At the beginning of 2020, the epidemic of new coronary pneumonia attacked the world.China quickly assembles personnel, property and technology with its unique system forces, and obstructs the epidemic with a carpet prevention and control mechanism that almost does not miss one person, and has achieved immediate results.Now, the epidemic in Hubei and the country has been fundamentally controlled.This gives China's existing public ownership system with new and more powerful support evidence.But this does not mean that people will stop being committed to promoting the progress of social governance progress, or it will only accelerate the promotion of national governance reform.

The global epidemic situation is still very severe, and the United States has almost no constructive actions on the prevention, control, and governance of the United States.In response to the severe outbreak of domestic epidemic, the United States did not adopt the attitude of strengthening cooperation with China, but instead exacerbated many disputes and gaps with China.Based on the many fundamental conflicts of institutional and development benefits, the curtain of Sino -US competition for global leadership (influence) has been opened.

The increasingly deep globalization of economic life does not mean that in a short period of time, it will effectively crack many problems that have troubled global coordinated governance. People, regions, or countries are still full of continuous disputes caused by narrow and suspicion.

In Russia, Putin continued to promote the constitutional amendment of the constitutional amendment in advance in order to be able to retire in accordance with 2024 in accordance with the current constitution.In North Korea, Kim Jong -un was ignorant and ignored the reality of human development.In Hong Kong and Europe, the continuous social movement has continued to demand and forced the local government to carry out social governance reforms.

In order not to be dragged by the EU member states, and want to obtain various benefits of the European Union system, Britain has chosen to do everything possible to do everything possible under the pros and cons of the EU system.The little prince Harry and his wife Meghan announced the unloading of the royal family and seeking an independent economic life (entrepreneurial).Although there are divergent speculations, at least it shows that the Harry couples have thought that they do not need the royal family to take the rivers and lakes, and show that they want to create the new system of the British royal family.

Personal conflicts, conflicts of interest, and institutional conflicts are the three fundamental conflicts facing human society today.Institutional conflicts, especially the primary factor of severe conflicts.Can human beings find a life and development system? Under such a system, can the conflict between personality and interests be included and make the coordination of personality and interests very easy?Which of the current two major development systems (capitalism and socialism) in the world?Or will there be a third?Capitalism (production and distribution method) will really be replaced by socialism as Marx's claims. Is it that it is a process that needs to be perfected, but it is already a framework system that must be selected by human life and development?How much practical feasibility can the term socialism still bring to human development?Without institutional conflicts (gap), will it not happen if China -US conflicts and Hong Kong issues will not happen?

Since coming to the world, capitalism has been the philosophical basis under the principle of talent human rights.Economically, comprehensively implement privatization and private property protection, and establish a free market -oriented social operating mechanism; in terms of national governance, set up legislative, administrative, and judicial three divisions and checks and balances to implement fundamental judicial independence and speech and speech and speech and speechFreedom of thought; in the political party system, no matter whether the two parties or multi -party systems, any political party is just a common political concept organization or faction that cannot be used under the power of the country.The premise of the existence and labor respect of the human rights of talent is based on the individual differences and labor respect of the human biological attributes.Order and growth.

However, at the same time, in the free capitalist stage, in the operation of national and global order, due to the serious lack of overall data and order control and regulation, there is market disorder and chaos, which causes many criticisms of the capitalist system.Curse is a system of eating people.For more than 400 years, the capitalist economy and political system, from the beginning of freedom from the beginning to the later multinational monopoly (imperialism), developed into welfare capitalism in the middle of the 20th century, and experienced continuous self -reform and improvement.Now, a new system has emerged: social capitalism.Capitalism is still vibrant.British development economist Paul Middot; Paul Collier praised: In the history of humanity, no system can be superior to capitalism, and capitalism has improved human living standards.

At present, the two different systems of socialism and capitalism are relatively existing and blurred with each other. They face new cognition and definition of what is fundamental and socialism.What exactly is capitalist production and distribution?Where is its advantage?Where is not enough?Does it indeed exist in the internal contradictions that cannot be overcome?What exactly is socialism?Is the socialism in Marx's writing scientific, or is it just a subjective judgment (or wishful wish)?Is there still a reality or meaningful socialism discussed by Marx?Is socialism with Chinese characteristics actually capitalism with Chinese characteristics?

We must continue to ask: Is socialism with Chinese characteristics be like this now?1. The coexistence of state -owned and private economy;And there is a serious governance corruption existing hell; HelloP;If it is temporary, what will be rely on to fundamentally change or completely eradicate it?Human society will eventually increase civilization, openness, fairness, harmony, orderly life and development.

