Russia's one -week constitutional referendum is over, and more than 70 % supports constitutional amendments. Of course, the outside world is most concerned that President Putin can continue to rule until 2036.In fact, the content of constitutional amendments also involves same -sex marriage, religion, etc., reflects Russia's unique social appearance.

The referendum changed the presidential term of office, and at the same time made Putin's track record zero. After the expiration of 2024, he can be re -appointed for two years for a total of 12 years.In terms of cultural value, legal protection against the Patriotic War against Germany is prohibited from the actions of contempt for war martyrs; the marriage system that guarantees a combination of a man and one woman means exclude same -sex marriage; the belief of God is included in the Constitution and describes the tradition of Russians.In terms of social policies, the pension will be hook with the inflation index, and the minimum wages shall not be lower than the minimum living income.

Cultural Conservative Society Equality

From these aspects, it may be difficult for us to simply summarize the choice route of the Russians.Politically, Putin's term of office has continued his strong man's rule, but the term of office has been changed from two consecutive to two consecutive restrictions. In the long run, it also helps leaders to rotate.In terms of cultural value, it can be said to be conservative, but it has not listed Orthodox Church as the state religion, but only describes the belief that God is tradition.Social policies are similar to Nordic social democracy, emphasizing the government's secondary distribution role.

From this point of view, the roads selected by the Russians are unique.But from another perspective, this is universal, because not only Russia, in fact, most of the society also has its own unique selection combination.For example, the traditional culture of Japanese society is strong, but it adopts a constitutional monarchy in the political system, and has close relations with Europe and the United States after World War II.Or Hong Kong has both oriental culture and Chinese traditions, but it is very western in politics and social culture, advocating personal freedom.

The reason why this phenomenon is universal is that each society has a unique development trajectory, and it is impossible to fully accept or transplant a system.In the process of development, each society will inevitably refer to and absorb the strengths of others, but at the same time retains its own characteristics.This process is testing the wisdom of political leaders.Especially in a society like Hong Kong, it is actually between Eastern and Western civilizations.Whether the two cultures can coordinate and make Hong Kong go out of its road, become a unique city on the international stage, or internal tossing and conflict. In addition to seeing the self -understanding and coordination of Hong Kong people, it may also look at the ability of the SAR government to have the ability of the SAR governmentEssence