Ji Yan Chunqiu

There is no the worst, only to describe the current Sino -US relations, not many people may oppose it.

From the past few decades, it is not good, and the bad bad is relatively stable. To the current comprehensive confrontation of politics, economy, technology, culture, military, and ideology, Sino -US relations have fallen rapidly, Excessive expectations.The statement of the Sino -US New Cold War is being accepted by more and more people.

In March 2018, the United States launched a trade war in China, and Sino -US relations began to reverse.For more than two years, especially since the outbreak of the crown disease, the United States has continuously increased China's efforts and the scope has continued to expand. Now it has risen to the ideological field.The Western allies joined forces to fight against the historical memory of the Soviet Union, forming a united front of the New Cold War against China.

After the start of the Sino -US trade war, the United States has adopted a series of Chinese strategies in the field of economy, trade, science and technology, politics, and military. Although it has also achieved certain results, it is not as great as the overall damage to China.Including the sudden impact of the crown disease at the beginning of this year. From a very passive situation to a relatively passive situation to successfully control the epidemic, the first to realize the economic and social recovery, once again showing the toughness of the Chinese economy and the ability of the ruling party to maintain social stability.

In this context, the United States has begun to find breakthroughs in the ideological field.U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo and other senior officials have continued to use the CCP to refer to China in the near future, emphasizing that the CCP and the Marxism -Leninism of the CCP and its beliefs are the enemies of the free world. They deliberately distinguished the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people.The tools of national information have attracted the Hong Kong National Security Law as an example of the CCP threatened the freedom world, and even the wind is prohibited from all the members of the Communist Party of China and their families from entering the United States.

The United States uses the CCP to replace China in order to oppose the Western system with the Chinese system from the height of values.

For Western countries, this trick in the United States is more righteous than suppressing China in other fields.The reason why the former Soviet Union was regarded by the West as evil is not only in the implementation of hegemony and expansionism, but also that its ideology is a poison that cannot be accepted by Western values.Once Western countries collectively identify that China is the enemy of its values, China is not far from the position of the former Soviet Union.

For China, the values opened by the United States are obviously a big pit.If China is entangled with the United States on this battlefield, it will be labeled by the former Soviet Union by the United States sooner or later, and even repeats the mistakes of the former Soviet Union.

In fact, the reason why China has achieved huge development and progress in the past 40 years is largely the result of the disadvantage of the economic system and rigid ideology of the former Soviet Union.After China's reform and opening up, the supreme leader Deng Xiaoping repeatedly emphasized that he did not use ideological and social systems as the standard for dealing with foreign relations, introducing China's advanced technological and management experience in the West, and incorporating an obstacle to the international order led by Western countries.

It should be said that this principle established by Deng Xiaoping has still has important practical significance to China.In recent years, the Communist Party of China has strengthened ideological education within the party, emphasizing occupation of ideological positions in China, and compressing the speaking space of people who have compressed politics.Picking up the revolution in the Mao Zedong era.

However, in terms of foreign relations, China still abides by Deng Xiaoping's principle established that year, and has not promoted ideological and institutional output.China's supreme leader proposed to build a community of human destiny, which is not based on the Chinese model, but emphasizes the foundation of common ground while depositing and tolerant development.This is obviously wise.

In response to the suppression of the United States, some Chinese public opinion emphasized a comprehensive counterattack.In the field of ideology, there are also hot spots such as official public opinion using the US epidemic out of control, African -American Americans to fight for the equal rights movement, etc., to refute the American attack on China and emphasize the advantages of Chinese values and systems.

These counterattacks seem to have no big problems, but if they are not grasped properly and excessive response, China may fall into the pit of values. Sitting in China is the new cold war opponent in the United States and even the Western world.

The China -US New Cold War obviously does not meet China's development planning and strategic goals.Although Sino -US relations have faced a rare crisis in the past decades, it has not reached the level of the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.After all, the interests between China and the United States, China, and most Western countries can be broken.China should continue to maintain a constant force to avoid being caught in the new Cold War.