
Northern Remember

Han Yonghong

The United States fired in China this week, which was dazzling.Secretary of State Pompeo issued a statement on Monday that Crystal Clear explained the United States' South China Sea policy MDASH; MDASH; the South China Sea is not the maritime empire in China, encouraging all countries around the world to fight against China; the next dayU.S. President Trump signed the Hong Kong Autonomous Act and the administrative order to terminate Hong Kong's special treatment position under US law.

During the same period, the U.S. intimate allies Britain turned a big turn against China, announcing that Huawei was completely banned from participating in the construction of the British 5G network; then, Pompeo added another blow and announced that it would be some employees of Chinese technology companies like Huawei.Perform visa restrictions.Earlier, the United States had banned international students and researchers from the PLA background to the United States, and sent US warships and aircraft carriers to cruise and exercise in the South China Sea, and said that they would sanction in Chinese social media such as Douyin.

The multiple attacks in the United States are reminiscent of Yuhua Fist. Although each fist is different, the combination is violent. It is not stopped on the road to showing that the relationship between the two countries is running towards the New Cold War.

Sino -US relations have continued to deteriorate, not only that more and more Chinese companies and industries are affected, and even the American allies and African allies are involved in it, and the pressure on the selection of edges is increasing.Hundreds of millions of investments in downstream partners are facing risks.

Among them, the front of the United States opened the front of Huawei is very wide, and the words of Huawei's words were very explicit. This week, it also went online to the moral height of infringement of human rights.

Pompeo said on Wednesday that Huawei was a branch of the Chinese Communist Party's national monitoring mechanism. It was transported to all parts of China by reviewing political dissidents, helping Xinjiang's large -scale detention camps, and the Chinese population.

He also wakes up the telecommunications operations around the world: if you do business with Huawei, you will do business with those who violate human rights.This is the first time that the United States has accused Huawei of the threat of Guoan and rising to accusing them of human rights.

National Security Consultant Aurin arrived in Paris on Monday to conduct three -day talks with national security advisers in France, Germany, Italy, and Britain. The 5G network problem is on the agenda.According to Reuters, after the United Kingdom, the European Union has become the cutting -edge position of the United States to clean up Huawei for 5G networks.

What impact does the continuous western pressure affect Huawei?According to the first half of the financial report announced this week, Huawei's revenue growth in the first half of the year slowed to 13.1%, an increase of 23.2%in the same period of 2019.However, its net profit margin was 9.2%, which was higher than 8.7%in the same period of 2019, which was quite stiff.

Some media have noticed that Huawei's website and Huawei's heart community have been setting the top -up of the founder Ren Zhengfei in July last year. In that speech, Ren Zhengfei pointed out that Huawei was in danger.Most employees should be as quiet as water to participate in the war.

From a positive perspective, this highlights Huawei's perseverance and strategic spirit, and its posture has always worked hard to explain to the West, while waiting and preparing the worst results.Some Western comments believe that Huawei can actually choose another road. If it is like other Western multinational companies, it has made a lot of efforts to make its capital structure, board and executive team internationalization, and can win the cross -border, especially the Western world, especially in the Western world.trust.Conversely, Huawei chose to maintain a strong Chinese company, and it paid the price for this choice.

The above comments are worthy of Chinese companies.Even more straightforward, Chinese companies waiting for Huawei to go global need to give up greater room for participation and actual interests to the capital and various talents of the country, so that foreign countries are firmly established.Of course, the Chinese side can refute that the United States suppress Huawei for its strategic competition. Even if Huawei meets the operating standards of Western multinational companies, it will not be let go.This is not unreasonable.

However, when issues involving social media, if the United States eventually decided to block Douyin, WeChat, etc., it may not be easy for China to make strong refutes, because the United States' Twitter, Facebook, and Google Search have long been blocked in China.However, in the future, if the Chinese go to the United States to study in the United States and travel, they have to turn over the wall to use WeChat to contact domestic relatives and friends, and foreigners have to turn over the wall in the United States to go on WeChat and Douyin. This picture will be a bit ironic.

If the United States continues to pressure, Chinese companies such as Huawei have Chinese characteristics and insist on taking their own way, and they will be self -sufficient in false time.Oversized international market.This situation is the decoupling of China and the United States. The choice of Huawei is the result of the collision of a rising collision between China and the United States and its rules.