Source: Hong Kong 01

Last Tuesday (June 30), the Hong Kong National Security Law was approved by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.The next day, the mainstream media of Western countries were overwhelmed by the death of Hong Kong's death, accusing the Hong Kong National Security Law undermine a country, two systems, and preconceived political prejudice.At the beginning of the year, when the crown disease broke out in Wuhan, the Western media also made a big article that if the virus appeared in a democratic society, the system was enough to control the epidemic.Later, the fact that Europe and the United States had a lesson in China, but it was lightly concerned about the virus, which not only could not avoid the outbreak of the epidemic in its own territory, but even more serious than China.This proves that the prejudice of ideology of ideology is superficial, and these media slapped these media fiercely. If according to their theory, Hong Kong, a democratic place, may only become the hardest hit area of the epidemic, but the results made them embarrassed.A little longer, when Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, mainstream Western media predicted that Hong Kong was dead. As a result, Hong Kong not only did not die, but also lived to the present so that these Western media murdered again.

It is true that the legislation of the Hong Kong National Security Law has been rumored to take effect, but in just about a month, everything is very fast. It not only pours a pellen ice water for the social movement of Hong Kong, but also brings an inestimable political deterrent.Coupled with the abnormal excitement under the anti -repair campaign, it can be exposed after being abnormal. It can be imagined that for some time in the future, many Hong Kong people will feel discouraged and discouraged by the political ideas, and even choose to make Hong Kong pigs without smelling.However, we do not think that the Hong Kong National Security Law is to take the space for people to discuss politics in Hong Kong, nor do it believe that Hong Kong's political participation space will disappear.However, this pot of ice water undoubtedly also gives Hong Kong society a chance to calm down. Everyone should take a good look at the gains and losses of past social movements and think about how to develop a democratic system for Hong Kong under the framework that meets the political ethics of one country and two systems.

The original intention of social movement should wake up when Hong Kong Dream should be woke up

Recalling the social movement in Hong Kong, whether it is before or after returning, it is also largely the purpose of pursuing the fairness and justice of society and economy.Half a century ago, the six -seven riots broke out in Hong Kong.On the surface, it was incited by the leftist in the Mainland during the Cultural Revolution, but at the end of its originality, it was not unique to the reasons to promote so many people to participate in the struggle.At that time, the population of Hong Kong grew too quickly, and many of the low -class living environment was harsh, and the anger in life was venting out of force.After suppressing, the Hong Kong -English government appointed McLegal Hao as the Governor of the Hong Kong Governor. It promoted a series of people's livelihood policy reforms including Dajian public housing, improving community construction and welfare benefits, to gradually relieve social issues and eliminate the crisis of governance.

For decades after the 1970s, Hong Kong people have a stable life. In addition, the benefit of the rapid economic development has brought various high -level opportunities. Most Hong Kong people have rarely dissatisfied with politics, and social movement naturally lacks public support.The previous generation of Hong Kong people was often criticized as Hong Kong pigs, not without objective reasons.After the return, the surface scenery continued for a while, but after Hong Kong experienced several major impacts, the accumulation of imbalance in economic structure was gradually exposed, and the changes brought about by financial tsunami in 2008 were particularly obvious.At that time, in order to cope with the pressure of economic downturn, major economies of major economies started to print money printing machines, causing global capital to water, creating capital bubbles, and also intensified the original unhealthy industry and distribution structure.Although in the same side, Hong Kong's financial industry has risen, but behind the prosperity of paper drunk gold fans, the lives of the low -class levels are getting poor, and social contradictions are more prominent.The government has not seen corresponding policies to respond to serious social and economic injustice, which has gradually accumulated the complaints of the people.

After the 2010, the rise of localism in Hong Kong was largely to a large extent that many people had a sense of self -defense in the face of social and economic problems such as flying prices and class flow stagnation.Today, some young people have risked risks to support localism, and even go to Hong Kong independence and violence to fight back. The young group is the hardest hit area of this abnormal social structure.They are unhappy with society and are eager to change the future through their own strength.Therefore, it is not just a kind of local sentiment, but also a resistance to social unfairness.

