He is the world's leading public health scientist, but the world is increasingly doubtful about professional knowledge; he is a kind humanitarian, but the current society does not seem to be welcome to advice.

I haven't seen Anthony Fauci before I saw Anthony Bull; I heard his voice first.Outside of our video dialog box, he asked his technical assistant: Did you wipe this table?The assistant had disinfected the chair of the 79 -year -old, and quickly disinfected for his table.The highest consultant of the White House's new coronary virus work group cannot get sick.

In all the difficult tasks of the new crowns, Dr. Fukic's work may be the most tricky.He is the world's leading public health scientist, but this world is increasingly doubtful about professional knowledge; he is a kind person and considers himself a humanitarian.EssenceAfter serving as the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (Niaid) in 36 years, the challenge he faces now allows even the other two epidemiological mdash; MDASH; AIDS and SARS.(SARS) mdash; mdash; all look trivial.

Donald Bull; Donald Trump is the sixth president of Foic.The president despised his suggestion, refused to wear a mask, and continued to hold the rally. Fuqi also told me that they had never seen each other for more than a month.In my opinion, Trump's attention seems to focus on polls and economic data, rather than the number of cases that are soaring in the United States mdash; mdash; to confirmed the number of cases and the number of deaths, the United States is a new type of coronary virus pneumonia (COVID-19, which is the most serious country in 2019).

In the week we met (the English manuscript was published on July 10 MDASH; mdash; translator's note), the situation was becoming more severe.Houston's hospitals were overwhelmed and began to be close to New York in April, and some areas such as Texas, California, Arizona, and Florida also began to be re -implemented.

I think it can be exaggerated that at this moment, when we were talking, we were facing a serious, still continuing problem, and Fitch said that his accent was slightly with Brooklyn cavity.He warned Congress to the end of last month that new cases may rise to 100,000 daily cases.What worried me was the slope of this curve. He explained that he painted a chart in the air with his fingers, and it still looked at the index level.

Fitch entered the picture, and he sits slightly in the beige pad chair in his office, wearing a blue shirt, and a tie.His office is located in Bersenda, Maryland.Although he was very energetic as far as his age, he was still more wrinkles and white hair than playing his Brad Bull; Brad Pitt in Saturday Night Live.The welfare played by Pete appeared on the Saturday night scene, reflecting the sudden popularity among the American who was eager to sober leadership.

He showed his turkey and Italian fumigating cheese sandwich.You destroy my habits!He joked.

Fuqi usually does not eat lunch. He only eats breakfast on his working day, then works for 17 or 18 hours, and then go home for dinner.I was worried that it would become a lunch activity without lunch, and I sent a text message a day in advance to remind him.So he made a solid bread roll before going to work in the morning, which moved me very much.

I also made my own lunch. I picked a large glass of Laler from the land of a community garden in Brooklyn. That land was a comfort in my life.I made the Italian noodle green sauce with Laler, and the color was more green than the ready -made sauce bought in the shop.

Fudi told me that the problem now is that many states have begun to unblock before the number of cases that can easily track new cases before the number of cases can be easily tracked.He said: I think we must realize that some states are in a hurry.Some states have adopted the correct approach hell; hellip; but citizens do not listen to these regulations, they decided to go to the rally and celebrate.

He was worried that the second blockade would make it difficult for the United States to accept.He believes that health officials need to convey such a message to everyone, especially young people: they are not living in vacuum, and they do not only affect themselves.

The increasingly proliferative emotions of experts have made everything more difficult.He said: This is indeed a problem.We can't escape it.Fitch already has a group of fans. They snapped up the Fudi T -shirt, Mark Cup and Shake head dolls, but he was also vilified. Some people even thought that the new crown virus was a scam and threatened him.

Fudi said that the United States has always attached importance to personal rights, but he warns that it may increase the difficulty of fighting against the epidemic, even after we have a vaccine.He said: Our ancestor hell; hellip; bravely came here from Europe and other places.This is the basic spirit of the United States: you can't always believe in authority.Now this spirit has reached an extreme. A movement against science and authority lays the foundation for anti -vaccine movements. We do not believe in the government's words.Now this is a very and very big problem.


