Author: Peng Shengyu

The author's prediction of the 100 years of competition in the United States and the United States on June 18, published by the Singapore United Morning Post, mentioned that the competition between China and the United States will last for a century.It is extremely normal.It is not that China will only be before becoming the world's first, or that China has been recognized as the world's number one internationally, and the United States, which has become the second in the world, will continue to curb and compete with China for a long time.The ranking of the second boss will be the next decades or even a century.The ranking of the world's world boss will also be said in a century.For a long time in China and the United States, the second score of the world's boss is not important, and it is not clear. There is no clear definition, and the world cannot be defined. It can only pass by the trend.

Regardless of how the centennial competition between China and the United States changes, China and the United States will not let each other fall down. If you lose the competition of this century -old country, it will be the party that has fallen in the first place of its own country.The development ideas and strategic measures in China should be examined often in the next century competition.

How should China compete for this century -old China and the United States, and the author will recently discuss and recommend in several articles.This article is the first part: Competitive and applied to the United States in China and the United States.

I. The regular election of the two -party system in the United States is a great system of institutional disadvantages when competition.

The presidential system of the United States is held, and the presidential election is held every four years.The US presidential election system is complicated, and the process is long, which is basically more than one year.

The main procedures for elections include: 1. Pre -election.2. Each party held a national congress to determine the presidential candidate.3. Candidate for presidential candidates.4. Voters across the country vote for presidential election.5. Elementary election group voting voting voting to form a formal election president.6. Elected the presidential inauguration ceremony and other stages.

The pre -election is the first stage of the US presidential election. It usually starts from the beginning of the election year to the end of the year.After the pre -election is over, the two parties will usually hold a national congress in July and August.The main task of the meeting was to finally determine the party's president and vice presidential candidate, and discussed the presidential campaign program.

After the National Congress, the presidential campaign officially kicked off.This process generally lasted 8 to 9 weeks.During this period, the two -party presidential candidate will spend huge sums of money to travel throughout the country to conduct advertising wars, press campaign speeches, meet with voters, hold journalists, and conduct public debates.

Voters across the country voted on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of the election year. This day is called the Presidential Election Day.All American voters vote at the designated location and make a choice between the two presidential candidates (the presidential elections of each state are selected on the same votes).A (party) presidential candidate won the majority in a state election, and he had all the presidential electoral votes of this state. This is the unified election system in the state.National voters' voting date is also called presidential election day.Due to the implementation of the election group system of the US presidential election, the voting results of the presidential election day actually generated 538 elections representing 50 states and Columbia Special Estates.In addition, on the presidential election, voters will also conduct the Senate and House elections within the federal scope.According to the US Constitution in 1787, the two houses of members were directly elected by voters of various states.

A candidate won more than half of the total votes (270), which was elected president.The real presidential election was held on the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December.At that time, the elected elections of the states and Columbia SARs will vote to the capitals of each state.Candidates who have obtained 270 votes will be elected president and swore to work on January 20 of the following year.The inauguration ceremony was the last procedure for the presidential election of the United States. When the U.S. presidential election was over, the presidential election of the United States ended.

In summary, it can be seen that at least the presidential candidate must be invested for more than one year before and after the general election of the US presidential election.The term of each term is only 4 years, that is, it is less than three years without election campaigns, not to mention that in the past three years, it has been in various ways to make all kinds of arrangements and considers and efforts.Therefore, it can be said that it is difficult to manage the country for two years without worrying about managing the country.Such a short -lived time, a series of systematic competitive projects such as systematic strategic planning, formulation, introduction, organization, implementation, implementation, implementation, landing, and tracking of large countries are too hasty and short.What's more terrible is that with the re -election of the President, the system strategy of the competition and the huge national competition project of its great country is difficult to obtain continuous inheritance and implementation.A president has a president's idea, a political party has a political party's consideration, and a person and horse have the ability to have the ability and focus of attention.Therefore, the national strategic inheritance and national competition projects that are competitive in the Great Country are difficult to obtain the long -term high -definition of the system.This is actually the other party that competes with the superpowers, providing very good disadvantages and deficiencies that can be used.It is necessary to use the disadvantages of the competitive system of the US -Party system to maximize the highly and most efficient use of the regular election of the United States.

2. The human self -interest and inferiority of the United States' multi -party system alternately have created the national decision -making of the United States.

A political party, a president, if you step down or running, there is nothing wrong with you.

However, the interests of the national interests conflict with the interests of political parties and the personal interests of the president.If there is no election, you can temporarily sacrifice the personal interests of political parties and presidents to pursue the interests of the country and the people.However, once the election is involved, it is difficult for the political parties and the individual of the president to fully sacrifice their re -election and campaign interests, because if there is no re -election, it really has to be rolled out.

