At the beginning of 2020, the epidemic of new coronary pneumonia attacked the world.China's national system based on unique public ownership and political concentration quickly assembles manpower, financial and medical resources, so as to almost not let one person's missing and controlled prevention and control mechanism defeats the epidemic in a short period of time.The epidemic in Hubei and the country has been fundamentally controlled.This has provided more convincing evidence of national support for the existing political system in China and under the new situation.

But at the same time, the system between China and the United States and the European Union has further highlighted.The European Union determined that China -Europe is an institutional competitor.The European Parliament passed the decision to condemn the Hong Kong National Security Law on June 19 that if China forcibly implemented the National Security Law in Hong Kong, the European Union should send the Chinese government to the international court trial.

The United States has almost no constructive defense, control, and governance of the global epidemic, and that the United States is in a comprehensive social crisis by a serious epidemic in the United States.The United States under the rule of Trump has unintentionally adopted a posture with China, but instead exacerbated the gap, disputes and conflicts between the superimposed levels of the trade war.Sino -US relations are severely torn.

At the 3rd session of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress, Beijing passed the decision to improve Hong Kong to maintain the national security legal system and law enforcement mechanism, and take an important step in actively governing Hong Kong.This not only caused a fierce response from the Hong Kong opposition, Trump also immediately stated that he would sanction Hong Kong and relevant officials in Mainland China, cancel Hong Kong's independent tariff status, and prohibit some of mainland Chinese companies from entering the United States.For China, Trump announced that he would stop providing funds to WHO and withdrew from the WHO.

However, now China is no longer a China that is in the second half of the 19th century.The Tao Te Ching said: The strong man who is strong, the weak.In response to the umbrellas of the monk again and again in the United States --- Fortunately-behavior, China no longer endures voices and chose to face the tat.Based on the opposition between the current national political system and many reality and development interests, the competition between China and the United States for global development interests and realistic impacts (leadership) is inevitable.

In the Western Zhou Dynasty, more than 3,000 years ago, the national political system, which was equivalent to the current US federal system, has been established. The complete national system has only been nearly 5,000 years.system.It is only in the 15th century to drop the first wave of global free capitalism led by Europeans. Due to the serious lack of the rule of law and the global vision, which is the western civilization system, it has paid the insults.The heavy price of looting.After the 1980s, China fully recognized the obvious gap between its own and Western civilization, and it took the initiative to integrate into the global development system. Although the modernization process of national governance has just begun, the pace of progress has been unstoppable.

It should be said that China's rise is the natural growth process of human civilization, and the United States is essentially limited to economic and military hegemony but the acquisition and consolidation of real interests.The opposition is essentially the competition of the human civilization system.

Conflicts, institutional conflicts, and individual conflicts are the three fundamental conflicts facing human society today. System conflicts, especially the major factors of continuous and severe conflicts.

So, if there is no institutional conflict (gap), such as the China -US conflict and the Hong Kong issue, will it not exist?Can human beings find a life and development system, and the conflict between personality and interests is included in it, making the coordination of personality and interest conflicts easier?

Since coming to the world, capitalism has been the philosophical basis under the principle of talent human rights.Economically, comprehensively implement privatization and private property protection, and establish a free market -oriented social governance and legal operation mechanism; in national governance, set up legislative, administrative, and judicial three divisions and checks and balances, implement fundamental judicial independence and speechWith the freedom of ideology; in the political system, the implementation of a multi -party system, any political party is just under national power and impossible to become a political concept organization (faction).Talent human rights are based on the presence of individual differences and labor respect for human biological attributes.Orderly flow and grow.

In the past 400 years, the capitalist economy and political system have continued to improve themselves, from freedom and disorder to transnational monopoly (Lenin: Imperialism), and have produced welfare capitalism in the middle of the 20th century, and now developed social capitalism.British development economist Paul Middot; Paul Collier pointed out that in human history, no system can be superior to capitalism, and capitalism has improved human living standards.

The originator of modern standard socialism is German Marx.In essence, Confucius has similar ideological traits as Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period of China. It is a political thinker who has high comprehensive thinking ability and is committed to social reform.During the period of Confucius' life, it was in the process of transition from the entire slavery production method to the feudal system. He systematically edited almost all Chinese historical and cultural classics before him, and created the Confucian ideological and cultural system that inherited the first.

