Author: Zhang Wang

I do n’t know what the trend was affected by what was informed by Xiaochi Lily in July. Many international media praised the Japanese anti -epidemic hero in a large space and mistakenly believed that Japanese politics was about to change dynasties.However, from the inside of Japan, this is probably a beautiful misunderstanding.From the perspective of Elite Politics or voters' public opinion, Xiaosi Yuriko wants to become a Japanese Prime Minister, and the future is bumpy.

The organic politicians calculated by the organs

Kobaya Lily is known as a migratory bird in Japan, which means that she is always good at seeing the wind and the rudder, and lacks loyalty.In 1992, Xiaochi joined Hosokawa's new party.After the new party fell down, Xiaochi switched to Ozawa Yiro.In 2002, Xiaochi switched to the Liberal Democratic Party that was once criticized by himself.In 2016, because of dissatisfaction with Abe's neglect, Xiaochi retired to the party to participate in Tokyo to know the matter and accidentally won.

From the perspective of ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Xiaochi Lily is a difficult opponent who needs to be guarded.Due to the rapid decline in support for the failure of the anti -epidemic policy, the Abe government is now actively planning the power of the regime to cope with the upcoming Congress election.Abe's dedicated relatives, such as President Kishida Wenxiong and the Minister of Defense, Dao Tianpeiti, all hurt their brains for how to receive Abe's class.The second -order Jun Bo explicitly stated that the Liberal Democratic Party's Democratic Party, who is responsible for elected party affairs, said that the Liberal Democratic Party is currently facing a crisis that loses power and began to contact Abe's old -fashioned headstone in the party.Prime Minister to ensure the continuation of the Liberal Democratic Party.In the context of this group of majestic, how can Xiaochi who has already retired to the party has the opportunity to become the Prime Minister?

If the ruling party regards Kobawa lily as a nail, then the opposition party dares not to contact her.This is the cause: In September 2017, it was Xiaochi who dismembered Japan's largest Democratic Party in Japan.At that time, under the encouragement of Xiaochi, the important figures of the Democratic Party, Hoshino Haozhi and Qianhara Koji, who had rely on Xiaochi's hope of the party, thinking that he had the opportunity to defeat the Liberal Democratic Party's century -old store.The strong dislike of voters on Xiaochi caused a large number of former Democratic members to lose their seats.Xiaochi continued to serve as the leader of Tokyo after being defeated, which can be described as the institution.Now, if you try to ask Japanese voters' impression of Xiaochi, everyone is afraid that the words of Xiaochi to exclude Xiaochi in that year are vividly remembered.

2020 Tokyo Unfortunate: Olympic Games and Dadu Election

In the crisis of new crown pneumonia, overseas media would be as early as possible to treat Kobawa as a hero against Komoshi as a Japanese anti -epidemic hero.Tokyo people are now ridiculous. The biggest misfortune in 2020 Tokyo is to encounter two things: one is preparing to open the Olympic Games, and the other is to meet the Tokyo cities.Because of the former, the management of the anti -epidemic crisis in Tokyo was slow, which led to the delay of Japan's closure of Europe for nearly a week, causing the virus to spread on the Japanese islands (according to Japanese expert analysis, the virus from Wuhan was basically successfully blocked in February)EssenceTokyo News reported on July 12 that Professor Jeutani Ren, an expert in infectious diseases in Northeast University, issued a warning document to Tokyo on March 17 as requested to quickly start epidemic prevention, but the document was abandoned by cadres in Tokyo until the Olympic Games postponed (March (March (March (March (March (March (MarchOn the 23rd), after this decision was confirmed, Tokyo began to officially enter the state of resistance.As for the latter, it is related to the rebound in the Tokyo epidemic in July.In mid -June, it was Xiaochi decided to unlocked the Tokyo alerts that evaluated the epidemic prevention situation one by one, which led to relax the welcomes in Tokyo citizens in the past few weeks.Since July 10, Tokyo has emerged more than 200 infectious cases per day, which has remained high.Many Japanese have suspected that the lifting of epidemic prevention alarm is purely a political judgment of Xiaochi, so as not to affect their own election.

Xiaochi won the election of this time in Tokyo. It should not be regarded as her popularity of her Japanese voters. Instead, it should be regarded as a Japanese voters who do not want to change the general during the epidemic.Xiaochi, who was born in a TV station, is good at the media strategy and undoubtedly master high degree of public relations skills and sensitive political smell.However, since the 2017 Congress elections, whether it is the Liberal Democratic Party, the opposition, or the voters, they have recognized her as a true face as a political speculator.In Japanese politics, political leaders who once called the wind and rain all advertised their political ideals.Former Prime Minister Koizumi Chunichiro emphasized the privateization of Boy every day; the former Osaka Prefecture knows the whole bridge and has no effort for Osaka Jiandu; however, Koike Lily has not showed a clear political program so far, but he is busy with political performance.Prior to the election of the matter, according to the new newspaper of the newspaper exclusive newspaper in Tokyo's civil servants, the staff of Tokyo metropolitan employees had only 46 points for Kosawa, which was far lower than the previous one.Human heart to the back.

As a patriarchal country, Japan undoubtedly requires more female leaders, but the female Prime Minister of this new era is definitely not Kosawa lily.

The author is an associate professor at the International Education Department of Waseda University in Japan