Ming Pao News Agency

The Hong Kong National Security Law was implemented, and many western countries issued a joint statement criticism, while a group of developing countries expressed their support to support Beijing.The world pattern has changed, and the relationship between China and the West is intricate. It has both ideological differences and many interest calculations. The implementation of the National Security Law of the Port Area to increase diplomatic friction between the two parties. Different countries have calculations.Looking at the Western government's response, most of them belong to the stance announcement. The United States, Britain, and Australia are relatively large, but it is not unexpected. The overall situation is believed to be expected by Beijing.To provide more residence rights, Beijing emphasizes countermeasures.In the past year, the Hong Kong Bureau has changed, the people's hearts float, and the immigration inquiries have increased significantly. Some countries are willing to help Hong Kong people. However, in actual execution, will it be just a self -made arrangement of attracting small talents and funds. It is worth paying attention to paying attention to careful attentionEssenceInternational politics is weird, how to operate peripherals, Hong Kong cannot control it. You can only think about how to respond to the new situation, create favorable conditions internally, and pave the way for reconstruction of benign political interaction.

There are computing of western port assistance

British revised BNO's heritage is unknown

The West has dominated the world order for more than a hundred years. In this pattern, Hong Kong has been a bridge from the East and the West under this pattern.Entering the 21st century, China's rise and the world structure changed. After the return of Hong Kong, it continued to be a bridge from the East and the West. However, the role of the specific role gradually changed its subtle change, which became to a greater extent into a springboard for China to go out.In the past year, the situation in Hong Kong has changed, and the central government has formulated the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District to deal with the intervention of Hong Kong independence and external forces. This is a change that affects the overall situation. Hong Kong people pay attention to the impact of legislation. The Western camp is also calculating its own interests.

The National Security Law of the Port Area passed, and 27 countries mainly in the West issued a joint statement to oppose it. In addition to the ideological declaration, there are also their own interests.However, the Western camp is not a iron board. The interests of various countries in Hong Kong are different, and the reactions must be different.While the European Union insists on its own values and interests, it keeps a distance from the United States and does not want to be reduced to the object of use in the Sino -US struggle.EU leaders emphasize that maintaining dialogue with China and responding to the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District has so far stayed at the level of diplomatic criticism; Japan has many commercial interests in Hong Kong, and it is also an American allies. Of course, it must be expressed.The Beijing response must be considered.In contrast, members of the United States and its five -eye alliance are different.

The struggle between China and the United States is now. At present, Washington's political interests to operate Hong Kong issues are more than commercial interests. As a member of the Four Eye Intelligence Alliances, the British, Canada, and New China must follow Washington to dance at a certain extent.If the London authorities responded not to some tough, it is more likely to be underestimated at home and abroad.After the National People's Congress decided to legislate in May, US President Trump announced that he began to suspend the special status of Hong Kong in Hong Kong.Visa and financial sanctions.The British government stated that it is preparing to be a Hong Kong person holding the British BNO passport and provides a new way to become a British citizen. Australia also expressed intentional imitation.Beijing strongly criticized the United States and Britain and other countries to interfere with China's internal affairs.

In all, the actions of the United States and Britain and other countries are expected. I believe Beijing has already prepared countermeasures.So far, Washington has stopped providing preferential benefits to Hong Kong different from the Mainland, including export license exemption, stopping export defense products and military -civilian technologies, which have limited impact on Hong Kong.Of course, if Washington really starts from sanctioning financial institutions and hinders normal transactions, the situation will be much more serious, but the interests of US capital in Hong Kong and the Mainland will also suffer.After two years of the Sino -US trade war, if the White House had a sword to cover a throat, I believe that it has been used. Trump sought re -election. At present, it is necessary to keep the Sino -US trade agreement.The issue of Taiwan and Hong Kong has passed the Red Line, and Beijing may not perform the agreement again.Hong Kong and the United States have a surplus. The Hong Kong -American Chamber of Commerce only said yesterday that it will continue to use Hong Kong as an international business business base. The Hong Kong Autonomous Law provides new political operation tools for Washington. However, if Washington wants to useEssence

In the past year, the situation in Hong Kong has turned sharply, and people's hearts have floated, and immigration inquiries have increased sharply.If London really does not fear serious damage to Sino -British economic and trade relations, revising the relevant provisions of the BNO passport staying period, etc., may be allowed to qualify Hong Kong people to work in the UK for 5 years, and then apply for settlement and then seek to become British citizens. I believe there will be some Hong Kong people.I am eager to try, but it must be noted that if the BNO holder wants to stay in the UK, he must find a job or study for tuition fees, and it is difficult to expect to enjoy the housing medical welfare allowance.The British referendum is also to a certain extent to grab a rice bowl from Eastern European immigrants.Plan for small talent elites and rich people.After the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District, some of the Japanese members discussed how to attract Hong Kong's financial talents with permanent residency and tax benefits to make up for their own shortcomings.

Rebuilding internal benign interaction

Bevene on external force to ignite the wind

In the United States, there is a democratic Republican member of the Republic of China proposed the Hong Kong Anti -Wind Act, advocating to provide refugee status to Hong Kong people facing politics, and spouses, children, etc. will be treated the same.The design of the bill is quite impressed by providing the escape door, which indirectly encourages more Hong Kong people to come out to fight the Beijing He SAR government and refuel the Hong Kong situation.Hong Kong has become a place where different forces of different forces. What others do, it is difficult for Hong Kong to do it. It can only start from the inside. In response to the new situation and new situation, try to safeguard Hong Kong's own interests.Rebuilding benign political interaction, developing in a positive direction, Hong Kong society continues to tear, and will only be continuously used by people.