01 Viewpoint

Author: Yu Pinhai

Sino -US relations have gradually moved to conflict more than ten years ago. In recent years, due to the large situation, the frequency has risen, the field of conflict has also spread. Everyone began to see and feel it.Whether the conflict will continue to deteriorate, and even more serious armed conflicts, this is what most people care about.War is not impossible. If it is properly managed, the opportunity is not great, but it is obviously impossible for the task to be completely eliminated.In recent years, the Trump administration has encountered a partial Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party government. It has long taken the opportunity to surround China. Last year's anti -repair campaign and the recent Hong Kong National Security Law allowed Hong Kong to enter the US encirclement circle.How can I endure it? Huawei and other Chinese companies are even more dreams of the United States.

There are countless conflicts between the country and the country in history, and it is not surprising that war between China and the United States, let alone it has not happened.After World War II, China and the United States played a large -scale war with more than 200,000 people on the Korean Peninsula. The technical war has not yet ended; during the Vietnam War, the two armies also encountered indirect encounters;Who is the Kinmen artillery war fighting with, whether the Chiang Kai -shek national army of Taiwan or the US military who hesitated to his mother -in -law has always been an interesting historical controversy.Of course, if there is a war between China and the United States today, the scale can be beyond imagination, but as long as it is not a nuclear war, it will not be broken.Imagine how serious the conflict between China and the United States can only play a cold war for so many years?China has invested more than 10 million US dollars in US government bonds, and the trade volume of the two countries exceeds 600 billion US dollars. The number of the Soviet Union is basically zero. You can imagine the difference between the two relationships.The key is that the United States likes to fight a big war, and China is never afraid of fighting. If it is really raining, the world will care about how to deal with it.Of course, Hong Kong will only stand on the side of the country. Today, there are small and small characters in the Sino -US game.

The United States will not accept the rise of China

We can understand the significance of the strategic relationship between China and the United States from two levels.First of all, different from the nature of the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, the nature of geographic strategic conflicts is different. The competition between China and the United States is all -round. Sai Guo is very important. If the United States is a failed side, this will be the end of the American century after World War II. Few people can get used to it.Former US President Barack Obama ’s first national conditions in 2009 emphasized that the United States would not be the second in the world, and even the gentle politician announced that it was conceivable that the Americans were nervous to overlords; secondly, this would be in the WestFor the first time in memory, the dominant position of the world is surpassed by the Chinese they have never paid attention to. Do not underestimate how conservatives that dominate Western politics and economy will respond to such a heavy psychological blow.Many social elites in Hong Kong are regarded as a member of the Western camp, and the frustration feeling is estimated to be too much.This kind of victory or ranking is one or two, unless it is a real war, it is actually not much meaningful, which is quite virtual, but for some people, it can be a big heart.After the Japanese economy was surpassed by China, many Japanese right -wing groups were buried in depression for a long time, because they have thought that China has only been a general of the defeat in the past 100 years, and it cannot be compared with the Japan who entered Europe.In this superficial cognition, the number comparison can also be sunny.

With reference to the performance of Japanese right -wing, what will the right -wing conservatives in the United States?They have been determined that China is just a remote, and they have completely ignored them. When they see that China's economic scale is constantly approaching themselves, their hearts must be uncomfortable. Naturally, it is a huge threat to China.The vice president of the Papu period, Cheney, and Ramsfield, and the current Secretary of State Pompeo and Vice President Pence, all of which were so on the stage.What they read in is that without the 911 terrorist attacks, the United States has already packed China in Xiaopu's office, and it will not give China a chance to rise.Trump is an incompetent president, but he is not superstitious about the overallism of the United States. However, his basic ticket warehouse is the right -wing conservative group. He can't help himself and can only follow the flow. The current situation is the result of the natural development of the situation.

The historical limitations of the international politics led by the West have so far, the historical limitations of the game of interests and power games. More than 2,000 years of experience are inseparable from the military games and interests between the country and the country.You can see its laws.Nugoslavia disintegrated more than 20 years ago, and many nation -states were born through various wars, including Serbia, Bosnia -Herzecholons, and Kosovo, who are still fighting the international community to identify with its sovereignty, are the most recent examples.Today's Germany is also a product of the unified two Germans in 1990.Everyone should spend more time to see history. Some people think that Western countries with democracy and freedom only fight the battle of justice and help countries bullied by hegemony. This kind of ignorance and prejudice is unsoppable.In fact, the United States is the number one hegemony in the world. It is the country that the world is currently involved in the most war. The U.S. military is still engaged in military activities in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya.There are more than 35,000 people, there are about 23,000 people in the U.S. military in South Korea. The US military expenditure is four times that of China, which is close to the sum of military expenses in the following five countries.From any options, China must prevent this country that will be used as lettuce, and one day it suddenly thinks that China touches its interests and will launch an attack.

Can the National Security Law let everyone remember a country

The location of Hong Kong is embarrassing. It used to be the colonies of the United Kingdom of the United States. Until 23 years ago, the British army had been stationed in Hong Kong.Everyone knows that Hong Kong is the main position for Western countries to monitor China. The United States Consulate General in Hong Kong is one of the largest consulates in the world in the world.Hall.The US Consulate General in Hong Kong was established as early as 1843. It was the second year after the Manchu government cut Hong Kong to Britain for defeat. It can be imagined that Western countries attach great importance to Hong Kong as the role of monitoring China.Most Hong Kong residents just want to live a stable life. Maybe they have forgotten the three years and eight months of the Japanese army's occupation of Hong Kong, and lack of interest in competition in large powers. The previous generation came to Hong Kong in order to escape the war and turmoil.History has awareness, and it is impossible to understand the central government's emphasis on national security.

