The United States, which won the Super Power Competition at the end of the Cold War, has been sitting in the world's only superpowers in the world for 30 years.As the century -old plague is raging in the United States, the United States today may be seen in the United States today, which may be from MDASH; mdash; 2020 to decline significantly.

First, since the Second World War, the global nation has great independence and independence, and the US military bullying small country is no longer relaxed.

Since World War II, the U.S. military has participated in hundreds of military conflicts (local wars). These conflicts have ended up almost all of the US profits, but five wars are the most unwilling to mention the U.S. military because of these five warfares, the U.S. militaryThe damage is bigger and one at a time, and it is miserable at a time.

The Korean War was a large -scale international war that broke out shortly after World War II. In this three -year war, the U.S. military used all modern advanced weapons except the original bullets, but the number of casualties of the U.S. military is stillMore than 100,000 people (about 300,000 people participated in the war).What's more important is that even if it pays such a heavy price, the U.S. military still has not won.

The Vietnamese war was the largest war in the U.S. military after World War II. In this war, the United States dispatched at most 500,000 to 600,000, but it was still trapped in the quagmire for 20 years.In addition, the U.S. military not only paid huge casualties, but also spent at least $ 250 billion in military expenditures, and eventually had to be welcomed to withdraw troops.

The Iraqi War, Afghanistan, and the Libyan War were also the most unwilling to mention the US military after World War II.On the surface, these three wars of the U.S. forces were victory, overthrowing anti -US forces and supporting new pro -American forces, but in fact, the U.S. military still failed.First of all, these wars owed the United States to huge international debt; second, in order to protect its support for the support, the U.S. military could not be completely out of time in a short time, and still trapped in the quagmire of the war. Third, the United States often faced horror.Threat and terrorist attacks.It can be said that since the Second World War, the global national and independent and self -reliability is extremely strong, and the US military empire bullying the small country is no longer relaxed.

It can be said that every time the United States launches a medium war, it will allow the United States to fall into the quagmire for several years, and it will bring only one result, making the US Empire go deeper and deeper on the road of decline.

2. In the era of nuclear weapons, the power of US military is no longer easy to fulfill huge economic interests.

The latest military expenditure budget in the United States in 2020 was US $ 738 billion, accounting for 4%of the total GDP, an increase of $ 100 billion from US $ 622 billion in 2019 in 2019.The remaining nine countries in the world's second to 10th are not as good as the United States.The United States has the world's most powerful navy, Air Force, and nuclear arsenal.According to data data in 2017: The United States is the world's first military power. The number of active troops in the U.S. military is about 1.4 million, of which 500,000 are Army, 350,000 navy and the Air Force, and 180,000 Marine Corps.The Army is divided into 10 combatants and 4 independent brigades and armored cavalry regiments.The federation of the aircraft; the Air Force's establishment is 20 U.S. Army Flying Wing (about 74 fighters in each team); the Marine Corps has 3 divisions and 3 service support brigades, equipped with 3 flight coalitions (about 21Squadron).The United States has hundreds of military bases in dozens of countries and regions in the world, with about 287,800 overseas garrison.The overseas military bases in the United States are roughly divided into four strategic areas of Europe, the Asia -Pacific and Indian Ocean, the Middle East and North Africa, and the Americas.

The consideration of the number can actually be ignored, and each country can make up millions of military forces.The real strength of the US army is actually reflected in the Navy and Air Force.Nuclear arsenal cannot be used.The power of the naval army, when the war is not launched, no matter how powerful, it is just a shaking to see it. Therefore, the United States can often rule out photos such as fleets or groups with great visual effects to promote the media.This also proves that when the war does not happen, the power of these forces can only play a deterrent effect on the enemy by propaganda.

However, today, Nuclear countries such as China and the United States and Russia have the ability to destroy enemy countries or even destroy the earth. The risk of nuclear war will be the destruction of the country, the destruction of human beings, and the destruction of the earth.Picking grapes on the edge of the cliff will be a cliff.The author believes that nuclear weapons make the world safer, and humans will not be stupid enough to destroy the risk of the earth to win national dignity.In this world, nuclear weapons will keep China and the United States that will greatly choose the soberness of the war and have a great motivation to curb the impulse of war.Under the deterrent of nuclear weapons, the United States provoked by the United States to be greatly stifled for war with nuclear countries.No matter how big the nuclear arsenal will be aging in the library.

