The Taiwan China Times article article states that the global new crown epidemic has deteriorated, the impact on economic activities has not soothing, and when the economy is still low and the prospects are low, the stock markets of many countries have shown a strong rising pattern.Taiwan stocks have stood at a new high of 30 years last week, but government liabilities in various countries have risen straight. In the future, global and even Taiwan may face a larger gap between the income and the government is more difficult to support the life of the middle and low -levels with the social security system.

The global economy will decline by 3 to 5%this year, and Europe and the United States will decline 5 to 10%. It is destined to have a negative growth situation.Growth.There are consensus from all walks of life. This year is the worst year after the Great Depression in the 1930s. The situation is worse than the global financial tsunami in 2008.

The performance of the stock market is relatively strong, which completely violates the old saying of "the stock market is an economic window."After the heavy decline in the March and April of U.S. stocks, the Nasdaq index representing technology stocks on behalf of the technology stocks has reached a record high; the land stocks have also risen strongly, and Taiwan stocks have risen exceeding 1200 points.Compared with the financial tsunami period, the US stocks fell to more than 7,000 points, and Taiwan stocks fell below the 4,000 -point level from more than 9,000 points.Zero interest rates also injected a lot of liquidity and funds for the market, so the capital market drives the stock market.

The loose currency expands the gap between the rich and the poor

This approach to support the market with low profits and abundant liquidity funds is the mainstream policy of central banks in various countries in recent years. Especially after financial tsunami, the world is mainly the world.The central bank has reduced interest rates to zero to negative interest rates, and it also pushes the so -called QE (quantitative easing). Its thinking is to support the stock market to maintain the effect of wealth, allow enterprises to continue to operate, and finally the economy and the general public (employment)It will be good.

However, the effect of evil and sequelae is also very obvious: the gap between the income income and the deterioration of class flow, which triggers the "occupation Wall Street movement", and even the nationals of the nationals are raised.Prime Minister and Brexit are related to this.In the second quarter of this epidemic, the economic estimation of economic estimates in the second quarter of the European and American countries reached as high as two digits, and the unemployment rate exceeded 10%. However, the stock market performance was extremely powerful.It will further widen.

The gap between the income is not only challenged to social fairness, but also affects the growth of the economy.The best global economic performance, known as the "Golden Age", was after the war of the last century to the 1970s. At that time, the gap between the gains of various countries and the higher economic growth.However, after the 1980s, the United States Reagan and Mrs. Sachel came to power, allowing global to turn global low tax rates, small governments, privateization, liberalization and loosening became popular terms.Reagan reduced personal tax rates from 70%to 28%, and almost all public undertakings in the UK embarked on privatization and privateization.

The gap between the future income will be more deteriorated.

The economic policy of this set of "supply facade" is also called "new liberalism" economic thinking.Jiahui rich people such as tax burden discounts believe that the rich will increase investment and consumption after benefiting, so that the poor will also benefit and all people can make a profit.After more than 30 years of experiments, this set of economic policies have severely expanded the sequelae of the income. After Trump came to power, it promoted a large reduction in tax cuts. The epidemic situation also greatly increased government liabilities, and the gap between the future income would worsen.

The gap between Taiwan's income is compared with the officially announced five -class method, the gap between the highest level and the lowest level distance is roughly 6 times, and it has deteriorated 4 or 5 times earlier.If the financial and taxation center information of the Ministry of Finance, the maximum 5%comparison of the minimum income of the minimum income is only 32 times in 1998, and it has soared 99 times in 2013. The problem is even more serious.

After the Cai Yingwen government came to power, he said, "To help young people", but many actual policies do it.For example, the tax reform tailored for high incidents will greatly reduce the dividend income tax rate, and book the funds for overseas rich people and Taiwanese businessmen to rent tax for amnesty, and get the money of the treasury to subsidize enterprises to invest.In this epidemic, many bailout proposed by the government were obviously obvious. Even Formosa Plastics could receive a remedy of 1.9 billion yuan. Formosa Plastics did not apply for "sorry".

At the same time, Taiwan's unemployment rate has risen, and the dilemma of low salary is still unchanged. Last year, the substantial salary was still "backward 16 years", and young people were mainly young people.The high housing prices created by generations of generations, although they are claiming to be the short market in the housing market in the past five years, the actual house prices have not declined, and now house prices are still moving again. Many policies of the Tsai government have intentionally or unintentionally urged house prices.

The economy in the epidemic era will fall into the "mediocre era". Government liabilities are worsened, the gap between income is large, and young people are trapped in low salaries.Let the high income pay more taxes, and suppress the housing prices that may rise again at the same time.This bailout policy has implied the thinking of income tax. Whether the negative income tax system is implemented in the future should start evaluation and thinking.?