Western Marxology researchers have fully realized that the four main parts of Marxist doctrine (materialist dialectics, historical materialism, proletarian dictatorship, social/communism).Not scientific and fake.Ma said that in addition to igniting the theory of fire piles that the proletarian launching the social revolution --- Compared with the progress of the progress of social change compared to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Hong Xiquan, there are more systemic changes in social reform ---It is impossible to give those who have launched the social revolution to seize the leadership of the state (government) in accordance with this doctrine, and use any effective theory or intellectual guidance in governing the country and the development of productivity.This is just like the early 1950s. During a foreign event, foreign guests asked Mao Zedong: What do you say to socialism, what is socialism?Mao Zedong answered frankly: I haven't thought about this question.

Karl Marx has similar ideological traits as ancient Confucius in ancient China. It is a political thinker who has high comprehensive thinking ability and is committed to social reform.Confucius lived in China during the Spring and Autumn Period. At that time, during the transformation of the entire slavery production method to the feudal system, the Confucian system summarized all the cultural books before him and created the Confucian system that continued to open.Marx is in Europe, which is in a detailed division of social division of labor and the formation of the world market, which has brought about the rapid expansion of social productivity.At this time, Europe, facing the rapid development of business society and the rapid gathering of social wealth from global to Europe, people's concepts and social contradictions are facing sharp changes at the same time.At this time, the relationship between land and serfs, employers and handicraft owners was quickly replaced by the relationship between capitalists and labor, and monetary capital was independent from production relations, becoming a decisive social force and factors.Marx thought and sorted out the inherent relationship between private ownership, commodity, currency and productivity, and social contradictions.

Marx tried to find the reason why the system explained this series of complex social issues and found a solution.It is in the context of such an era that he systematically studies the social production and distribution methods under the capitalist system and the political operation system that is determined by it, and combines the theory of modern socialist doctrine and the theory of communist concepts, and then formedThe theory of system (communist )ist society of system (communist).It is commendable that his doctrine is based on a philosophy, economics, and social revolution.Based on such a relatively complete ideological system with social ideals.His doctrine appeared in a complete and rigorous attitude. At that time, it was an indispensable doctrine and social reform ideological system.It is not necessary to have a system or theory that the current situation of human beings and the future of the current situation and the future of human beings.Escape.Marx's doctrine has severely cracked down on mdash; MDASH; the fundamental fundamental is the lack of MDash; MDASH; capitalist production mode in marketization, rule of law, and social comprehensive governance.It can be said that Marx almost completely destroyed the entire capitalist production method.Through the denying capitalism, Marx and Engels proposed socialist mdash; mdash; communist mdash; mdash; constructing a framework, and thought that (solve) the fundamental way out of human life.

But in fact, not only did not, but also introduced humans into a major misunderstanding mdash; MDASH; then a social system based on public ownership, it is impossible to buildOne fundamentally violated the reaction of human nature.This institutional idea has a fundamental conflict with human biological attributes. It cannot be accepted and supported by human nature. On the contrary, it is basically rejected by human nature.Although human beings have a social (common group) life (belonging), they are always based on biological attributes, premises, and fundamentals. Biological attributes always determine and restrict social attributes.Marx has no insight into this basic factual foundation and its relationship.As a result, the entire political economics and economics ideological system that Marx and Engels were worried about could not stand the test of human society's practice and fell down.

Marx's genius and great love is that he is not the survival status of an industrial worker in a worker, an industry or a region or even a country.The production method is to examine the proletariat, and think about the fundamental ways of the cause and effect of the proletarian and the change of destiny.He focuses on the construction of the entire social system to change the fate of all proletarians.When talking about the relationship between workers 'salary and the fate of the workers, he wrote that the increase in wages caused the workers' overwork.The more they want to make more money, the more they have to sacrifice their time, and completely give up all freedom and engage in slave labor for greed.This shorten the life expectancy of workers.The shortening of the life expectancy is a favorable situation for the entire working class, because this will inevitably continue to have new demand for labor.This class has always had to sacrifice part of itself to avoid exhaustion.Marx, especially the rights of capital, capital, and profits, and the fate of people who have not carefully thought about people before, and to understand the inherent relationship between the fate of workers (proletarians) and these factors.This system proposes the political transformation proposition to rebuild the social operation system.

The reason why Marx's doctrine was relied on Chinese intellectuals in the early 20th century because the Chinese intellectuals at that time wanted to find the poor and weak reasons of China at that time.In this way, go to the system, think in depth of social cause and effect and reform, or based on the Chinese social soil at that time, there is no condition to systematically think such a systematic thinking to produce such integrated thoughts.At that time in China, although there was a capitalist production method, it was still based on the agricultural, small agricultural economy, and handicraft workshops as the economic subject. It has not yet formed a large -scale or mature capitalist production system.Lack of human nature at least awakened and the general public.