In the era of nuclear weapons, the big country dare not mess with, and the small country is not so easy to fight. The strong military forces in the United States have not launched a war, and it is difficult to make the US military powerful redeem economic benefits.

Third, the super American empire with the strong military power, cannot release his military advantage.Military forces are more useless.

As the only superpower in the world, only its military forces that really dominate the world are their military forces.However, the global strategy must be clear that the era of missiles is different from the era of guns, military surrounds, and war cannot happen. In the strict sense of all strategic surrounds, all strategies are doing useless work.In the era of missiles, you are a concept of 100 meters away from the enemy and far away.In other words, the super -American empire with the strong military power is not released.Military deterrence and military forces are more useless.

Many people are worried about the United States' siege of China.Worry about the so -called Indo -Pacific strategy.The Indo-Pacific strategy is from Obama to Trump's US national strategy. It is a military encirclement from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean. It is a strategy from the Pacific Island Chain to the Pacific Ocean-Indian Ocean.Writing.In the past, India's attitude of China was not enthusiastic about the enthusiastic India -Pacific strategy in the United States and Japan, and still maintained its own independent diplomacy outside the United States and Japan.However, after India suffered a loss in the Sino -Indian border conflict this year, India's attitude towards China has changed significantly. It once again invited Australia to participate in the Malabar Maritime Military Performance, which made the three nations that the US -Japan expect to become the four nations and form the Four Kingdoms Group.The author believes that China does not need to worry too much about the so -called Indo -Pacific enclosure in the United States.The super -American empire with the strong military power, the war could not be launched, and could not release his military advantage.Military deterrence blocked in the Asia -Pacific is more useless.The author suggests that the United States can encourage the United States to do more such aspiration, consume his national strength, waste its military expenses, and let it continue in the wrong direction.

In summary, the only military forces of the United States, which can dominate the world, have no military advantages in the nuclear weapon era, and the strength of the US military is no longer easy to refer to economic benefits.In other words, the world's strongest military force that the United States thinks is pride. In the era of nuclear weapons, in the era of multi -pole world, in the era of self -sufficiency in the global nationality, it has been difficult to refer to huge national economic interests.

Fourth, the economic power itself is difficult to have global dominance, not to mention that the appeal of the US economy has fallen seriously.

The nominal GDP completed in the US economy in 2019 was US $ 21.43 trillion, about one -quarter of the world.In the same period, China GDP reached $ 14.36 trillion.Economy is more soft power.A large number of small and medium -sized countries like Switzerland and Sweden, if they can be quiet, live and work in peace, residents' self -reliance is already very independent, and it has to be disturbed by the outside world.The American economy is powerful and powerful, and it is enough for me to keep it with me.This is the economy of the economy without global dominance.

The economic power itself is difficult to have global dominance, not to mention that the appeal of the US economy has fallen seriously.

In the second quarter of 2020, in order to provide support for the economy under the epidemic, the United States bonded US $ 30 trillion, which led to the sharp increase in national debt to US $ 250 trillion, which helped the federal deficit soaring to the Wrathy Federal deficit.Pass high.Some economists policeNormally, such a high level of debt will only make the United States more and more difficult to get rid of economic recession.At the same time, with the debut of the new economic data, the impact of closing the closure of the new crown epidemic has become more obvious.In April, JPMorgan Chase released a terrorist prediction that claimed that the GDP in the United States (GDP) in the current quarter will shrink by 40 %.This also reminds people of Great Depression, when the US GDP was close to 30 %.In the past two months, more than 36 million Americans have initially asked unemployment benefits.It would be worse, Dalio pointed out that the Great Depression last year lasted for several years, and the current decline may last relatively short, but the recovery time may cost three, four or five years.Today, the national epidemic is almost out of control. There are a total of 3.5 million diagnosis cases and 140,000 death cases. New cases in a single day are still increasing with a record 65,000.According to the current situation, the development of the American epidemic may still be at the foot of the mountain.The rapid decline of the U.S. economy will inevitably lower the influence and sanctions of the United States.

Fifth, the world with multiple strengths, a country must maintain the total cost of global hegemony, which has completely exceeded the total income.If you put it into force, it will be completely worthless.

Multi -pole, the so -called pole refers to a country or national group with strong national strength and a great impact on international affairs.The world's polarization refers to a trend of the development of basic political forces such as national and national groups such as national and national groups that has an important impact on international relations in a certain period of time and towards the development of multi -pole pattern.reflect.Multi -pole development is not accidental. It is born in the evolution of the polar pattern. After the end of the pole structure, there is no single pole pattern. The world is moving towards multi -poleization. This is a prominent feature of today's international situation.

