Wang Qingmin

On June 16, the worst bleeding conflict in the western section of the actual control line in nearly 50 years shocked the world.According to the Indian side, 20 people have died and more than 100 people have been injured.China also determined that someone was injured, but the number of casualties was not announced.Although the two sides have shown a certain degree of restraint since then, the incident is difficult to calm down in the short term.

The border conflict of China and India is not accidental, but has complex historical factors and profound practical reasons.

During the Manchu dynasty and British colonial India, China and India had arise territorial disputes.British Indian colonial authorities took advantage of the Qing government to take care of themselves, and occupied some of the regions of Tibet.During the Republic of China, the controversy continued, and it also involved the third party of Tibetan local forces.

After the Chinese Communist Party's establishment of the Political Political and the PLA, the People's Republic of China and the same new independent Indian Republic inherited the relevant boundaries.Controversial territories include both southern Tibetan regions, as well as the western sections involving Radakh and Aksaichin.

In the early 1950s, due to the friendly relations between China and India, border disputes were put on hold.However, with the changes in the interests of the interests of China and India and the international situation, the relationship between the two countries has gradually deteriorated.The Chinese side refused to recognize the Macmahon line that the Indian side was identified separately during the British and Indian period, but it still used the actual control line and the default status quo.Instead, the Indian side tries to further expand the territory.The Indian army under the Nahru government implemented a policy on the Sino -Indian border, gradually eaten the border disputed area, and shot and killed the Chinese border guards.

Until 1962, the unbearable Chinese army launched a self -defense counterattack, and once occupied Tibetan South Town Darwon.However, due to political and military reasons, the Chinese army finally took the initiative to withdraw from the place, including the Dawang area, and returned to the actual control line.India quickly recaptured the land that China withdrew, and it was still in this area of southern Tibet.Infrastructure to consolidate its occupation.

The competition between China and India's disputed territory not only involves sovereignty, but also real interests.Compared with the bitter cold above the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau, the land in southern Tibet is relatively flat and fertile, and the climate is more pleasant.Here are still the forefronts that connect China Tibet and northeastern India.The disputed territory in the West is related to both China and India and Pakistan, and it also involves sensitive Kashmir issues.

The Ladaka region controlled by the Indian side has a relationship with Tibet, China in religion and race; Indian believes that the Aksaichin area occupied by China is part of Kashmir.The disputed area in the middle (that is, the border between China and the Sikkim) is close to the Siliguri Corridor in India.In short, these three controversial territories have important strategic value, economic value, and social value for both sides.

The complex history and major disputes have led to a cold and peaceful state on the border of the dispute all year round, and there may be violent conflicts between the occurrence.Since 1962, the two sides have conflicts again in 1967 and 1987, but neither expanded into war.

With China's reform and opening up and the market -oriented reform of India, both domestic situations have undergone major changes.On the one hand, the goal of the two countries' efforts to develop the economy has made the pursuit of a peaceful external environment and become an important consensus between the two parties. On the other hand, China and India under economic development are increasingly active on the international stage, and the competition between the two countries has also tended to tendfierce.In addition, the nationalist emotions of the two countries are becoming increasingly strong.In particular, India, which is open to political activities, has become increasingly rising by Indian nationalism.

In the 21st century, China and India started competition at multiple levels.Although the two countries also have cooperation based on common interests, it is clear that the competition between world -class countries with a population of over 1 billion is even more cooperative.The dispute between dragon elephants has become a hot topic internationally.

China leads India in terms of economic volume and development, but India is unwilling to show weakness.Indian leaders inherit Nahru India that cannot play the role of a second -rate country in the world, either to be a great country or a disappearance, and achieve good achievements in economic, military, and diplomatic areas.

Since the Indian People's Party's Modi came to power, its domestic style of nationalism has become more powerful and has become more aggressive on the international stage.While strengthening the control of Kashmir and the suppression of Pakistan, the Modi regime also regards China as its target.

While achieving good achievements, the Indian economy also showed fatigue.Since the beginning of this year, the growth rate of GDP in India has decreased sharply, and the coronary virus epidemic has been matched.When the economic card loses, it is inevitable to play the nationalist card.Faced with the trouble of economic downturn and the surge in unemployment, the Modi government must be stronger to the outside world in order to please conservative and external basic disks.

This conflict is a manifestation of intensity on the focus of the game of the two countries, both inevitable and accidental.Both countries do not want to explode war, and they have been trying to avoid border disputes from evolving again into a bloody conflict; and the fierce competition between the two countries and nationalist emotions form a significant tension with the requirements of restraint martial arts.

The conflict that caused dozens of people on both sides should not be seen by any of the parties in both parties.Both sides will prepare such a tragedy, but do not want to take the initiative to promote it, but due to the current situation.As for the specific party, it must be responsible for this conflict, because the current parties, especially the Chinese, have not released enough information, so they cannot judge.

With the author's personal position, of course, it supports China.Because from the perspective of traditional possession and jurisprudence, China should have sovereignty over disputed areas, and India is an invader.The Indian army's further eclipse near the actual control line was obviously unbearable by China.

Judging from the current situation, neither the two sides want to expand the situation and have negotiated.But Modi mentioned that the sacrifice of soldiers on the border would not be wasted, which had a bad suggestion.This shows that although Indian Fang does not want to evolve the conflict into war, it will not be able to rest.From the official increase in taxation of Chinese goods, stop using the Chinese communication network, to the people's resistance to Chinese goods, it is just the beginning of the conflict.The two countries are really going to peace, and I am afraid that there will be a lot of time.

The author is the writer of China Strategic Analysis Magazine

International political researcher, writer