Ming Pao News Agency

Recently, the relationship between the United States and Europe's heavyweight allies in Germany has fallen into a new historical low. The two countries have many issues in Iran's nuclear issue, climate change, German military expenditure, US -Europe trade, and even Germany and Russia's oil and gas pipeline projects.There is a cricket, and US President Trump announced that nearly 10,000 people will withdraw troops from Germany to punish Germany. German Chancellor Merkel earlier reported that the United States held the invitation of the seven major industrial states (G7) summits in Washington in September in SeptemberA few days ago, they even questioned the willingness of the United States to be a world -world country; German Foreign Minister Marce even made it clear that structural changes in Germany and the United States have undergone structural changes, implying that even if the White House changed the owner, it is difficult for Germany and the United States to meet the requirements of both parties.The impact of German -American relations on European and American relations is huge, and the evolution of bilateral relations is particularly far -reaching that the impact of bilateral relations on cross -Atlantic partnership is particularly far -reaching.

Different military expenditure expenditures have a great impact of the United States withdrawal of the United States

Germany was close to the cultural ideology. Trump himself was a descendant of German immigrants. After World War II, Demei has always been a firm ally, and the United States is also the biggest promoter of Germany.After Merkel came to power in 2005, he actively repaired the former Schroedan government against the suspicion left by the United States and Britain's attack on Iraq. After the Obama was on power in 2009, German -American relations improved a lot.

However, after Trump came to power, he emphasized that the United States prioritized and despised allies' relationships, which made the contradictions and differences in German and American. Trump did not cover up in Twitter and formal occasions, and made these differences on the stage.The German side also had to fight back. As the dispute between the two sides upgraded, it was doubtful whether the German -American League relations had deteriorated.

The contradiction between Demei is first of all trade friction.According to data from the US Department of Commerce, the European Union's overall trade surplus to the United States in 2016 was US $ 146.3 billion, of which Germany accounted for US $ 64.8 billion, which was second only to China and Japan in all countries in the United States.At the beginning of Trump's ones, he spoke about this. Not only did the EU headquarters in Brussels scold the Germans very bad (Very Bad), it threatened to increase tariffs on European automobile imports, and Germany was the main production of European cars to produce.land.

Trump's dissatisfaction with German military expenditure is a detonation point for Germany's recent contradictions.As early as the campaign, Trump promised to increase national defense expenses to reduce the burden on the United States.After taking office, he repeatedly urged NATO member states to raise national defense expenditure to more than 2%of GDP. As the second largest economy in NATO, Germany's national defense expenditure in 2019 only accounts for 1.38%of its GDP, and said that it would not be until 2031 that it was only 2031st.To reach the goal of GDP2%.In order to express dissatisfaction, Trump ordered the U.S. military to withdraw 9,500 people from Germany and reduce the US military in Germany to 25,000. Part of these withdrawal troops may send neighbor Poland in Germany.The European Union headed by Germany has always been disagreeable, but has been favored by Trump.

The U.S. withdrawal will have an impact on the German local economy. Lai Fusha, who is stationed in about 18,500 U.S. military, is building the largest military hospital in the United States. To this end, the United States has approved about 990 million US dollars, and the German government also spent 151 million euros.There are another 12,000 US military personnel and 25,000 military family members. The U.S. military also hires 7,200 locals, the largest local employer and an important economic pillar.However, Merkel seemed to be unmoved, emphasizing that the U.S. military in Germany was also in order to protect the interests of the United States.

Germany's energy cooperation with Russia is another focus of controversy in Germany.The United States criticized Germany and Russia by bypassing the Beixi No. 2 natural gas pipeline project in Ukraine, which made Germany completely controlled by Russia. At the end of last year, the United States announced sanctions on the project.Germany believes that the US sanctions are interference in the internal affairs of Germany and Europe. Foreign Minister Mas said that European energy policy should be determined by Europe and not determined by the United States.Germany threatened that if the United States further sanctions, Germany will retaliate.

Global governance not speculatory quarrels coexist for a long time

In recent years, Germany has not been speculative on many global governance issues such as Iran's nuclear issues, climate change, and immigration.At the UN Security Council meeting last week, Germany, Britain, and France, the United States proposed to extend the opposition to Iranian weapons embargo. German representatives said that the United States withdrawing from the Iran nuclear agreement was very unfortunate and actually violated international law.

An important difference between Germany and the United States is the process of European integration. This is the deep -seated contradictions that are difficult to reconcile in the German -American countries' strategy.Trump is the first US president to publicly obstruct the European integration process. He not only appreciates the British Brexit, but also has suspected European politicians such as the British independent party leader Farachi and French far -right politician Marlin LelongWhen there is a good interaction, the United States is not happy to see the EU's deep integration, but it is not Trump's personal political opinion, but the mainstream consensus of the two parties.

Because Germany is the founder and leader of the European Union, since this month, he has served as the EU rotating chairman. The differences between Germany and the United States can easily rise to Europe and the United States contradictions, and have shadowed the entire cross -Atlantic alliance relations.However, although there are many contradictions and differences that are difficult to reconcile in the short term, the two countries still have a relatively stable alliance foundation and cultural origin, and there are inextricable political and economic connections.Need to need each other, so quarrels may be there, and it is impossible to reverse. The two countries can still maintain the basic relationship between alliances and cooperation.Mas also said in an interview the previous day that Germany still regards the United States as an important partner and hopes to improve bilateral relations.On the other hand, the fundamental contradictions in the German and American countries will exist for a long time. Germany will further promote European integration to reduce the United States. The United States will also strengthen the restrictions and control of the potential competitors of the European Union.Coexistence and differences in cooperation will be the main feature of future Germany and American relations.