The last time Ficki saw Trump himself on June 2.He said he had not reported the situation to the president at least two months.He told me this matter with an attitude on things, but I suspected that his calmness was pretending.During Trump's hosted conference that might become a super communicator, the special working group led by Vice President of Vice President was held.

He said he was sure that his information was conveyed, but Trump obviously did not listen.On July 4th, the president announced that 99%of COVID-19 cases were fine.Stephen Hahn, a commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), refused to tell the United States CNN (CNN). This is right or wrong.So I asked Fuqi: Is Trump wrong?

He laughed and used a sentence to transfer the topic.Fitch tried to interpret this as an accidental error, not the president's consistent dilute by the new crown.He said: I want to know where the president gets this number.I think someone may tell him that the overall mortality rate is about 1%.So he interpreted it as another 99%, but the fact is obviously not the case.

In fact, Fook believes that some of the extreme confusion of the virus is because it has a huge influence on different people. There are both patients with asymptomatic patients and patients with ventilator.He said: I have never seen a virus or any disease that has such a broad clinical manifestation.Even if it does not kill you, even if it does not let you be hospitalized, it will make you sick.

He did not happen to cough and laughed: This is not because of covid, but because of my sandwich.

Fitch is walking on the steel wire.In March of this year, he said in an interview with Science magazine that when Trump made a mistake, he was more willing to let Trump's consultant correct him next time.At that time, he said: I can't push him away before the microphone.He told me this sentence caused a dispute.

Sometimes Trump seems to have lost his patience to Fick.At the beginning of May, the White House prevented Ficks from testifying MDASH in Congress; mdash; although he later accepted Congress inquiry.It is reported that the White House is prohibiting him from being on TV.

He said: You probably knew that I would always tell the truth rather than fans.This may be one of the reasons why I have rarely been on TV recently.

Fuqi can be blunt, but he obviously tries to restrain it. He believes that if he stays in this position, he can make a greater impact on the process of the epidemic.

I was curious when he was responsible for rushing to the microphone.Trump's injection disinfectant helps to treat the absurdity of COVID-19 seems to have affected public health.American disease controlA survey of the system and prevention center (US CDC) found that about one-third of people had used this dangerous method to prevent COVID-19, including consumed disinfection agents or applied it to the skin.I asked Foki: Have you ever said why this is unwise?

I was not there when things happened, and he said that in my opinion, this excuse was not very clever.I think he puts Dr. Birx sitting next to him when he said this in a uncomfortable position.

Dabra Bull, another senior doctor in the new crown virus working group; Deborah Birx later explained to the media about the president's remark: he was still digesting new information about anti -disinfection agent power when he spoke to the media.Essence

In the while obtaining a medical preparatory degree, Fudi also learned classical science.He is an outstanding scientist who has published more than 1,300 papers, but he is also interested in how to lead and influence others with his own point of view.He said that classical science helps him understand the species of human beings.

His work during the AIDS crisis won the praise of two President Bush.Initially, Ficki was accused of murderers by activists because the government moved slowly in searching for treatment methods.But later he and some activists including Larry Kramer, including the late drama writer Larry Bull, made friends and brought these people into the decision circle.He responded to their campaigns and founded a project that could provide HIV carriers and AIDS patients with the clinical trials that were still in progress.

In a presidential debate in 1988, Bush said that Fickna was one of his heroes.I asked Foki whether he thought Trump would do this.He smiled back and forth on his seat.

He said: This is really a problem with hidden traps.But he quickly found his answer mdash; mdash; telling the truth, but remained peaceful.He replied: You know that his actions are unpredictable.


The daily work of Foic is to lead the $ 6 billion research institute to develop a vaccine that can end the epidemic.I asked him that it was more realistic how long it would take to develop a vaccine.He said he believed that the vaccine could come out by the end of this year unless there was a mistake, obstacles, or major setbacks.This timetable has been considered by other experts to be more optimistic.

