01 Weekly

Author: Ye Dehao

Remember, the manufacturing industry will never come back.Now it is back, and it is back.Trump exaggerated to the people present when he visited a naval factory from Italy on Thursday (June 25) to visit a naval factory from Italy.At this time, 29 states, including Wisconsin, have recorded a 14 -day rise in the number of new diagnostic people in the new crown pneumonia.In this regard, Trump said: If we do not test, we will not have a case.

Seeing that the number of diagnostic people such as Texas, such as Texas, accounted for a 10%of the virus test, and the number of new crown patients in more than ten states also continued to rise. Public health experts at Harvard University(David Blumenthal) means that the Trump's light -led epidemic allows Americans to witness a slow -moving public sanitary train.

According to the polls by Reuters from June 22 to 23, the Americans who are satisfied with Trump's treatment techniques have fallen to 37%, which is the lowest since Reuters began to carry out similar polls in March, and the proportion of dissatisfaction proportionsIt is 58%.

Election focus of the epidemic

As Trump talked about the return of the manufacturing industry regardless of the epidemic, his Democratic opponent Bayeng went to another battlefield Pennsylvania to meet many patients in the family to discuss medical problems.Subsequently, he also made a speech locally. In addition to accommodating Trump only to complain that the epidemic happened to him, he also played the economic card back to Trump: amazing, he has not yet mastered the most basic crisis.Facts: To save the economy, we must control the epidemic first.

In fact, even if Trump still claimed that the epidemic was leaving at the beginning of the week, he continued to accuse the fake news media to exaggerate the epidemic, but Mike Pence, the vice president of the leading anti -epidemic team last Friday (June 26)The public epidemic briefing that has been suspended for nearly two months has been restarted. It can be seen that the epidemic regaining the rise is a problem that the White House cannot escape.

At the same time, Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, who has always been close to the Trump epidemic, and even taught the United States to teach Detoe's son Florida Governor, who has made the United States' slogan in the Make American slogan,Ron Desantis also seemed to be forced to part ways with Trump.

Last week, Texas and Florida, which broke the highest number of diagnostic people in a single day for a few days, was the earliest unblocking state in the United States.Texas' home isolation order ends as early as April 30, and retail stores, restaurants, theaters, fitness rooms, and shopping malls were fully opened; the home isolation order in Florida ended on May 4th.open.

However, the epidemic has risen since mid -June. Abobot decided to stop restarting the economy last Thursday and called on the public to wear masks to avoid unnecessary going out.It will enter the next stage of unblocking.The two decided to re -close the bar and tighten the flow of restaurants to varying degrees the next day.

Based on eight national polls since mid -June, Biden has greatly ahead of Trump with a gap between 8 to 14 percentage points.Under these situations, Republicans of Congress are also unhappy.Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Judicial Committee of Trump's loyal ally, acknowledged that this is a few weeks. In terms of structure, we must have a better performance; the Senate's most party whip Taman (John Thunes) It is better to say that he knows the basic market of voters, but the person who decides the election results in November will be the person standing in the middle.

The question is, it is difficult to say whether Trump's basic disk can be maintained.On June 20, Trump, who had been resting for three months, restarted the election consequences at Tulsa in Oklahoma, Oklahoma; the venue could accommodate 19,000 people, and the Trump campaign team even more beforehandOn the outside, he took the stage to greet the crowds. Unexpectedly, only about 6,200 supporters attended the rally in the end, and the venue was a blue air seat.Cooperating with the west coast of the United States and the southern state of the southern state full of Republican traditional ticket warehouses, the epidemic situation rose rapidly.slip.

In addition to the outbreak of the epidemic, the Trump administration's misconduct, Trump himself has always been carefully maintained, and it has gradually collapsed.

Reality show with incompetence

In early June, he was criticized by the Black Lives Matter as a demonstration and was criticized by the predecessor and current military executives including Mark Esper.The graduation ceremony of the West Point Military Academy hopes to rebuild its close relationship with the military in the hearts of the people.Unexpectedly, when he walked down the day when he stepped down, the sluggish film became a hot talk in the United States, so that the outside world pays attention to whether there is a problem with Trump's body who is 74 years old and does not pay much attention to a healthy diet.Start a new day and use protein drink for breakfast).In this regard, Trump explained to supporters at the rally of Talza.

