The concept of IDENTITY POLITICS appeared in the late 20th century, especially during the American Black People's Rights Movement.In general, recognition of politics refers to political activities that people start in the common interests of collective interests such as gender, race, nation, religion, and sexual orientation in the society.However, because of the agreed political point of the group, and the group is infinitely divided, the recognition of the political institute's category is becoming wider and more deeper, deeper and deeper, and the identification division is becoming more and more subtle.

For example, gender, traditional men and women have so far developed to LGBTQ (ie Lesbian lesbian, gay gay, bisexual bisexuality, transgender transgender person, Queer Calon).With the deepening of science's understanding of gender, it is not surprising that more sex categories will appear in the future.

For another example, the traditional national definition is no longer applicable to today.Originally, it was also a social group of a nation. Due to the different politics or values held by different groups, it can effectively decompose the original national concept.This phenomenon that some people advocated by some people in Taiwan and Hong Kong are this phenomenon.In fact, the combination of politics once combined with values (whether it is moral or secular), it must have an unlimited nature.

Although the results of recognition of politics are often departing from Western liberalism, identity politics is exactly the product of Western liberalism.Liberalism is often combined with the concepts of freedom, democracy, human rights, dignity, fairness, justice, peace, etc., and identifying politics has therefore infinitely attractiveness to various social groups.After identifying politics, some positive results have also produced some social groups that resort to resort to the right to agree with politics.The Supreme Court of the United States has recently passed a historic ruling that Federal Employment Law Protects LGBTQ employees is not discriminated against, and employers should not fix them on the grounds of sexual orientation of these employees.

However, in general, there are only a handful of active results in identity in politics. Most of the satisfaction of the demands only stays at the theoretical and legal level, and there is still a lot of distance from the realization of the demand.According to experience, it is not difficult for people to find that some of the possibility of identity only stays at the theoretical level, almost near Utopia, and it is difficult to truly transform into reality; more recognition, its actual effect isAnd running down.

In actual life, one of the remarkable features of contemporary society is to identify politics to cover class (class) politics and cover up actual inequality with equality.In the West, because of the realization of the one -person and one vote system, the political power generated by political political power is obvious, and it has given everyone an equal status in theory and law.But as everyone is equal in front of God, different gender, race, ethnic, religious and social groups are essentially inequality.

It is a good example from the 1960s to this day from the 1960s.Although people will think that fighting is the only way for equality, in reality, this road must only be a hypothesis, or an ideal that can be obtained.

Guide conflict and disputes

More importantly, identifying politics has become more and more internal conflict between society and international disputes, and even a major source of war.It is not difficult to understand to identify with political guidance conflicts.Agreement of politics is based on the difference between self and others, and even above contradictions.Instead of conflicts within the infinite division of the group in the social group; external conflicts caused by discrimination and demonization of other groups.Once these are manifested in the international community, it has evolved into a conflict between the country.

The internal conflict caused by the identity of politics is the most prominent manifestation of the rise of terrorist power since the end of the Cold War.In the era of social media, people can express and choose the thoughts they need freely, and also use social media to transform their thoughts or acceptance into action.Because the thoughts of free choice from social media often have a cocoon effect, that is, people are wrapped in this very narrow thought, and people's behavior is increasingly radical or even violent.The rise of Islamic State in the Middle East and young people in the Islamic State have this characteristic.

The United States invaded Afghanistan and Iraq in the name of 91 in the United States, setting off the global so -called anti -terrorism war, intensifying the Islamic world in the Middle East and the world. The terrorist attacks carried out in the name of extreme religious beliefs in various places helped the terrorist attacks in various places.Symptoms and white suprematic trends.Islamic extreme terrorism believes that pagans persecute Muslims, so they advocate the world's terrorist attacks on non -Islamic (even Muslims in different factions).

White supremacy uses these jihads as an excuse. I believe that Muslims want to eliminate modern western civilization, so they must kill them.This is also the background of the New Zealand returning church in New Zealand in 2019.Many evidence shows that the Australian young suspects of the cadre case performed alone. He was self -evolution because of contacting the idea of extremely right Nazi.This extremely right idea emphasizes the pure blood of the white race. Therefore, not only is the Muslim because of the 911 incident, but also rejects other non -white people including Jews in Western society.

Obviously, such agreed politics has caused a huge impact on those society of diverse religious beliefs.It is worried that whether it is freedom of speech or social media, it effectively promotes the radicals of recognition of politics, and the radical action will erupt at any time.

If the terrorism generated by political generation is the object of condemnation, then national divisionism that recognize political orientation often has seductive charm and praises people, so it often pose a fatal threat to multi -ethnic countries.The disintegration of the Soviet Union immediately caused the Eastern European countries to be liberated from the Soviet Union. At the same time, identifying politics strengthened the conflict between different ethnic groups within many countries, leading to the disintegration of the original country.Based on human rights above the sovereignty, the West encourages and promotes the disintegration of these countries.It should be pointed out that Western human rights are higher than the principle of sovereignty, which is the product of political identity.

However, this effect of recognition of politics soon extends to Western countries.In 2017, Catalonia, the autonomous region of Spain, held an independent referendum in 2017, causing Spain to fall into a constitutional crisis.Lahiri, the prime minister of Spain, who opposed the tough referendum, decided to prevent the referendum with compulsory means and obtained the support of the Spanish Constitutional Court; the court believed that the referendum was unconstitutional and illegal.

The wealthy Catalonia has always been dissatisfied with paying a heavy tax burden on the central government. The Constitutional Court has previously vetoed Congress to give greater local autonomy and has exacerbated independent emotions.Over the years, resolving the Catalonians have always been a severe challenge facing the Spanish government.

