On February 12, Zhangwan District, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, China announced from 24:00 on the same day, and the region implemented warship control.This is the first time in China since the crown disease epidemic.(China News Agency file photo)

From February to March 2020, almost all cities in China adopted a city -sealed strategy.Although there are still input cases from May to June, the spread of the epidemic is generally controlled.Japan and South Korea have also achieved good results.Unfortunately, the rise in Latin America, South Asia, the United States and Western Europe is still seen.Coping the epidemic is the current core issue, but you must think about the challenges that the world will face after the epidemic.

The first challenge was public hygiene.For most people, this is an unfamiliar concept and has no intersection with global dimensions.When the disease crosses national borders, and biology, non -biological and antibiotics are intertwined with immigrants, refugees, travelers and goods, health and health will form a complex international problem.

The second challenge is climate change.It seems that it is far away from daily life, but its influence is true.Before the monsoon came, 60%of the total irrigation water in the Indian River -Ganges Plain, the total grain output of 11%, and 129 million farmers rely on the glacial melting water in this area.From a larger perspective, the mountains distributed in the Himalayas or Mountains of the Himalayan or the survival of global rivers, lakes and agricultural systems and 1.9 billion people have maintained the survival of global rivers.

They are now challenged by glaciers and snow acceleration.The results of climate change include frequent grain crisis, heat waves, floods and hurricanes, as well as a large number of climate refugees related to social and geopolitical conflicts.The industrial revolution that occurred in the 19th century developed countries may be the starting point and main cause of this climate change. Now developing countries have also greatly promoted this trend.Without technology, training and funding assistance, it is difficult for developing countries to maintain a sustainable development model to delay climate change.

The third challenge is geopolitical competition.In order to fight against China, especially its leading position in the 5G field, the United States has adopted severe strategies such as sanctioning leading information and communication technology companies, prohibiting the purchase of products, and issuing more export control regulations for the introduction of coverage.Global chip suppliers such as Murata are more under pressure to cut off their supply chain with China and Huawei.

The fourth challenge is biological safety.Whether it is agricultural products or harmful creatures, biological safety threatens the health of the people of all countries and reshapes the world economic map.For example, gene editing technology may become the weapon of biological terrorism, which has been questioned by various countries' morality and law.The input of pathogens or pests will also change the local ecosystem and social structure.Another example is the rubber industry worth more than 100 billion US dollars.Rubber seeds were brought from Brazil to Britain to Asia in the 19th century.At present, Brazil, as a rubber origin, has been thrown behind by competitors in Southeast Asia and South Asia.

In order to cope with the above challenges, the wise approach may be a recognition of human understanding of nature.For public hygiene, although gene sequencing technology is quite developed, we cannot identify the source of new coronal viruses in early identification due to the characteristics of polyphonic and multi -channel communication.For climate change, if the global average temperature increases by more than 4 degrees Celsius before the industrial revolution, even if the drought adaptability or smart water use strategy is adopted, the grain output will still be reduced due to climate change and water shortage.The seemingly anxious Sino -US geopolitical competition may make us slightly peace of mind.

Considering the long -term global governance and economic cooperation needs, China and the United States cannot cut off each other.Of course, structural decoupling is reasonable, and countries have partially established a strategic supply chain to cope with the necessity of the next epidemic or interrupt event.However, the concept of comparative advantages is not out of date, and the global supply chain still reduces the cost of obtaining materials from various countries, which is very important for SME countries.As for biological safety, it is reasonable to formulate policies based on the basis of natural science. Excessive politicalization has given many countries lessons in this crisis crisis.

Global challenges such as public health, climate change, geopolitical competition, and biological safety have exacerbated the uncertainty faced by the world, and a single country is unable to deal with these challenges.

First of all, the world needs a more fair global public health governance system, such as the distribution mechanism of medical resources (such as ventilator, mask or vaccine), which is necessary for the poor in developing countries and developed countries.This more fair global public health governance system can be based on public and private cooperation, which not only hedges the risk of pure commercial interests, allows peoples from all countries to obtain medical resources and ensure the efficiency of developing medical resources.This global cooperation governance system is also applicable to reducing the losses caused by climate change and biological safety challenges.

Secondly, the world needs new development momentum.Due to the lack of revolutionary technology and its industrial chain, the pressure on global employment and residents' income growth will continue to increase.5G technology is very good, but its limitations make it unable to support global prosperity.Governments of various countries need to seek structural opportunities in global global global.For example, Asia has the best conditions for developing multinational or cross -regional traditional infrastructure and information infrastructure to promote regional integration.

Before 6G or revolutionary technology comes, these systematic planning and construction actions across the administrative boundary may transform global challenges into global opportunities, thereby increasing global supply chain cooperation, increasing global high -quality employment, enhancing global public health and climate change.The ability to challenge biological safety.

If we only promote the so -called trading alliance based on ideology, worsen the competition or adopt excessive politicalization, and promote global cooperation without cooperative political spirit and objective scientific facts.EssenceThe only way to deal with these challenges is unity and responsibility, which is why humans depend on survival.

(The author is a member of the academic committee of the Chinese and Foreign Human Exchange Research Base of Peking University, part -time associate professor of the Global Health Research Institute of Xi'an Jiaotong University. The English version of this article was published on June 25 at the Global Policy and Indian Observer Foundation of Du Lun University.)