If in the past, the special status of Hong Kong was not conscious, and the conflict between China and the United States this time due to the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District should make Hong Kong people feel quite existent.EssenceAfter this change, the authenticity of a country has also increased, allowing Hong Kong people to feel the two systems that have been emphasized in the past, and now they are comparing with one country.This shows that a country has only existed at the level of pure concepts in the past.The National Security Law of the Hong Kong District has definitely made many Hong Kong people unaccustomed, but similar laws have always existed. The Hong Kong and British governments had monitored, managed and repatriated the mainland through the Ministry of Political Department.Of course, the younger generation did not know, and because of political needs, the old -age politicians even beautified the United Kingdom, which used to beautify the colonies, and forgot to suppress the face of the Hong Kong warrior.After the return, the politicians, whether they are pan -people or systems, and government officials have been having a day. Except for being, they are pushing each other, and they cannot see the changes in the world, especially the changes in China.Last year's anti -repair riots occurred in this wrong judgment, and today's Hong Kong National Security Law is a serious consequence of the wrong judgment.

Some young politicians in Hong Kong want to deepen the international line. They like to imagine that they can understand, but their actions are naive.If you do n’t have time to learn the history of hundreds of years, you can see how newspapers have abandoned the Kurdish allies in Syria in recent years, how to sacrifice the anti -Russian forces cultivated in Ukraine, how to force South Korea and Germany to pay protection fees, let alone three.More than ten years ago, it forced Japan to sign the square agreement, snip its financial system, weaken its competitiveness, and enable Japan to enter the lost 20 years; the United Kingdom, as a medium -powerful country, still remembers the glory of the Empire.It is also bragging about the golden age of Sino -British relations. Now because of the wolf in the Brexit process, it is subject to the United States and must continue to change its position.Why is someone willing to rest on these anti -tongue -tongue external forces, whether someone has deceived you or you are dreaming yourself?In anti -repair riots, many people warned young people to beware of exports of fines, and stupid people shot.

Only understand the big change to be awake to move forward

China has determined that the world has entered a major change in a century. The tree is quiet and endless. It can only respond carefully.China is not only the founder of the big change, but also the target of traditional forces.All aspects of China are not only geopolitics, trade and finance, nor are they not just Hong Kong and Taiwan. It is estimated that even medical, health, cultural, scientific sciences, and aerospace space will become a platform for China and the United States.If you observe it from another perspective, it includes at least: the conflict of world economic leading competition, geopolitical competition, international affairs, the competition for the right to speak, social governance model competition, and civilization.For more than ten years, many international relations scholars believe that the structure of the world's power should be positioned as G2, but China has rejected.Nothing is interested.Nevertheless, if you want to face group attacks, China will not fight alone.Taking the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District as an example, the United States connected 27 Western countries to besiege China in the United Nations Human Rights Director. China also called on other 53 countries to support themselves, and at the same time persuaded a large number of countries not to participate in the United States to block China.Of course, this is what you should do in the diplomatic game. In the end, you have to judge whether it is a posture or reality based on the specific action. Can friends who are running on the international line can understand the politics here?

Some things can't go back. This is why people who think twice and then rush are of great significance.For those young people who have committed criminal crimes in exercise for a while, this is the turning point of life, which is the same for Hong Kong.Some people lamented that Hong Kong has changed since then.I would like to ask, before everyone attempted to change Hong Kong last year, it was not because some people confused everyone and thought that Hong Kong was changed after returning. It was no longer one country, two systems, so do you want to initiate resistance to protect Hong Kong? In fact, among the strugglesIf you are changed, there are also those who want to change Hong Kong through fighting.Regardless of whether you want to change or not, the purpose is to maintain the special status of Hong Kong. However, it is not a task that Hong Kong can complete it at all, and it should not stupidly think that Hong Kong independence or bravery can have a role.See how the central government has completed the National Security Law legislation decision, consultation, legislation, the establishment of the National Security Commission and the National Security Commission within about 40 days, and you can know the disparity between the strength between the two parties of the game, and it can be understood that recklessness is not advisable.

Since Hong Kong is an international city, how can it be alone when the world changes?What's more, his country is the main participant in the change.Having said that, there is still room for changes in Hong Kong to benefit themselves, not purely as a bystander. The premise is to understand the changes and find opportunities for their own changes, rather than recklessly.Since the central government has led the change and stabilized the situation, the shameless politicians who have incited confrontation have also been stunned. No matter how unwilling they are, they should also clean up their mood, calmly examine the situation, think carefully about the road, do not think about it, do not bury the wall to bury the wall to bury the wallEssenceTwenty -three years ago, Hong Kong returned. Many people think that Hong Kong is dead, but Hong Kong is still under dynamic changes. The prediction has been proven to be alarmist.This voice reproduces today, and the younger generation can experience its own true and false itself.The changes in Hong Kong, China, and the world may be accelerated. If you face it rationally or soberly, it may be continued by countless sets of cold water. This is not a comfortable and smart choice.