The pursuit of localism and social movements is not only attached to the form of elections, but that this can solve the life of people's livelihood.In recent years, localism, such as Star Fire, is the result of this kind of non -public society.In addition, the Hong Kong Government's ruling is incorrect, and the establishment faction is willing to be the Emperor's Party, and even escort the vested interests everywhere, causing Hong Kong to waste the reform of society and calm the people's grievances.As a result, some people believe that the ineffective fighting techniques that have always been with African and African have caused localism to gradually evolve into Hong Kong independence as the only way out, and gradually lead the social movement into the extreme form of the present.However, is it really the only way out of Hong Kong Du?The Hong Kong British government has ruled Hong Kong for more than a hundred years and has never really given Hong Kong democracy, but the participants of the social movement have not proposed Hong Kong independence; in the early years of democratic sports leaders, such as Situhua, Li Zhuming and others, they have fought for many years, and they did not give up peace.Reasonable means.

In fact, there is no problem with the localism and movement of the pursuit of the interests of the people's students in Hong Kong.EssenceIntroducing Hong Kong independent elements in the local area is just a lot of painting snakes.However, although the snake is not enough for dragons, this can not only solve the problem, but in the end, only a joke that can not be a anti -dog dog.The passing of the Hong Kong National Security Law does not justify that Hong Kong independence is just a dream of Nanke. Isn't it not just a way out, but also harmful?The original intention of returning, the origin of the social movement is to pursue improving people's livelihood, neither brave and martial arts nor Hong Kong independence.Society should not continue to determine one means as the goal, especially this means is still a dead end.Young people should spend some time, think about the essence of social movements, and do not let the political discourse full of ideology led their noses with their noses.

Later, the National Security Law Reinning local route

The Hong Kong National Security Law is very heavy, and the content is full of spicyness, which is likely to bring a certain degree of cold effect on the social movement of Hong Kong.However, the passing of the Hong Kong National Security Law did not declare the social movement. Hong Kong happened to take the opportunity to stop at the social movement of Hong Kong independence and violence.Putting down the reckless fantasy of painting snakes can the Hong Kong social movement can be chaotic anyway, and it can truly achieve the original intention of improving the people's livelihood.

In fact, the Hong Kong National Security Law passed, and the political activities of Hong Kong should never stop.As the Legislative Council election approaches, the campaign of political forces in different spectral spectrum continues.From the campaign, it can be seen that there will be many young people with localism as the political concept, including many district councilors who were elected last year.Among the political platforms they proposed, there are many issues of people's livelihood, which includes not only the housing problems that Hong Kong people are familiar with, and how to support the economic difficulties caused by the low -class outbreak.These issues are nothing more than the purpose of improving people's livelihood. It is exactly the specific topic that social movements and reform should really care about.After the exit in Hong Kong's independence, it made localism and social movements be able to see the moon.

Although there are no actual political imaginations in these political platforms, such as emphasizing that local self -strengthening and not excessively relying on the Mainland, they have to equate it with the mainland.Lugang cutting is originally fantasy. The introduction of the Hong Kong National Security Law is enough to alert everyone. However, in these political platforms, we can at least see the concerns of the younger generation of social reform.Compared to those who are intoxicated with political games and even asking foreign politicians who are required to sanction in Hong Kong, who is the real way out of Hong Kong, it is self -evident.Young people distinguish between halal and false issues and gradually adjust their political claims. It is understandable that they hope that they will cherish the current position, especially the district members who are on the way to take the anti -repair movement can work hard to do this job., Can serve both citizens, learn from them, and deeply understand social issues.If you are still intoxicated in the pursuit of illusory politics, I am afraid that you will only lose this opportunity and even be caught.

The purpose of politics has always been to improve people's livelihood, and the fundamental to pursue democracy, fairness and justice is also improving people's livelihood.It is only an ideological dispute over the political concept of people's livelihood.We hope that Hong Kong society can let go of their obsession and no longer be energetic to consciousnessThe unnecessary struggle of the state returned to the original intention of the native.Many young people have devoted themselves to the democratic movement, and they finally walked to the current step. It is not empty ideology, but realizing life and pursuing dreams.After putting down the burden of Hong Kong independence, it is the current need to promote social reform pragmatically.