01 Viewpoint

The US presidential election is less than four months old. As the national new coronary virus epidemic is out of control again, President Trump's resistance will not be able to become the target of public criticism.Not only is it in many free states, including Trump's three iron rust areas, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, which have entered the White House in the last session of the White House.The two major ticket warehouses in Caseas and Florida are ease.The Democratic Party returned to the White House to look at it, and the Biden team was also actively buried.Earlier, the media listed Bayeon's diplomatic team, but the list was the old man who had been Obama. It was wonderful whether the Obama diplomatic route would be restored.

The most well -known person in the list is the former national security consultant and former United Nations Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice.Rice has been reported as one of the vice presidential candidates, with senior diplomatic experience and working in the Obama government for many years.The candidate representative is still an excellent candidate for Biden's deputy.The Eagle Eagle was actively involved in the Libyan civil war, but in the end, he was killed by the American embassy at the Banca West. At that time, the Secretary of State Hillary and Rice were pursued by the Republicans.Earlier, Rice also confronted Zhao Lijian, a Chinese wolf diplomat, in the social media, and rebuked Zhao Lijian to comment on the racial issue of American racial issues as shameless.

However, Biden's route is soft or hard, and it is discussed by the people in Washington.Trump has launched multiple election advertisements earlier, and has rebuked Bayeng as his pro -China School. In the past few decades, he has been assisting China to grow, and he has continuously diluted the threat of China's rise.To this end, the Bayeng camp also anti -cricket, launching campaign advertisements referring to Trump in order to reach a trade agreement with Beijing, fading the incident at the beginning of the outbreak of the epidemic, and many times praised Xi Jinping's proper treatment.Waiting for actions, not only can we not put pressure on Beijing, but it is easier for Beijing to fill the vacancy of the United States in the international community, pointing directly at Trump's authentic pro -school.The two factions and horses are dazzling for a while.

In fact, Biden's past policy of China is indeed a manifestation of the Trump camp. For example, during the Clinton period, it was one of the flag bearers established by the WTO to promote the WTO, and China strongly welcomed China to join.In China, he planted Mrs. Clinton Hillary in the last session of rust belt.Bohai Huamei, a private equity investment institution of Boyeon's son, Hunter Biden, also had close contact with Chinese capital, making the Trump camp questioning this is the weakness of Bayon to China.However, the huge interests of U.S. capital in China are not limited to Biden, and even Trump himself and his daughter Ivanka Trump also have many business in China.

Ball or Cheng Daxi

Tony Blinken, who has been a senior foreign policy consultant for Biden, left the White House after leaving the White House.strategy.Although Brinken said in an interview with the media stated that once Bayon became the president, he would hold high human rights and diplomacy, and would fully implement the Hong Kong human rights and democratic laws, sanctioning relevant officials, financial institutions, enterprises and individuals.However, how many of them are just campaign language, which is doubtful.In the last year's election debate, Biden was also asked about the Hong Kong issue. Although he threatened to be tough for Beijing, he only said that he would bring the Hong Kong issue to the United Nations for discussion.

Biden's diplomatic elites' concerns about the huge market in China can also be seen in the Donron brothers who have served as the Obama administration for many years.Tom Donilon, who had served as Obama's national security consultant, strongly opposed Trump's trade war to China, arguing that trade protectionism would harm the commercial interests of the United States.Kurt Tong, who has served as the US Consulate in Hong Kong during the Obama period, also opposed sanctions in Hong Kong, arguing that this would cause losses to the US economy. Anti -suggestion should sue the Shanghai tooth International Court on Beijing's violation of the Sino -British statement.The Biden team's threat of China's rise to the interests of the United States, but believes that Trump's use of wrong strategies in the Chinese and American hegemony in this game will helplessly curb China.

Samantha Power, who replaced Rice as the Ambassador to the United Nations, is rumored to be in charge of the State Council for the outside world.It emphasized the importance of multilateralism with the new coronal virus epidemic.The attack on Trump's priority unilateralist policy has made Washington and traditional allies from being alienated, making the Healthy Silk Road under the Belt and Road Initiative of Beijing.Because Trump is incorrectly dealing with the epidemic, and competing for personal protection equipment and vaccine research and development technology with other countries, it has greatly damaged the image of the United States.On the contrary, Beijing has tried to rebuild its image by epidemic, such as sending a large amount of epidemic prevention materials to Ireland, Italy, Serbia and other countries, which has repeatedly reached the wind in the international front of the epidemic.

Toughness to China has become the mainstream of the court

Once the Biden team said, once returning to the White House, it will overthrow the diplomatic route from Trump before, embracing the world again, such as returning to Paris, and re -use the former vice national security adviser Julie Smith, and European allies.Rebuild the old good, put pressure on Beijing with multilateral pressure.Instead of killing 10,000 enemies, self -damaging the three thousand trade fronts to fight China, people in the Bayeng team believe that it is better to strengthen investment in its own technology industry, overwhelm China in science and technology competitions, and more active human rights issues that the Democratic Party is good at.intervention.The diplomatic route of Bayeng's class seems to completely abandon Trump's easy -to -use marginal policy and return to the Basa era to fight against China without breaking.

However, after the four years of Trump's administration and the new crown epidemic, Sino -US relations have changed sharply. Whether the Obama balance in the past is still in doubt.For the Democratic Snullivan, a Democratic think tank, who has finalized the Iranian nuclear agreement on behalf of Washington, has advocated the coexistence of peace and the United States, and also pointed out that the US policy must have a significant steering.The new liberal policy has completely reversed, and the reform of the trade agreement is preferred by the interests of local workers, rather than the priority options for negotiations to enter the Chinese market with Goldman Sachs and other investment banks.Sulvin also pointed out that taking competition with China as the goal of investment technology and industry policies, and abandoning former national bonds and deficit growth as the primary national security priority.

The left -wing discussion of the Sulwin's jumping out of the new liberal system is indeed a new wind in the old Obama's former Obama's old minister.In fact, the Democratic Party's position and direction of the US -Russia's new strategic weapon treaty, re -examining the role of Washington in the Middle East, such as the relationship with Saudi Arabia, is not a iron board.EssenceSome hardcore claims to relocate the important production chain back to the United States, but some people think that China and the United States are fully decoupled from reality, while the Democratic Party's Wall Street Gold Lord is concerned about the risk of China and the United States for the global economy.In any case, the toughness of the two parties to the country has become the mainstream, but what means, what degree, and the speed of what is used, and it is also necessary to tap the worship in the cabinet.