Current affairs perspective

The United States is full of bad news. The coronary epidemic data is still hitting high. The latest confirmed cases have exceeded 2.6 million, and the number of deaths exceeds 120,000.Director of the Centers for Centers for Centers for Centers for Centers for Centers for Centers for Centers for Centers for Disease Control said that the epidemic defeated the United States.When he attended the House of Representatives on the 23rd, he said that in the face of coronary virus, the United States failed, and the virus may cost US $ 7 trillion.

Faced with the severe epidemic situation in the United States, the European Union, who was preparing to restart the border on July 1, decided to ban Americans from entering the country because the United States failed to effectively control the spread of the epidemic.

In addition, the US -Europe trade war has also brought bad news to the market.According to a recent announcement issued by the US Trade Representative Office, the United States will impose tariffs on $ 3.1 billion in products such as aircraft, yogurt, frozen ham, olive, beer, and Du Songzi wine from Britain and Spain.In addition, the United States will impose tariffs of about 7.5 billion US dollars on Airbus aircraft components and luxury goods in October last year.This also means that once the United States impose tariffs on the European Union, the European Union will also retaliate against the United States.

Under the news of the overlapping trade war, U.S. stocks and European stocks fell; the prices of crude oil just improved were also affected.

The number of people in the global epidemic has entered tens of millions of levels, and the United States is still a earthquake in the global epidemic.However, President Trump believes that the U.S. epidemic has been controlled, and he will not close the economy even if the US epidemic ushered in the second wave.This highlights the anxiety of the Trump election years, and the epidemic breaks his re -election.If there is no epidemic impact, everything heralds Trump's re -election.

On the one hand, he can show the American priority policy to the Americans, so that Americans who support him believe that the United States uses tough trade means to defeat the strong power of China -Europe and Japan, and realize Trump's so -called United States.On the other hand, the US bull market, which has been last for ten years, has also become Trump's market for Trump's performance.This has not only become his economic achievements to defeat his opponent, but also draws Wall Street Capital.More importantly, if there is no epidemic, Trump can crush any challenger from the Democratic Party with the above -mentioned political achievements and its consistent toughness.

After all, Trump not only escaped the Democratic Party and the Institute of Public Opinion to strangle his Tong Russia, but also made a breakthrough from the Democratic Party to the impeachment door.It can be said that Trump escaped the bright arrow from his opponent's first term, and also left a good impression of frankness and daring to fulfill his promise.

However, all this was broken by the epidemic.Maybe Trump and his team are too paralyzed, or Trump has no experience in responding to the public health crisis at all. The process of handling the epidemic not only lacks the common sense of public management and basic public management, but even everywhereFull of anti -wisdom.

First of all, the United States first notified the United States after the epidemic occurred, but the United States did not pay full attention to it, and while praising China, it improved the tourism level of China.This means that the United States takes the Chinese epidemic to observe the fire from the shore, gloat, and hypocritical cope.This also caused Trump and Pompeo to throw the pot in China and slander China, forming a contradiction that it is difficult to tell.

Secondly, Trump does not believe in science and opposite the public opinion field, which is not only conducive to the US resistance, but also causes serious damage to his image.

Third, Trump's ignorance of drugs and injection of disinfectant resistance exposed his improper as a president of a country.This also makes Trump a global laughter, and the negative impact brings is lasting.The international community has extended to the entire United States from doubts about Trump. The world is shocked as a global leader. Why is it like this?

Fourth, the anti -racism demonstration caused by the death of Black Freud, because Trump was going to use the army to bounce, causing surprises in the United States and the world.Trump's calm remarks brought people's rebels.His strong stance not only did not stop American anti -racism demonstrations, but triggered global condemnation.More importantly, the American anti -racist began to trace the source street liquidation, which not only pushed down some statues of some famous American figures (and racism), but also deepened to all fields of society, making American society more split, social contradictions became moreintensify.

In addition, street demonstrations have also accelerated the spread of the epidemic, forming a situation of racist superposition epidemic, and American social governance has entered a state of turbulent uncertainty.

Nevertheless, Trump is still unwilling to wear masks and emphasizes to restart the economy. This kind of utilitarian attitude for the election has made the epidemic spread on fire.It is worth mentioning that the Trump's campaign team has been infected with many people, and the coronary virus is becoming more and more forced to Trump himself.But he still has me.Trump ’s willfulness and stubbornness have pushed up his competitors and Democratic Party’ s former Vice President Biden ’s public opinion support rate.If the current election, Trump, which is 14 percentage points lower than the support rate of Biden's public opinion, may have no chance of winning.

It's not that Biden is too strong, but Trump is too bad.Nevertheless, Trump is still superimposed in the international community.Sino -US relations have severely deteriorated, the US -Europe trade war has resurrected, and Trump wants to reform the Seventh Kingdom Group and deepen the contradiction between the United States and Western allies.Internal and external sleeps are still being reckless and full of all -round enemies. Trump is really fighting with beasts.

Is the epidemic destroying the United States or Trump and the United States?This is an interesting topic.

The author is a senior researcher at the China Chahar Society

Passenger researcher at Renmin University of China Chongyang Financial Research Institute