Today in China, the whole society must be allowed to fully and freely cultivate a global enterprise with a global enterprise that develops the market and pursue profit and has strong development momentum like Huawei.This is the power of freedom, which is the only way for China's rise.It is necessary to completely break the monopoly of state -owned land and assets, hand over the rise and fall of enterprises to the market, fully release the vivid capacity of the enterprise, and fundamentally strip the soil where the monopoly and the vested interests are parasitic.The imprisonment of capital and personality in the name of socialism, the illegal possession of economic benefits, and the natural impoliteness of the nature of people under the collection of political power have become a serious barrier for the general public to achieve full happiness and the rise of the nation.Break.

Democratic politics and freedom markets are undoubtedly the most successful and feasible social development system for human social governance.Democratic politics does not mean that interests are equal, and they are even more abilities, but there must be an equal integration of social participation opportunities inside and outside the system.Comprehensive democratic politics, comprehensive market economy, comprehensive rule of law countries, comprehensive speech and freedom of ideology are the only feasible way to fully release the productivity of the whole society.

Can the fundamental democratic politics be implemented under the political system of one party?Is multi -party political system an indispensable supporting mechanism for democratic politics?The author believes that between the form of political party system and democratic politics, it is still possible to deal with rails and not overhaur each other.Under the existing party administration, China can adopt the candidates for leaders of administrative, legislative, and judicial institutions at all levels of the political parties, and then directly elected by the people's congresses at all levels to generate (formation) of various national institutions.The ideal mechanism is that the CCP's recommender and other democratic parties or non -party pushes (self -pushes) are recommended to compete at the next furnace of the National People's Congress to produce the ultimate leaders of various institutions.However, after the election, the leaders must be directly responsible for all voters and public (or institutions of public opinion).EssenceThe National People's Congress (Legislative Agency) has the independent power and responsibilities of the leaders of institutions of various countries and the fiscal and audit financial.This can be called limited or basic democracy.Basic democracy can be used as a advanced transition of fundamental democratic politics.

The first phase of the Sino -U.S. Trade War Agreement was signed on January 15th. The key content was three points: 1. In the following two years, China increased from US $ 200 billion compared to the US imports.US financial capital and products almost enter the Chinese market without limiting, and China further opens up and accelerates reform -related systems (laws); 3. The United States continues to maintain tariff pressure on Chinese products in China. The text requires 82 places to be in China.How should there be only three places in the United States.If this is the victory of the United States, it is better to say that this is the victory of China.The United States has obtained the interests of the economic and trade benefits, and China will accelerate the overall development under the reform of the reform.The positive role of this agreement on China is to promote China's endogenous reform and enhance the deep integration of Sino -US economic and trade relations, but it will inevitably damage the global economic and trade dynamic balance in a short period of time.

Where will the quality of Chinese governance go?It is not surprising that it has not yet formed a clear thinking about the United States and Europe and other countries, but if the Chinese themselves have no clear correct thinking for a long time, it is a very dangerous thing.Governing the people, governing the country, and governing the world, Chinese leaders should have higher and far -reaching philosophical capabilities (time and space) to cognition, thinking, and actions.The inexhaustible motivation to create and promote social development lies in all the people, and it is by no means those who are self -righteous.Happiness, achievement, creation, and prosperity originated from the people. It is necessary to effectively commit to the construction of national governance methods that are conducive to the good life and internal creativity that are conducive to all the people, and let the mechanism serve people, rather than let people serve the mechanism.With the starting point of patriotism, loving the people, and ethnic groups as the starting point and the starting point of love, grasp, and power in the bones, the two do not return to each other.

Many domestic and foreign blockers and crises at home and abroad are still very severe.In the case of the existing two global social systems and governance methods still exist, in the face of the governance ecology of market economy, rule of law society, democratic politics, thought and freedom of speech under the capitalist system, China is a good realizationHow can a socialist country explore and build as soon as possibleIt is imminent to continue, replicable, and being able to advance and retreat with the world's mainstream.China must have a systematic strategic and ideological decision to put its own systematic dynamic development, which can properly plan and handle the dynamic development balance relationship between itself and the world's (regions).Only in this way can we develop (high) effect, orderly, and calmly forward in the unpredictable process of facing the global trend.

(Author: Beijing Political Philosophy Scholar, Global Leadership Doctors of Oxford University)