Human evolution has reached the current stage. Regardless of any country, the interests of political parties are still firmly controlled by the inferiority of human beings.

Western multi -party system has a history of hundreds of years, compared with the feudal autocratic system.It is undoubtedly a huge progress.But after detailed analysis of it, it will find that there are many inherent disadvantages.

First, a major disadvantage of the Western multi -party system is short -term behavior.Because it emphasizes competition.Emphasizing tickets, the ruling party starts from the interests of its own political parties, and is more of a favorable thing for its own political party elections. This will inevitably lack policy coherence and long -term.

Second, another major disadvantage of the Western multi -party system is too much consideration to consider local interests.

Third, the characteristics of the Western multi -party system are restrictions and restraint, lack of coordination and cooperation.

The fourth is to take a lot of money to run, and politics is well controlled by interest groups.

Fifth, the victory of the election.Some political parties use cheating and illegal means.

Sixth is to fight for the election, and political parties attacked each other.Arrived from political parties, and support the people of their respective political parties

7. Political parties and candidates will consider who is in the hands of more votes. In order to please the largest ticket warehouse, sometimes they must give up and sacrifice other ticket warehouse people.For example, to please white people to sacrifice black.This will expand social contradictions, increase conflicts, and continue to develop, which may lead to the split of ethnic groups and even the country and nations.

Eighth is that the competition between the party leads to difficulty in social reform.Any change will cause the adjustment of interests, which will increase the difficulty of change.At the same time, at the beginning of the change, many new disadvantages will inevitably occur, and this disadvantage will also be used by the opposition party.The difficulty of changing has increased.

Nine is the competition between Western party factions.

Ten is the national foreign policy and national strategy coherent.

It can be said that human factors affecting national decisions are the national decision -making mechanisms in the United States and a huge failure of the national system.The United States does not design a better national mechanism to effectively avoid personal factors mixed in national decision -makingmiddle.It is the national system that directly creates a national decision -making of the President's personal decision -making when making national decisions.

China must make full use of the people's self -interest and inferiority that the United States multi -party system alternates.The US national decision -making is a private vacuum zone. If the multi -party campaign system does not change, it will exist forever.

Third, the individual's own strength of any presidential candidate in the United States, and the power of any political party, involves the competition between the world's superpowers, is too small.When the world's great power is easy to use, it is easy to fight with pain, so as to control the president's choice for the individual.

The United States Republican Party (British: Republican Party United States) is one of the two major political parties in the United States, also known as the Grand Old Party, and was formerly a Democratic Republican Party established in 1792.In 1825, the Democratic Republican Party split, and one of them formed the National Republican Party, which was renamed the Waig Party in 1834.In July 1854, the Figga and the Northern Democratic Party and other factions against slavery jointly formed the Republican Party, and laid the party's value to personal freedom and national unity.In contemporary politics, the Republican Party is regarded as social conservativeism (including maintaining family values), economic classical liberalism (including supporting conservative fiscal policies), and right party parties who have adopted a tough attitude on diplomatic and national defense issues.

The Democratic Party of the United States was one of the two major political parties in the United States. It was established in 1791 and was called the Republican Party at the time.In 1794, it was renamed the Democratic Republican Party. In 1825, the Democratic Republican Party split, led by Andrew Middot; Jackson was reorganized into the Democratic Party in 1828.On the eve of the North and South War in 1861, the Democratic Party split, and the party's southern slave owner planned a rebellion.After the Civil War, the Democratic Party was in the wild for 24 years.Cleveland was elected president in 1885.Since then, the party has been in the wild again.Beginning in 1933, Democrats Roosevelt (March 1933 to April 1945), Truman (April 1945 to January 1953), Kennedy (January 1961 to November 1963), Johnson (1963 11From January 1969), Carter (January 1977 to January 1981), Clinton (January 1993 to January 2001), Obama (January 2009 to January 2017), he was elected presidential governance.Essence

American political parties do not have a strict organizational system, and there is no relatively fixed number of party members.The organization of the two major parties in the United States, unlike political parties in other Western capitalist countries, has its uniqueness.In terms of organization, the Democratic or Republican Party can be said to be a political party in a normal sense, but an extremely loose political alliance.To become a party member of the Democratic or Republican Party, there is no need to apply for and perform the formalities of joining the party, nor do they pay party fees.When citizens declare and perform the registration procedures when they are registered with voters, they have become Democratic Party members or Republican Party members.Registered as a party member of a large party, and you can vote for another major party candidate during the election, that is, you can vote across the party.Party members cannot perform disciplinary sanctions on their party members.Strictly speaking.Only 5 % of voters can be considered a party member of the party.

