01 Viewpoint

The Prime Minister signed an agreement with China on Wednesday and promised to hand over the five million people to a Communist regime.Can it be said in the past?On December 19, 1984, after the British Prime Minister Sachel signed a joint statement with the Chinese and Britain in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, he visited Hong Kong and asked Liu Huiqing, who was a reporter from the Far East East East East East East East Economic Reporter in the Legislative Council.Career peak.Later, in the first direct election of the Legislative Council in 1991, he became a character in politics.After more than thirty years, the two sides of the Victoria Harbor had long been wrong, and Liu Huiqing was near the years, but the BNO equal rights of Hong Kong people were still the topic.

On June 30, 2020, the member of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress passed the Guoan Law in Beijing in Beijing. London issued a statement saying that the National Security Law violated the Sino -British joint statement and will relax the 3 million Hong Kong people who apply for the British National Overseas Passport (BNO) to move to the UK in the UK.Limit, extend the current limited residence permit for six months.BNO holders will obtain a five -year residence permit working or studying in the UK. After that, they can apply for settlement. After 12 months, they can apply for citizenship and do not have a quota.In this regard, Beijing's response was strong, saying that Britain's commitment to the right of residency will not be given to Hong Kong people in violation of the Sino -British joint statement.BNO, who has been regarded as a waste paper, has suddenly been aware of the failure of equal rights for many years, and suddenly Luoyang paper is expensive, and it has become the wrestling point of international games.

Britain is not the other time

The scope of the National Security Law of the Hong Kong area is wide and the penalties are high. Some citizens are in danger, and the people are not understandable.The United States, Britain, Australia, Japan, and Taiwan governments, such as lifeboats, have relaxed the local immigration policy of Hong Kong people to move to the local immigration policy, so that Hong Kong people to find another lifestyle to find another way of lifestyle are indispensable.As the former owner of Hong Kong, Britain is nominally responsible for Hong Kong people than other countries.Originally, Hong Kong people, as the Commonwealth citizen, could still freely enter and exit or settle in the UK before the 1980s. In response to the Hong Kong's future negotiation agenda, the residential rights of Hong Kong people have changed significantly.

The 1981 British National Act revised by the British government has degraded the Hong Kong people to British Citizen Citizens (BDTC) and indirectly deprived of the residential rights of 3.5 million Hong Kong people.Later Britain formulated the 1985 Hong Kong Act, and there was another British national (overseas) identity, but he did not give its British residency.Until June 4, 1989, Beijing's bloody suppression of the democratic movement, Hong Kong people's future confidence fell to low, and the Hong Kong folk launch movement asked London to give a complete British citizenship.Faced with the moral responsibility of Britain at home and abroad, London launched a residential Protection Plan to give 50,000 Hong Kong families in British citizenship. It has long opened a Taiping door for Hong Kong people due to moral reasons.

Thirty years ago, Hong Kong was in another unprecedented political crisis, and the British government's attitude at this moment naturally attracted much attention.Regardless of whether it is moral or benefit, the Labor population from the EU countries after Brexit will be unsustainable, and Hong Kong people have happened to be a new force to supplement this labor market.The British economic conditions and people's conditions are also very different from more than 30 years ago. In the 1980s, the UK's unemployment rate was long -term high. In 1984, it recorded a high level of 11.9%. Until 1989, it was still 7.0%.3.5 million potential Hong Kong immigrants are greatly resisted.The polls in 1990 showed that only 33%of the British in favor of BNO expansion. Thirty years later, 64%supported Hong Kong people to support British power.

British reality consideration

The reversal of the British people's conditions is naturally better than the local economy than in the 1980s. Its latest unemployment figures show that even if the British stopped working under the epidemic, the unemployment rate in April was only 3.9%.EssenceIn this economic atmosphere, most British people have sympathized with the Hong Kong demonstration in the past year, and there is no reasons for the public in the private British government in the private British government.However, although the Hong Kong people have a five -year residence permit, they have not enjoyed relevant national benefits during the period. They have never fully perfolded the BNO holder, which is undoubtedly considered by reality.Under this restriction, only Hong Kong people with economic capabilities have the ability to move to the United Kingdom, and indirectly refuse to refuse the Hong Kong people with poor education and economic conditions.

Hong Kong people with British citizens and BNO holders with economic capabilities may be studied to move the yellow economic circle to Britain, hire Hong Kong people with weak economic capabilities in their business, andChina Investment and Consumption should strengthen the British Hong Kong community.But born after 1997, Hong Kong people who do not meet the qualifications for BNO are still a major issue of this so -called lifeboat plan.Those parties who strive for BNO equal rights, if they really want to provide more than one or immigrant choice for Hong Kong people, it is impossible to make a more comprehensive assessment, including recognizing the actual considerations of foreign governments and society.

At that time, under the question of Liu Huiqing, Mrs. Sachel was coldly defended by the joint statement of Sino -British: The current situation is much better to Hong Kong, and the fact that China wants to continue in Hong Kong under the agreement under the agreement.EssenceI think if the British government does not do anything before 1997, you will have a good reason to complain. I believe that most Hong Kong people have the same ideas, and you may be the only exception.Today, Hong Kong people have a voices, and even the British have a lot of support. If the British government only says that it supports Hong Kong people, it seems that they can't say it for their own interests.