Yang Peng Hui: The complexity after a low -key talks

Text/Han Yong

Send 2020.6.29 Total 953 China News Weekly

From June 16th to 17th local time, Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, and US Secretary of State Pompeo met in Hawaii.This is another meeting by China -US high -level diplomats in the past six months. The last time it was five months ago, China Vice Premier Liu He led the regiment to the United States to sign the first phase of the Sino -US trade agreement.

In the meantime, the two countries continued to confront the old issues such as Taiwan, Huawei, as well as new issues such as the epidemic and the Hong Kong National Security Law, and the tough attitude of the United States reduced Sino -US relations to the lowest point since 1972.Sino -U.S. New Cold War and other pessimistic views and forecasts are endless in the academic circles and media of the two countries.

There are also companies that are trapped and anxious.The uncertainty and instability of Sino -U.S.The impact of investment decisions will be far -reaching.

In this context, although some suddenly, although some suddenly, they were actively interpreted by MDASH; mdash; being able to hold public talks were a positive signal in itself.

After the talks, the spokesperson for the Foreign Department of China and the United States met with the specific situation of the meeting.The two sides exchanged opinions on international and regional issues that Sino -US relations and common concern.The two sides fully clarified their respective positions and believed that this was a constructive dialogue.The two sides agreed to take action to earnestly implement the consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries, and agreed to continue to maintain contact and communication.

The day before the meeting, on June 15th, the Wall Street Journal reported that when the global trade prospects were dim, trade with China became a highlight of US foreign trade. In the context of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, China has re -become the largest trade in the United States.partner.

The report also quoted Allen, president of the National Committee of the US -China Trade, said that China may seem to be the biggest engine of global GDP growth in 2020 and even 2021.We certainly hope that American companies can benefit from it.

The latest data is that in April of this year, the bilateral trade volume of China and the United States increased to US $ 39.7 billion, an increase of nearly 43 % over March.China once again surpassed the trade with the United States and Mexico and Canada, and became the largest trading partner in the United States.One soybean alone, as of the five weeks of June 4, China's purchasing volume accounted for about two -thirds of the total US soybean sales, exceeding the level of Sino -US trade friction without upgrading.

Sino -US relations are not only involved in both sides of China and the United States.German Chancellor Merkel reminded that not to see it as a threat because of the success of China.

Regarding the control of the Sino -US crisis, Bao Daoge, a professor at the Carnegie International Peace Research Institute in the United States, stated in the Dialogue Cloud Forum that it needs to be frank and effective, to find ways to get along in various fields, and restrain each other's authority.When friction between the two countries, the United States needs to consider that China has more say in Asia -Pacific affairs.China also needs to understand that the United States maintains lasting allies and interests in the region, so it will not give up this region.