Peng Chengyi: The probability of resistance in the United States will be transferred to a long -term war, in order to make a major breakthrough in medical technology.Its political situation has the danger of accelerating extreme right wings after chaos.

How does the new crown epidemic impact the U.S. political situation, will it go to fascism as some people warn?It is important to answer this question and take corresponding alert measures.Here, Sperture, Tangyopi, John Bull; Gartone and other methods of historical views are used in order to have a macro -in and long -term grasp of the US trend.The method of viewing is an intuitive way to resort to the internal vision of the soul. It does not depend on the laws and causality of nature, but the individual's spiritual wisdom and the personal experience of the individual's life in history.Spengler refers to the empirical method and his method of viewing with the views and bird's eye views: the former only sees the trees, and the forest is not seen.The symbol, even unspeakable.

Following this perspective, it does not rule out that there will be more black swans appearing in the United States, and leads to accelerating extreme right wings and even fascizations in the United States.In fact, there are many concerns and warnings in the United States in the past few years due to the rise of the right -wing populist. For example, the monographs published by former US Secretary of State Olbite in the previous two years: a warning (FACISM: A warning),On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentietied Century, the new book of the US media star Sara-Kelzor is not seen. Erosion of America) Wait, different.However, the voice in this area does not seem to be widely known for the Chinese world, and it is necessary to attach great importance and vigilance.

At present, the US outbreak is mainly due to the prejudice and bias of the early US early.China ’s early warning and decisive urban measures in early January this year won valuable time for the international community, but the United States failed to control the epidemic and let it go.After the United States dropped arrogance and prejudice and began to confront the virus, it faced the dilemma of scattered and helplessness.Many factors have caused the United States to successfully control the prospects of the epidemic.

Because of the closure of the above -mentioned factors, the US national resistance will be shifted into a long -term war, in order to make a major breakthrough in medical technology.The rapid decision was the most ideal, but after being forced to enter the persistent war, the various negative effects brought by the epidemic will appear one after another, including the economy, society, and culture.The ruling authorities will also become the object of accusations and venting resentment in the wild party and the public. They will have tremendous pressure and motivation to find sinful sheep at home and abroad to avoid being swallowed by the people at home and abroad.This can be seen from the frequent dumping of the Chinese and the World Health Organization from American politicians.

Finding the scapegoat is particularly vigilant and resolutely resisted, because it can easily introduce the world into extreme right -wing populism and even fascism.If the epidemic is not effective for a long time, it is inevitable to find a political game for scapegoats, and extreme right -wing populist will probably flourish and may evolve into fascism, although the form and name are different from history.What are the reasons here.

First, the American right -wing populism has been in a rise in recent years, and the impact of the epidemic will play a role in catalyst.Although the right -wing populism, which has continued to move from behind the scenes in recent years, has different forms in various countries, has basically demonstrated the characteristics of anti -construction, extracurricular, anti -globalization, and anti -wisdom.It shares the same soil as fascism and is one step away: the former can still be frame by the institutional system of free and democracy, while the latter seeks to break and rebuild the existing order.

Second, the negative consequences of the current impact of the epidemic are not tragic, and it is not ruled out that the future is more serious, and these are sufficient nutrients for the rise of extreme right -wing population.The existing institutional system in the United States cannot solve the huge sense of crisis brought by the predicament. In the impact of this epidemic impact, the fear of accelerating the decline in the United States, the desire to lead the people who can lead the people in the crisis, GodThe huge loss, suspicion and even self -denial of the view of voter theory, historical glory, and the influence of the huge military system and the improvised religious authority will all become important nutrients for the United States to move towards the right.

Third, the charm and confusion of extreme right -wing populism and fascism should not be underestimated.Although they do not have a fixed definition and connotation, they show strong practicalism characteristics, in general, they advocate that all unite under the banner of nationalism or nationalism, reconcile class contradictions, organize people to organize and socialize, promote the whole people, and promote the whole people.Consistent, share benefits and glory.In this regard, the German Naziism in history can be said to have achieved the extreme.At the same time, we should not forget the universality and popularity of fascism in the world.It was in China at that time, many intellectuals also longed for and advocated it.In the current United States, compared with the left -wing populsee, the right -wing populist is more likely to be favored by financial chaebols, religious authorities, and military industry.

Fourth, as the traditional Chinese wisdom is exposed to the perspective of things, it is revealed that under the impact of the current huge crisis, the United States is likely to have a 180 -degree reverse, although it also has to experience a certain degree of chaos.This includes extreme individualism to extreme nationalism, from extreme freedom to extreme dislocation, from extreme tolerance to extremes.According to the authoritative assertion of Fascism abroad, fascism is the political form after the failure of freedom and democracy.

What should the world do in the face of this situation?

First, raise awareness and high alertness.Thought is the pioneer of action. If people in the world do not realize the danger of extreme right -wing populism in the United States, it is impossible to really act to save the world.Therefore, the research and ideological preparations of polar right forces and fascism should be increased, and communication and warning should be made.

The second is to take early action to curb the bud state.One of the core secrets of China's successful resistance lies in early words.This is actually the most important wisdom of Chinese culture since ancient times.As Lao Tzu said, it is easy to hold it in peace; it is crispy and easy to disperse;Recalling the deep crimes of the Nazi Germany's slaughter of Jews, it is difficult for modern people to understand and imagine, but if they can be restored to the historical context at that time, they can realize how such a big disaster is formed step by step.This is just as the Book of Changes said: the family of goodness, there must be Yu Qing, a bad family, there must be Yu.The ministers and his princes, the son of his father.Therefore, we must try to expand the world united front of peace, mobilize all people of insight to move quickly, actively speak in their respective fields, resolutely resist any small dangerous actions, so as to stifle fascism in the bud state.In this regard, China should be warned as soon as possible like the epidemic, and the wisdom of China ’s long -lived and long -term vision should be contributed in a timely manner.

Third, do your best to activate the conscience and love in the hearts of the world.In addition to making Chinese voices and contributing Chinese wisdom, we should also focus on the conscience and love that activates people's hearts.According to Mencius's four -terminal doctrine, people have a heart of concealment, shame, resignation, and wrong.Although American individualism and liberalism have their shortcomings, at the same time, the beautiful side of human nature has also been greatly promoted, which is well reflected in developed charity and humanitarian spirit in the United States.And this will also become an inexhaustible source of power to reverse the world.

(Note: The author isAssociate Researcher of the Institute of World Economic and Political Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.This article only represents the author's personal point of view.Responsible for the mailbox [email protected])