The U.S. government has cooperated with many companies such as Johnson Johnson, Moderna, and Novavax to provide funds for vaccine tests or production.This funds will accelerate the vaccine research and development process mdash; MDASH; but it may also exacerbate the contradiction between the international community to obtain the vaccine problem first.Is it because the United States injected billions of dollars, should the United States get the first vaccine?

This is not to say that we have locked the market. Fuki insisted that I fully agree that promoting multiple candidate vaccines to succeed in help; hellip; the world needs multiple successful vaccines, so that different companies can use their resource to produce vaccines to make the whole world make the world.Can get vaccines, not just rich countries.

Before the epidemic, the trend of protectionism rose.One day after my interview, Trump wrote to the World Health Organization (WHO) to officially start the procedure of the organization, but we were brewing when we talked.The tension between the security organization and the US government is regrettable.

Even in the United States, some people have questioned whether more than 27 million Americans without medical insurance can afford vaccines.Fitch is convinced that everyone can vaccinate MDash; mdash; but the details are not yet determined.

He said: We will ensure a reasonable price.However, there is a huge gap between pharmaceutical companies that a reasonable price and patients think they can afford it.Last week, Gilead set the price of new crown drugs REMDESIVIR for a course in developed countries at $ 2340.Wall Street analysts were surprised by Geely's low pricing mdash; mdash; activists were shocked by the high price.

The authorities hurriedly given an emergency use authorization for the treatment of new coronary pneumonia (although there are serious side effects) to treat the antimatomant's hydroxychloroquine, which makes some people worry that the approval of the new crown vaccine may also be completed.Emergency use authorization of hydroxyl chloride has been revoked.

Fuqi said that in order to re -trust, this process must be transparent.He told me that the government has begun to carry out activities in the community and popularize the importance of vaccine.He is particularly worried that a few groups including Latin, African Americans, and Aboriginals in the United States are more likely to be infected with the new crown virus, but they also do not trust the government because they have been treated with the unjust treatment of the authorities for a long time.

We must seriously popularize.Because the situation you don't want to see is a kind of vaccine protecting people with low risk of exposure, but not protecting the crowd you want to protect.He said.

Fitch finished sandwich and expressed good.My green sauce is smooth and delicate, but I seem to have prepared enough for myself to eat two people, so I pushed the plate to the side.I took a sip of ice tea and tried to forget to talk to a well -known scientist in the bedroom with a well -known scientist.

Fitch still goes to work in the office mdash; mdash; even admits that he is wearing a mask in the 12th week and ask the hairdresser to give himself a separate hair to avoid the image of the long hairy monster appear on the TV on the TV;There is no doubt that his life has changed bigger than most of us.

He acknowledged that he was not prepared for Pitter's role, but he understood why there was a welfare heat.I believe that in fact I dare to be sure that during a very anxious period, this country needs a person to stand up to tell the truth. I am the person who tells the truth.He explained.

However, there are many places in this country that do not want to hear the truth.Some regions and grass -roots public health officials resigned after the opponent issued violent threats.These opponents regard themselves as the freedom fighter, to resist the regulations on wearing masks and maintaining social distance.

Thinking of this incident, MDASH; MDASH; including the wife of Nu Nu and biological ethicist, Christina, who also served as a nurse and biological ethics at the National Institute of Health (NIH);The influence of mdash; the influence, and the influence became unhappy.I have received a threat of death.My family mdash; mdash; wife and children mdash; mdash; both were harassed.I once needed safety protection.He said.

Will he retire after this crisis?He said: When I realized, or the people around me realized that when my working status did not reach full score, I would retire.At present, my energy is quite abundant.

When he moved to a briefing of the new crown pneumonia special working group in the afternoon, MDASH; MDASH; he expected that a fierce discussion of mdash; mdash; when he was expected to be a case;EssenceHe wanted me to know that this big epidemic was really serious.COVID-19 combines the worst factor in previous epidemic diseases.A virus that we do not know from the animal jumps from animals to people.Perfect storm.

Hannah Bull; Hannah Kuchler is the British Financial TimesAmerican Medicine and Biotechnology Reporter

Translator/He Li