It is conceivable that the party of such a loose political alliance, compared with the world -like powers such as China and Russia, can be said to be minimal and not proportional to it.The individual's own strength of any presidential candidate in the United States, and the power of any political party, involves the competition between the world's superpowers, is too small.The world's great powers are easy to use to fight against each other when they are lingering and warning, so as to control the presidential choice of individuals.

Take Trump as an example to see the room for Bolton's new book: White House Memoirs.Bolton believes that during his tenure, it is difficult for him to determine that any major decision made by Trump is not based on re -election.Bolton believes that in Trump's mind, personal political interests are mixed with US national interests.Trump not only in trade issues, but also mixed individuals and countries in the field of national security.During the term of office of the White House, it is difficult for me to determine that any major decision made by Trump is not based on re -election.From the prevention and control of the epidemic and the control of domestic riots, Trump's decision -making is to be conducive to re -election to make final judgment decisions.

This is the President's personal and Republican power. Compared with the world's great power, it is too small, and it is natural to rely on the power of the US presidential campaign.This is not an active impact of foreign countries. This is the U.S. presidential candidate and political parties themselves will take the initiative to push.This is the current situation of the disadvantages of the United States system.

4. In the United States, which is seriously ill, the disadvantages of the political system are like a brave engine driven the entire society to fail. The disadvantaged president may continue to exist and will continue to appear in the future.

There are great disadvantages of the American political model. When the upper and lower prosperity, the problem will be covered up. It is not easy to expose.When there is contradiction between society, the disadvantages of these political systems will be like a brave engine to drive the entire society to fail.

Is the national government considering the people, or is it serving some people?

State leaders can no longer make the government a machine that only cares about the overall development of the country, and the government should just be a machine that is worried about the overall development of the country. When this machine cannot be launched or the motivation cannot be lifted, it will be unable to mention it.It will become a machine that serves the country with weak power. At present, the US government government is such a machine that is weak.

Trump's decision -making logic is first with personal re -election interests.Helpless choices, domestic hostile political parties, anti -Trump's political elite groups, and a number of media, rarely support Trump.Trone can only help himself. When you can't find too many supporters in China, other countries outside the region are compared to domestic forces, and they can find support for Trump's most friendly.

Beginning at the end of May, the wave of protests caused by the Freud incident swept the United States. At the same time, the United States gradually lifted the restrictions on epidemic prevention to restore the production and life order.This allowed the epidemic that had not been effectively controlled, and the spread of the spread that was found again. On June 25, more than 40,000 new cases in the United States were in a single day, which was the highest record in more than 2 months in more than 2 months.On the 26th, the new cases in 29 states continued to rise.As of July 2, the total number of infections in the United States was nearly 2.8 million, and the number of deaths exceeded 130,000.Due to the impact of the epidemic and riots, all aspects of the United States have been fatal.The unemployed population continued to soar. In May, the unemployment population of Guangfei Agriculture increased by 2.509 million, with an unemployment rate of about 16.3%; US debt continued to rise, from the previous US $ 22 trillion to nearly 25 trillion US dollars.In addition, many smashing snatch causes serious damage to small businesses, and they do not have extra money to repair quickly at all.As a result, there will be more and more unemployed in the United States, and economic activity is getting worse.This is the current status quo of the United States.A poll data from the Chinese website of the United States shows that 80%of people believe that the situation in the United States has been out of control, and only 15%believe that the situation is still within the controllable range.

Under such a serious crisis response to the failure situation, can President Trump, who had not been flattering in the United States, is not weak?He has any systematic long -term competitive strategies that can be implemented and implemented.Recently and in recent years's attack on China, the author judges that some people and even some people have pushed some temporary lips.

The weak Trump can think of sufficient ability and strength to help himself, and it is difficult to find in China.Is this not the time when the US president is weak in the competition of great powers.Within the decades of decades in the United States, this situation will often occur. We wait and see hellip; hellip;

In summary: Competition in China and the United States must make good use of the regular period of four years in the United States for a long time.Selected, there will be 25 elections in 100 years, and one round of four years. For each government, you can introduce this session of Sino -US competition strategy according to specific circumstances.Within a long -term Centennial competition strategy of China and the United States.

The competition for peaceful exchanges between China and the United States is the general trend. This trend can be used as the general program of century competition.

Author: Peng Shengyu (Strategic Researcher)