The world is forming a number of political and economic power centers. The United States, the European Union, Japan, India, Brazil, Russia, China and other major powers and international organizations play an important role in the international community.

With the development of the world's polarization, international competition is becoming more and more intense.Faced with a trendy world, many countries are adjusting their goals and trying to establish a favorable situation for themselves.The United States is trying to maintain its only superpower status in the world, and Japan and Germany are trying to enter the ranks of political powers.The development of the world to multi -pole is the requirement for the progress of the times and in line with the interests of the people of various countries.The world's polarization is based on the mutual dependence and restrictions of various forces, which is conducive to curbing the establishment of a single world in the United States, conducive to the peace and development of the world, and the democratization of international relations.

In today's world, a country wants to do big things, and has been greatly balanced and constrained.To maintain the total cost of global hegemony, a country has completely exceeded the total income.If you put it into force, it will be completely worthless.

6. In the United States in 200 years, the civilization of the country and the nation is still too young. Although the ambitions of seeking global hegemony, the power of its civilization is far from giving the United States a sufficient ability and power to support its long -term dominance of the world.

The United States, the United States, was originally a British colony, and gradually became a powerful country due to various factors.

Primitive residents of North America are Indians.In the 16th to 18th centuries, Western Europe, which is being accumulated by the original accumulation of capital, invaded North America one after another.By the mid -eighteenth century, thirteen colonies were established along the North American Atlantic coast. The colonial economy, culture, and politics were relatively mature.However, cracks have occurred between colonies and Britain, and Britain continues to adopt high -pressure policies to North America, causing strong dissatisfaction with residents in North America.From 1776 to 1783, the Thirteen State of North America won the victory of the independent war under the leadership of Washington.At this point, the United States was officially born, and has formulated a series of laws of democratic politics.Gradually become a completely independent national sovereign country.

After the independence of the United States, the territorial expansion was actively expanded from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast.The economy has changed significantly, and the economy in the north and south has developed in different directions.From April 1861 to April 1865, the war between the southern United States and the north, also known as the US civil war.In the end, the bourgeois leader of the northern leader won the country.During the reconstruction period in 1865, slavery was gradually abolished. In 1877, democratic reconstruction was carried out in the south, formulating democratic progress, marking the end of democracy reconstruction.Later, the United States completed the industrial revolution, and its economic strength increased greatly. Two World War established the position of the United States in the capitalist world.After the start of the Cold War, it was divided into the world with the Soviet Union.After the Cold War, the United States has become the only superpower in the world to this day.

In summary, the civilization of the United States is only 200 years. In the United States in 200 years, the civilization of the country and the nation is still tender. Although the ambitions of seeking global hegemony are available, the power of its civilization is far from giving the United States sufficient ability and power to continue to dominate the world.Essence

The country's country is not strong enough to support the global hegemony.The US population is about 328.6 billion.The United States has very diverse races and ethnic groups. White Americans account for most (about 2/3), which is only about 200 million white Americans in the United States.This 200 million people, with the United States, who have less than 200 years of civilization, want to continue to dominate the earth with a population of 8 billion for a long time, it will only be futile.At the same time, it is to point out that there is no country, no country, no nation, which can dominate in this multi -polar world.The slightly rational elite in the United States has long been awake. A small number of American eagle factions are more just beautiful wishes.

If you walk on the wrong world competition, the United States will accelerate the decline and will also become the largest gunpowder in the world's security.

In summary: The author believes that the roots of the decline of the US Empire are: in the nuclear weapon era, the power of the US military is no longer easy to fulfill huge economic benefits.The super -American empire with the strong military power, cannot release his military advantage.Military forces are more useless.Since World War II, the global national and independent relief is extremely strong, and the US military empire bullying the small country is no longer relaxed.The economic power itself is difficult to have global dominance, not to mention that the appeal of the US economy has fallen seriously.The US system and value pursuit of highlands no longer have no cohesion to the world.In today's world, which is polarized, a country must maintain the total cost of global hegemony, which has completely exceeded the total income.If you put it into force, it will be completely worthless.In the 200 -year -old United States, the civilization of the country and the nation is still tender. Although there are ambitions to seek global hegemony, the power of its civilization is far from giving the United States sufficient ability and power to support its long -term continuous domination of the world.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher