawei, and it is not a thoughtful decourse with Chinese science and technology, but because of anything else.

For the United States to block Huawei, everyone should not worry too much.The author believes: 1. Global companies are not so easy to listen to Trump.Second, companies worldwide do not take China so seriously. TSMC recently claimed that it would be time to disconnect Huawei's goods. It is probably to Trump. Trump is gone, and their words and deeds are inconsistent.Third, the author judges that after the US election, China will also introduce a strategy of response to global companies that may be out of stock.By then, global companies will be guilty offending China or the United States.Fourth, Trump, who is difficult to ensure that he is about to step down, may be a cloth clothing a few months later. Multinational enterprises operating in the world and the largest market as the largest market will deeply understand this situation to make the choice of long -term interests of the enterprise.Fifth, the Chinese government will not be placed in Huawei, and China can also control part of the multinational enterprises.If this ability does not, China will not talk about rise and revival.

However, the people of the United States and the world should be alert to the far -reaching damage of the United States and the world for the various extreme behaviors that the Trump who will step down in the next four months.The American and the people of the world should use the US Minister of Defense Esper to refuse to send the army to prevent the army from being united to prevent the world of the United States and the world on the earth.In order to re -election interests, various extreme behaviors are adopted to sacrifice the unity and advance interests of the people of the United States and the world to the world's peace and unity.

The epidemic has fallen, and Trump, who is facing a huge domestic crisis and re -election, has moved crazy and frequent punching. China cannot dance with him now.Let's endure his four -month words and deeds.People on the stage that could not jump for a few months, what he could not give him the most was that what he wanted most was that others were mobilized by him.Everything he did was likely to fly for a while, that is, flying for a while.China ’s strategy of responding to Trump’ s challenge in this few months should be unchanged, rigid and flexible, respond to slow half a shot, say less and secretly, analyze the situation and disadvantages of the group and enterprises that implement his policies.EssenceOthers, everything, worry about the end of the US election.Wait for Trump to step down, and then memorize.

Don't dance with Trump anymore, dry him, Hu Xijin's enthusiasm and energy are the hellip; hellip;

that Trump wants to call

Author: Peng Shengyu (Strategic Researcher of Petroleum State Enterprise)