On the way to the company in the morning, there will always be some Luo Li who carry the guest workers. More than a dozen guest workers are crowded in a small space. The gray -tone uniforms form a large contrast with the green trees and red flowers on both sides of the road.

No one had questioned the local landscape of the local area until the outbreak of the crown disease.In order to keep one meter distance, a company added a pier on the truck to open the guest workers one by one.It was only discovered that construction companies have always transported guest workers like transporting goods.Those who are not polite, they even accuse them treat this vulnerable group like animals.

When did we get used to differences, are we accustomed to weird, and are we used to the unfairness around?

This kind of cognitive habits similar to this convention have long been scattered in all aspects of our lives, including aspects such as further studies, employment, moral judgment, and life attitude. We do not reflect or compete, and the habits have become natural.

Take my son as an example. After he got the admission notice, he was not happy.In the eyes of the world, famous schools have a dazzling halo, and he cannot be exempted. He even considers choosing a major that the famous school does not like, and give up choosing another school's own specialty.

Is it really a prestigious school, and give life a layer of insurance?The answer is obviously not. Facts have proved that some students in famous schools have nothing to do, because they choose majors that they do not like or do not like, and some students learn blindly without motivation. They seem to be on the runway, but they break the oil and eventually cannot run the end.On the contrary, many non -prestigious school students are willing to study in the fields they love and are good at, and they can still show their skills to become the winner of life.

Without the correct values, you are used to seeing life from a secular vision, and you will add an invisible shackles to the future.

In recent years, there have been more and more local singles. Some have been frustrated by emotions, and some are due to the pressure of life. Some people have been single for a long time.But there is another type of person because of sexual orientation. When social habits and self -oriented conflict, they are also used to giving up and occasionally walking on the edge of emotions.

There is no need to question the cognitive habits of these people, which is a personal choice.But if you think that the habit is reasonable or insisting on self -righteousness, it is wrong.

There are a few classic lines in the redemption of the movie Shawshank, which is the best interpretation of the habit: these walls are very interesting. When you first jailed, you hate the surrounding high walls and slowly, you are used to living in it.But what can really trap a person is not the cage of steel casting, but the high wall standing in my heart.

The habit of the high wall is made of pebbles of the years. Those pebbles are smooth and hard. We use the wind and rain with the wind and rain, but gradually become what we don't like.

Of course, it is not easy to break the high wall, especially to break the inherent thinking cognition, but if you are used to habits, it is a terrible thing, just like a frog boiled frog.

Not long ago, seeing an interview with the artist Chen Danqing, he mentioned that when mobile phones make people easier to express, expressions are easy to flood, and people will become more and less self -self.Our education is also. If parents are used to teaching their children what is beauty and what is success, it is actually stifling children's imagination and creativity.

I agree with his point of view. For children, it will break the restraint of habits, think about experience, and the freedom of thought will bring creativity freedom.The same is true for adults. We brush the news on our mobile phones every day and express their views. They are very busy, but they are used to seeing problems from the public's eyes.Familiar followers and servants.Without the space for self -thinking, it will make us more and less personality and ourselves.

Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, more and more work will be replaced by robots, and only emotion, values and innovative thinking will not be replaced. This is also the root cause of the world's dominance.Once we have become a habitual follower, we have no emotions, values and innovation capabilities, people are cloudy, and our own value is not as good as robots.

(The author is the practitioner of the electronic industry)