In addition, Trump's recent series of governance omissions and political scandals have also caused people to question the government's ability of him and his leadership.

First of all, when the judicial minister William Barr tried to dismiss the principle of the judicial affairs of Wall Street, the New York Southern District Procuratorate Geoffrey Berman earlier created a personnel chaos that should not be existed.Political news headline.

On June 19, Balt suddenly announced that Berman was about to leave, and the Prosecutor of New Jersey was temporarily taken over in the anti -conventional airborne.Because of the cases related to Trump's friends, Burman's laws are suspicious.Unexpectedly, Berman immediately responded that he knew that he was about to leave the news and emphasized that he had no resignation or resignation. He also specifically stated that he would stay in office to continue the existing investigation.EssenceThe next day, Baltic offering Trump's authorized statement issued a statement, and agreed to take over by the deputy Berman in accordance with the normal procedure, and Berman agreed to resign.However, when the media asked Trump on the same day, the latter said that the incident had nothing to do with himself.Until last Thursday, Berman's nominated successor and the current US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Jay Clayton also knew that he had changed his appointment, showing that the personnel had not changed.

Even the subordinates that were fired at the fired were chaotic. In addition, the incident happened to be connected to the former White House national security adviser John Bolton.In the chaotic news, people inevitably regard the Berman incident as the incompetent reality show of the Trump administration.

At this time, the economy is obviously difficult to have a V -type rebound, and many states have the momentum of stopping unsealed. The employment situation has not seen significant improvement.EssenceTherefore, Trump has only re -applied his old skills, hoping to recover disadvantages with ideological disputes.

After a judicial defeat of the childhood enlistment for the temporary repatriation procedures (DACA), Trump signed an administrative order last Monday (June 21) to protect the employment of Americans and extend the original green card application frozen order.By the end of this year, the ban has been extended to a series of visas, including the H-1B visas commonly used in science and technology talents, resulting in the dissatisfaction of science and technology companies such as Amazon and Google.

These hype on immigration issues are even more wrong.According to the British Financial Times report, thousands of Indian scientific and technological personnel who have returned to China to renew the H-1B visa and had been working in the United States were forced to stay.Among them, many have lived in the United States for a long time, and their spouse children are in the United StatesIndian people.These people are obviously not the object of anti -immigrant mood in the United States, let alone the goals that Trump, which has always been actively having a target of India.It seems that these decrees do not match their goals to explain, that is, the White House is incompetent.

Conservatives or re -reflect on Trump?

According to the polls carried out from the four items such as Cinnipiac University (Quinnipiac University) from June 11th to 15th, in four items such as crisis, anti -epidemic response, medical policy, racial relations, they believed that Bayeng would do it than Trump to do it.The proportion of better interviewees ranges from 11 to 22 percentage points.The only project that Trump was better than Biden was in the economy, but the gap between the two was only 5 percentage points.At the same time, up to 58%of respondents believed that Trump did not have good leadership capabilities and was 13 percentage points higher than Biden.It can be seen that at least in the eyes of the general public, Trump is almost better than Biden.

If we calculate the comprehensive polls of various states of various states from the poll website RealclearPolitics, and the state with a gap between Trump and Biden people is counted as the electoral votes of the two.The 142 votes to win Trump, the remaining swing states can be ignored.Of course, we cannot deny that the Trump miracle in 2016 may appear again, but if we judge common sense and data, it is difficult for us to imagine how this miracle can appear.

Since taking office, Trump has been self -reliant only with conservative policies or ideology. He hopes to defeat liberals that are generally concentrated in cities by relying on US regional politics to give conservative election advantages.However, just as the Middle Ages believed in God's monastery, the priests also know how to question whether God can create a stone that he can't lift. Today, Trump's incompetence and weak cases are present. Some of them have believed in Trump for four yearsIt is inevitable that they are concerned about the rationality they believe.The existence of this trace of doubt is enough to end the end of the November election.