The Catalonians demand that independence is not the only example. Other European countries, including Scottish in the UK, and South Titian in Italy, have long -term local autonomy and separation or independent demands.Scotland failed to hold an independent referendum in 2014.However, after the Brexit referendum, Scotland's independence demand was once again, because the economic development of Scotland depends on the European Union membership.Similarly, South Titrier, mainly German residents, is also dissatisfied with Italy's sovereign debt crisis in 2011, which increased the tax burden of South Tirore, which led to the call for demanding from Italy and returning to Austria.

International conflicts and wars caused by the institutes are even more common.Historically, the early religious war (especially the Crusades) was an identity of politics, because people only agreed with their God and could not tolerate other people's God.After modern times, with the intensification of industrialization, commercialization, and secularization, the Western world often conflicts and war between countries often occur for interests.

Many forms of war between Western countries, including imperialist war, colonial war, and American -style occupation.During the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, although the two countries were a dispute over secular interests, the secular interests were effectively ideologized or valuable; the opposition between the two camps was also largely reflected in the recognition of politics.

After the Cold War, Harvard University quickly appeared againProfessor Huntington's civilized conflict.The world seems to return to the era of religious conflicts.Hunington's civilization conflict with historical religious conflicts, the difference is that the author adds worldly democracy (recognition of political) factor on religion (civilization).For example, Huntington believes that China and Japan do not belong to the same civilization because Japan is already a democratic country and belongs to democratic civilization.

This identity politics with secular phenomena is intensified after the Cold War.After the terrorist attack on September 1, the Bush government started the war on terror and proposed that it would be or not to stand with me, or it was the principle of my enemy to shape the democratic value alliance internationally.In the Obama administration, the United States does not emphasize the so -called value alliance, but its allies Japan and Australia and other countries have become the enthusiastic advocates of the value alliance.

Agreement based on democracy

Today, around Sino -US relations, China and the international community, the recognition politics above democracy has become the theme of international politics.

A comment written by Joachim Voth, a professor of macroeconomics at the University of Swiss financial and economic newspapers, comments entitled by the competition entitled plague and system competition, which is a typical example of political shaping.The scholar once proposed earlier this year (March) that as long as the Chinese continue to sell and eat wildlife, Western countries should restrict the entry of Chinese people.This time, Watt suggested again that as long as China is not democratic, it will not be able to properly respond to the next epidemic, so Western countries should restrict the entry of Chinese people.

Water noticed that after the outbreak, some people continued to admire China's authoritarian system, and they could take strong measures at all costs to achieve more efficient epidemic prevention results than Western countries.However, the author believes that Chinese cases cannot explain the effectiveness of autocracy, because autocratic politics such as Russia and Iran defeat in this epidemic.

Although European and American countries have also announced their emergency in the process of responding to the Coronary Virus epidemic, and have made many restrictions on the basic rights of citizens, the democratic system can always compete with the system with no reserved reflection ability, party competition, and opening up.The opponent finds his own problem faster.

Democracy is a system with high learning ability.When all the people need to make sacrifice and dedication, the government with the legitimacy of the election is irreplaceable.A major lesson of history is that in the long run, democracy is always better than authoritarian.The author is worried about democratic skepticism that has begun to be popular in the West.This is unique, but the author transformed this concern into criticism and condemnation of Chinese autocracy, which is to identify with politics.

In fact, this demonization of China to strengthen Western democracy has begun to prevail in recent times.

In the United States, the hardliners and conservative political elites, whether it is government officials or members of Congress, simply use the CCP's concept to replace China.It is because the differences in the Sino -US system are regarded as the root cause of the Sino -US conflict.

US Secretary of State Pompeo in the form of a video in the form of video in the form of video in the Copenhagen Democratic Peak Conference in Danish was typical.Pompeo criticized the CCP's hostile democratic values, threatened the countries around the world, and called on European allies not to make choices between the United States and China, but to choose between freedom and tyranny.

In order to cope with China's 5G technology, the British government proposes to replace the original Seven Kingdoms Group (G7) with 10 national owners group or 10 national league (D10), that is, on the basis of the original seven nations, coupled with Australia and IndiaAnd South Korea.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, the Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication of Korea said on June 15 that the artificial intelligence Global Cooperation Organization (GPAI), which aims to promote the development and application of artificial intelligence, was officially established on the same day.Germany, France, New Zealand, Britain, Canada, Australia, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Slovenia, Mexico and other 14 countries joined the organization.GPAI aims to solve hot issues in the field of artificial intelligence based on the principles of human rights, tolerance, diversity, innovation, economic growth, and social interests, and contribute to the achievement of the UN sustainable development goals.

It is not difficult to see from the actions of the United Kingdom and South Korea that these countries exclude China based on recognition of politics (recognition of democracy), or directly placed China on the opposite side.

Obviously, the recognition of politics has risen from social individuals and groups to sovereign countries' identification of themselves and rejection of other countries.As explained earlier, identifying politics and conflict is inherently related.If recognition of politics has led to endless conflicts within a society, and identity politics will inevitably lead to conflict between countries and even war.In addition, historical experience shows that the conflict and war caused by the recognition of secular value religious and moralization have greater violent energy.

Sadly, whether it is the inside of a country or the relationship between the country, the general trend of the world today is the enhancement of politics.In the world where nationalism and populism prevail, both civilians and elites have fallen into traps that identify with politics, and they are deeply trapped.

(The author is a professor at the National University of Singapore and East Asia)

The article only represents personal point of view