Marx lived in the 19th century Europe, which has gradually formed the world market after the Americas, and brought about the rapid development of social productivity after the Americas.At that time, the rapid development of business and social wealth quickly gathered from all over the world to Europe. People's conceptual concepts and social contradictions have undergone profound changes.The relationship between workers is replaced, and special products such as currency are independent from production relations. As a currency capital, it has become a production factors and social constraints with dominant power.Marx thought and analyzed a series of inherent relationships between goods, currency, productive forces, social contradictions, and private ownership.

Marx tried to find the reason why the system explained this series of complex social issues and found a solution.He systematically studied capitalist production and distribution methods and its corresponding political operation system, and combined with the theoretical buds of modern socialist doctrine and communist concepts, formed its own system (communist) theory of social (communist).

The theory of Marx is based on a relatively complete ideological system based on the combination of philosophy, economics, social revolution, and social ideals.Guidelines make many proletarian, social reformers or thinkers in Europe and the world exclaim and ecstatic.Even quickly drowned a lot of fragmented, unable to system, or had no time to systematically think about the current situation and development trend of human beings and the theoretical construction of the theoretical construction.For a while, there was no job of fighting at all, so I had to fled.

Marx's theoretical constructing heavy crackdown on mdash; mdash; the fundamental fundamental is the lack of MDash; MDASH; capitalist production mode in marketization, rule of law, and social comprehensive governance.Marx almost completely destroyed the entire capitalist production method.Through the capitalist system, Marx and Engels proposed the construction framework of the socialist (communist) system, and thought that it had found (solve) the fundamental system of human life.

But in fact, not only did not, but also introduced humans into a major misunderstanding mdash; MDASH; then a social system based on public ownership, it is impossible to buildBasically violated the reaction of human natural attributes.This institutional idea has a fundamental conflict with human biological attributes, which cannot be accepted and supported by human nature. On the contrary, it is rejected by human basic biological properties.

The reason why the Marne theory is relied on Chinese intellectuals in the early 20th century,At that time, the Chinese intellectuals at that time, on the one hand, eager to find the poor and weakness of China, and were determined to reform and have a strong picture.In Chinese society, there is no condition to have such an integrated thought.At that time in China, although there was a free capitalist production method, the agricultural, small agricultural economy, and handicraft workshops were still produced as the economic subject.The creativity is full of ignorance, ignorance, or even lack of human nature.

China's current governance system stems from the traditional historical and humanistic origin, but also because of the memory of Western aggression after the 19th century and the national political evolution of the Sino -Japanese War in the first half of the 20th century.It can be said that it is a complex that is existing alert to the Western government and adopts some of the advanced governance elements.

The reality of human development has prompted standard capitalism to gradually improve without standards, and it has also prompted standard socialism to continue to reform without any original.Moreover, it is impossible to be the ultimate version, whether it is capitalism or socialism today.

China must fully and freely cultivate global companies like Huawei to develop markets like Huawei.This is the power of freedom, which is a necessary condition for China's comprehensive rise.The inexhaustible motivation to create and promote social development stems from the people.It is necessary to completely break the monopoly of state -owned land and assets, completely hand over the rise and fall of enterprises to the market, allow enterprises to fully compete freely, and to eliminate the soil where the monopoly and vested interests of the interests of interests and vested interests are illegally profitable.Make the trouble of capital and personality in the name of socialism, the illegal possession of economic interests and the obstacles of the natural nature of the individual under political integrity, to be quickly and effectively cracked, and fully realize self -happiness and nation for the general public.The efforts of rapid rise will give fundamental support.

China is in line with the concept of Confucianism in the world, and it is the main building of the human destiny, and it is now in a hand -to -hand -to -hand -to -line state with the power of against globalization.In human society, free markets, legal supremacy, and democratic politics are the most successful and feasible development mechanisms for governance to explore.This is not only the only feasible right way to fully release social productivity in one country, but also the only way to the construction of global governance order.There are no exceptions to China and the United States.

Compared with China's concept of reform and opening up, compared with the progress of continuous self -revolution, the traditional western system has also increasingly showing its own self -proclaimedness.No matter what human society is weird, China should effectively implement the ancient and humility of the ancients, and the nation -and -the -wareness of the ocean.To actively explore and practice high -quality civilization governance mechanisms that are healthy and orderly living in human beings.

(Author: Huang Yuan Beijing scholar, postdoctoral leadership of Oxford University)